4 research outputs found

    Dynamics of indicators of respiratory function in elderly men under the influence of rehabilitation measures in the immobilization period of the disease after the fractures of the tibial plateau

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    Purpose: to determine the effectiveness and justify the use of physical rehabilitation on respiratory function of patients with older men who are in immabilizatsionom period of the disease after the fractures of the tibial plateau. Material & Methods: analysis of special scientific and methodical literature; analysis of medical records of patients under study; methods of research indicators of respiratory function; methods of mathematical statistics. Analyzed contingent – 15 male patients of advanced age who are in a hospital in the immobilization period after fractures of the tibial plateau. Results: the studies showed significant positive changes in lung function in patients with elderly men under the influence of the proposed complex physical rehabilitation. Conclusions: the proposed complex of physical rehabilitation can be used in hospital patients who are in the immobilization period (bed, motor mode) after the fractures of the tibial plateau with a view to improving respiratory function and prevention of complications in the respiratory system due to the reduction of motor activity after the injury

    Physio-balneotherapy factors in the complex treatment of patients with gouty arthritis at the sanatorium stage of rehabilitation

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    Purpose: to analyze and summarize the main approaches to the appointment of the main physiotherapeutic and balneological factors in the complex treatment of patients with gouty arthritis in the conditions of sanatorium treatment. Material & Methods: analysis of modern scientific and scientific-methodological literature on the problem of physical rehabilitation of patients with gout. Results: the main approaches to the appointment of modern methods of physiotherapy in combination with hydropathic and mud factors in the complex treatment of patients with gouty arthritis at the sanatorium stage of rehabilitation. Conclusions: the results of the study can be used as a basis for compiling a comprehensive physical rehabilitation program for patients with gouty arthritis in a sanatorium stage of rehabilitation

    A method of enhancing the antimicrobial action of antiseptics

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    Спосіб посилення антимікробної дії шляхом сумісного застосування антисептика та антиоксиданту, відрізняється тим, що як антиоксидант використовується нанокристалічний діоксид церію стабілізований цитратом натрію розміром частинок 2-7 нм.Способ усиления антимикробного действия путем совместного применения антисептика и антиоксиданта, отличается тем, что в качестве антиоксиданта используется нанокристаллический диоксид церия стабилизированный цитратом натрия размером частиц 2-7 нм.The method of enhancing antimicrobial action by the combined use of an antiseptic and an antioxidant is characterized in that nanocrystalline cerium dioxide stabilized with sodium citrate with a particle size of 2-7 nm is used as an antioxidant