13 research outputs found

    Breast cancer epidemiology in young women

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    Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in the population of women. Among young women, breast cancer incidence is 5-18% throughout different countries of the world. Young age for the appearance of breast cancer in woman is considered to be under 40 years of age. We wanted to research the epidemiologic data and incidence of breast cancer in a population of young women. This was a retrospective study. Data were gathered from medical documentation in the Department of Surgery of Clinical Hospital Centre Osijek. The total number of patients operated with breast cancer was (N = 1654) in period 2004-2011. Out of this number 71 (4.29 %) were < 40 years and 1583 (95.71%) were ā‰„ 40 years. The incidence trend in young women seems to be stable. Breast cancer incidence in the general population is increasing according to the National mammographic screening program

    Correlation of the personality traits and sociodemographic factors in patients with mood disorders and suicidal behavior

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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja je procjena i prepoznavanje specifičnih osobina ličnosti kod suicidalnih bolesnika sa poremećajem raspoloženja (povratni depresivni poremećaj i bipolarno afektivni poremećaj) i kod nesuicidalnih bolesnika sa navedenim poremećajem raspoloženja. Ispitanici i metode: Ovo istraživanje obuhvatilo je ukupno 119 bolesnika sa dijagnozom povratnog depresivnog poremećaja - depresivna epizoda bez psihotičnih simptoma i dijagnozom bipolarno afektivnog poremećaja - depresivna epizoda bez psihotičnih simptoma, prema dijagnostičkim kriterijima MKB-10. Provođeno je od studenog 2012. godine do rujna 2015. godine na Klinici za psihijatriju pri KBC Osijek. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine - eksperimentalnu (suicidalni bolesnici s poremećajem raspoloženja) i kontrolnu (nesuicidalni bolesnici sa poremećajem raspoloženja). Dimenzije ličnosti, težine poremećaja i suicidalnosti su procjenjivane 1. dan (unutar 72h od prijema) i 21. dan liječenja. Procjenski intrumenti primjenjivani u obje skupine su bili: ā€žTemperament and Character Inventoryā€œ(TCI) za procjenu dimenzija ličnosti 1. i 21.dan; ā€žColumbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scaleā€œ(C-SSRS) u skupini suicidalnih bolesnika 1. i 21. dan; ā€žReason for Living Inventoryā€œ(RFL) u obje skupine 1. dan; ā€žHamilton Depression Rating Scaleā€œ(HAM-D) u obje skupine 1. i 21. dan, te polu-strukturirani sociodemografski upitnik. Rezultati: U skupini bolesnika sa suicidalnim idejama (neovisno o poremećaju raspoloženja), kod prijema, dobili smo značajno viÅ”e vrijednosti u dimenziji temperamenta i karaktera izbjegavanje Å”tete (HA) (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001), a značajno niže vrijednosti za dimenziju upornost (P) (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,04), samo-vođenja (SD) (Mann Whitney 130 U Test; P<0,001) te kod suradnje (C) (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,001). Kod otpusta suicidalni bolesnici zadržavaju značajno viÅ”e vrijednosti u dimenziji HA (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001), značajno niže vrijednosti dimenzije SD (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001) i dimenzije C (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,002). Navedeni rezultati potvrđeni su detaljnom analizom suicidalnih bolesnika prema nesuicidalnima u odnosu na karakteristike ličnosti i intenzitet suicidalnog ponaÅ”anja. U skupini suicidalnih bolesnika, naspram skupine nesuicidalnih, dobili smo značajno niže vrijednosti na cijelom instrumentu procjene razloga za život (RFL) (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001). Na naÅ”em uzorku nismo dokazali utjecaj sociodemografskih čimbenika na suicidalno ponaÅ”anje.Suicide and mood disorders represent a major global public health problem. Depressive disorder and bipolar disorder are associated with increased risk for suicide. Beside the existing disorder, underlaying personality traits may be the factor which could influence the appearance of specific mood disorder and suicidal behavior. Aim of the research: The aim of this research was to evaluate and recognize the specific personality traits in patients with mood disorders (recurrent depressive disorder and bipolar disorder) who had suicidal ideation and attempt in comparison to non-suicidal patients with respective mood disorders. Participants and Methods: Our sample consisted of 119 unrelated patients (both male and female) who were suffering form recurrent depressive disorder - depressive episode without psychotic symptoms and bipolar disorder - depressive episode without psychotic symptoms, according to ICD-10 diagnostic criteria. The research was conducted from November 2012 to September 2015 on Deparment of Psychiatry, University Hospital Centre Osijek. The patients were divided in two groups, experimental (patients with mood disorder and suicide ideation/attempt) and control group (non-suicidal patients with mood disorder). Personality traits, severity of depression and suicidal ideation were assessed on the first day (within 72h upon addmittion) and on the 21st day of treatment. The battery of instruments used for assessment was: ā€žTemperament and Character Inventoryā€œ(TCI) for personality traits on the 1st and 21st day; ā€žColumbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scaleā€œ(C-SSRS) in the group od suicidal patients on the 1st and 21st day; ā€žReason for Living Inventoryā€œ(RFL) in both groups on the 1st day; ā€žHamilton Depression Rating Scaleā€œ(HAM-D) in both groups on 1st and 21st day and semi-structured sociodemographic questionnaire. 132 Results: In the group of suicidal patients (regradless the mood disorder), upon admittion, we found significantly higher scores on the harm-avoidance (HA) temperament dimension (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001) and significantly lower scores on persistence (P) (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,04), self-directedness (SD) (Mann Whitney U Test; P<0,001) and on cooperativeness (C) (Mann Whitney U Test; P=0,001). On the 21st day in the group of suicidal patients there were stil significantly higher scores on HA dimension (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001) and significantly lower scores on SD dimension (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001) and C dimension (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,002). These results were confirmed with detailed analysis of the suicidal and non-suicidal group in relation to personality traits and intensity of suicidal behavior. When compared to non-suicidal group, the group of patients with suicidal attempt had significantly lower scores on the complete RFL assessment instrument (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001). On our sample we did not confirm the influence of sociodemographic factors on suicidal behavior. Conclusion: High score in harm-avoidance (HA) dimension with low scores in self-directedness (SD), cooperativeness (CO) and persistence (P) were present in the group of suicidal patients with mood disorders upon addmittance and discharge. We assume that the presence of these specific personality traits may determine possible future risk for suicidal behavior in the mentioned group of patients. The results on our sample, confirmed and corroborated relatively new hypothesis for existance stable (not state-dependent) personality traits which could affect individual vulnerability for development of depressive disorder and suicidal behavior

    Pharmacotherapy of Suicidal Behaviour in Major Depression, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

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    The psychopathological dynamics in suicidality overcomes actual diagnostic distribution therefore pharmacotherapy has restricted role in overall prevention of suicidal behaviour among mentally ill and is demanding for clinician. This role is achieved through reduction and alleviation of suicidal risk with rational and individual pharmacotherapeutic approach emphasising effective, safe and tolerable treatment. The genetic and epigenetic factors, dysfunction of neuro- transmitter, neuroendocrine system and stress response system has been determining for neurobiology of suicidality. Therefore, pharmacotherapeutic approach should be focused, not only on prevention and reduction of suicidality, but ad- justed for general and diagnosis-specific risk factors. Suicidality represents trans-diagnostic issue, however making the correct diagnosis is of great importance. Identical group of psychiatric medications or even the same drug, could be palli- ating for suicidal behaviour in one diagnostic category and in other aggravating concerning suicidal ideations. Clini- cian should be reserved towards epidemiological studies about reducing suicidal rate due to increased consumption of antidepressants. Detailed data analysis showed there is no relevancy which antidepressants were given to specific pa- tient, in what age and phase of illness. The FDA has issued warnings about possible increased risk of suicidal behaviour in children and adolescents when given antidepressant therapy. In general, serotoninergic drugs have neutral or mildly protective effect on potential suicidal behaviour while noradrenergic drugs may have activating effect or could even worsen suicidal ideation in certain phase of the illness. When given in appropriate dose and the right time, dual or noradrenergic antidepressants, could also have good protective impact on specific patient. In patients with bipolar disor- der, antidepressive drug could be trigger for suicidal behaviour. Greater susceptibility when diagnosing bipolar disorder and broader usage of mood stablizing medications, alone or combined with other psychopharmacotherapy, has the sig- nificant role in suppression and elimination of suicidal behaviour. The lithium and sodium valproate are found to be particularly suitable for prevention and elimination of suicidal behaviour along with some other mood stabilizers. Phar- macohterapy of suicidality in patients with schizophrenia represents specific problem. Confirmed drug with anti-suici- dal effect, clozapine, is not first choice medication and does not represent general solution for suicidality in schizophrenia. For clinician, the pharmacotherapy of suicidal behaviour consists of skilled individual and rational drug administration accompanied with appropriate psychotherapeutic support

    Rak dojke u mladih žena: patoloŔka i imunohistokemijska obilježja

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    A young woman with breast cancer is considered to be a woman younger than 40. According to the literature, breast cancer in the population of young women usually is of a higher histologic grade, unfavorable hormonal status, and overall higher mortality rate when compared with breast cancer occurring in older population. We compared pathologic and immunohistochemical features of breast carcinoma in women under 40 years of age with the respective features in women over 60 years of age. The following parameters were observed in these two groups: tumor size, lymph node status, histologic grade, hormonal receptor status, Ki-67 prognostic index, Her2/neu status, and histologic type of the tumor. Early onset breast carcinoma was found to have a higher frequency of tumor grade 3 (29% vs. 17%) and estrogen receptor negativity (45% vs. 23%). In the group of young women, breast carcinoma was mostly multicentric (23% vs. 5%), triple-negative (32% vs. 10%), and was found to have higher proliferation index Ki-67 (25% vs. 10%). Our results confirmed differences between the young and older groups of patients. In the group of young women, we found predominantly unfavorable prognostic parameters of the disease.Mladom ženom s rakom dojke smatra se žena mlađa od 40 godina. Prema literaturi rak dojke u populaciji mladih žena ima obično viÅ”i histoloÅ”ki stupanj i nepovoljan hormonski status. Puno je veći postotak smrtnosti u mladoj populaciji nego kada se karcinom javlja u starijoj životnoj dobi. Usporedili smo patoloÅ”ka i imunohistokemijska obilježja karcinoma dojke kod žena ispod 40 godina s odgovarajućim obilježjima među ženama iznad 60 godina. Sljedeći parametri su promatrani kod ove dvije skupine: veličina tumora, stanje limfnih čvorova, histoloÅ”ki gradus, status hormonskih receptora, prognostički indeks Ki-67, status Her2/neu i histoloÅ”ki tip tumora. Za karcinom dojke kod mladih žena utvrđeno je da ima veću učestalost tumora histoloÅ”kog gradusa 3 (29% prema 17%) i negativnog statusa estrogenskih receptora (45% prema 23%). U skupini mladih žena rak dojke je uglavnom multicentričan (23% prema 5%), trostruko negativan (32% prema 10%) i ustanovljeno je da ima veći proliferacijski indeks Ki-67 (25% prema 10%). NaÅ”i rezultati potvrđuju razlike između mlade i starije skupine bolesnica. U skupini mladih žena utvrđeni su pretežito nepovoljni prognostički parametri bolesti

    Neovisni čimbenici za loŔu prognozu kod mladih bolesnica s rakom dojke I.-III. stadija

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    Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in the population of women under 40 years of age. Young age is an independent factor for poor prognosis. In this research, we tried to establish other factors for poor prognosis in stage I-III breast cancer. The following parameters were observed: tumor size, lymph node status, histologic grade, hormonal receptor status, Ki-67 prognostic index, Her2 neu status, histologic type of the tumor, local recurrence and metastases. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the effect of specific factors on the probability of lethal outcome and development of distant metastases. Our patients showed a predominance of T1 tumor (49.4%), had positive lymph nodes (62%) and most of them were pN1 (61.2%). Up to one-third of patients had triple negative status. Ki-67 proliferation index was high (25%). Multicentric tumor was detected in 23% of patients. There was no difference in overall survival between the two types of surgical procedures. Patients with pN0 status had better overall survival. Breast cancer in the population of young women has a more aggressive nature. Study results indicated positive lymph node status as an independent factor for poor prognosis of stage I-III breast cancer.Rak dojke je najčeŔći zloćudni tumor u populaciji žena u dobi ispod 40 godina. Mlada dob je neovisan čimbenik za loÅ”u prognozu. Željeli smo utvrditi i druge čimbenike loÅ”e prognoze kod raka dojke I.-III. stadija kod mlade populacije žena. Uzeli smo u obzir sljedeće parametre: veličinu tumora, stanje limfnih čvorova, histoloÅ”ki stupanj, status hormonskih receptora, Ki-67 prognostički indeks, HER 2 neu status, histoloÅ”ki tip tumora, lokalni recidiv i razvoj udaljenih metastaza. Logistička regresija koriÅ”tena je za procjenu utjecaja čimbenika na vjerojatnost smrtnog ishoda i razvoja udaljenih metastaza. NaÅ”e bolesnice imale su većinom tumor T1 (49,4%), pozitivne limfne čvorove (62%), a većina njih bile su pN1 (61,2%). Do jedne trećine bolesnica imale su trostruko negativan hormonski status. Ki-67 indeks proliferacije bio je visokih 25%. NaÅ”li smo učestalost multicentričnog tumora kod 23% bolesnice. Nije bilo razlike u preživljenju između dviju vrsta kirurÅ”kog zahvata. Bolesnice sa statusom limfnih čvorova pN0 imale su bolje preživljenje. Rak dojke kod mlade populacije žena ima agresivniju prirodu. Rezultati istraživanja ukazali su na pozitivan status limfnih čvorova kao nezavisan čimbenik za loÅ”u prognozu raka dojke I.-III. stadija

    Dementia and Legal Competency

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    The legal competency or capability to exercise rights is level of judgment and decision-making ability needed to manage one\u27s own affairs and to sign official documents. With some exceptions, the person entitles this right in age of majority. It is acquired without legal procedures, however the annulment of legal capacity requires a juristic process. This resolution may not be final and could be revoked thorough the procedure of reverting legal capacity ā€“ fully or partially. Given the increasing number of persons with dementia, they are often subjects of legal expertise concerning their legal capacity. On the other part, emphasis on the civil rights of mentally ill also demands their maximal protection. Therefore such distinctive issue is approached with particular attention. The approach in determination of legal competency is more focused on gradation of it\u27s particular aspects instead of existing dual concept: legally capable ā€“ legally incapable. The main assumption represents how person with dementia is legally capable and should enjoy all the rights, privileges and obligations as other citizens do. The aspects of legal competency for which person with dementia is going to be deprived, due to protection of one\u27s rights and interests, are determined in legal procedure and then passed over to the guardian decided by court. Partial annulment of legal competency is measure applied when there is even one existing aspect of preserved legal capability (pension disposition, salary or pension disposition, ability of concluding contract, making testament, concluding marriage, divorce, choosing whereabouts, independent living, right to vote, right to decide course of treatment ect.). This measure is most often in favour of the patient and rarely for protection of other persons and their interests. Physicians are expected to precisely describe early dementia symptoms which may influence assessment of specific aspects involved in legal capacity (memory loss, impaired task execution, language difficulties, loosing perception of time and space, changes in mood and behaviour, personality alterations, loss of interests and initiative). Towards more accurate determination of legal competency the psychometric tests are being used. The appliance of these tests must be guided with basic question during evaluation: ā€žFor what is or is not he/she capable?Ā« In prediction of possible dementia development, the modern diagnostic procedures are used as help for potentially demented individuals in order to plan own affairs and by oneself determine future guardian. This ensures the maximal respect and protection of rights among persons with dementia in order to independently manage life one step ahead of progressive illness. Finally, it is to be distinguished medical concept of legal capacity which is universal and judicial concept which is restricted by rules of national legal system differing from country to country

    Dementia and Legal Competency

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    The legal competency or capability to exercise rights is level of judgment and decision-making ability needed to manage one\u27s own affairs and to sign official documents. With some exceptions, the person entitles this right in age of majority. It is acquired without legal procedures, however the annulment of legal capacity requires a juristic process. This resolution may not be final and could be revoked thorough the procedure of reverting legal capacity ā€“ fully or partially. Given the increasing number of persons with dementia, they are often subjects of legal expertise concerning their legal capacity. On the other part, emphasis on the civil rights of mentally ill also demands their maximal protection. Therefore such distinctive issue is approached with particular attention. The approach in determination of legal competency is more focused on gradation of it\u27s particular aspects instead of existing dual concept: legally capable ā€“ legally incapable. The main assumption represents how person with dementia is legally capable and should enjoy all the rights, privileges and obligations as other citizens do. The aspects of legal competency for which person with dementia is going to be deprived, due to protection of one\u27s rights and interests, are determined in legal procedure and then passed over to the guardian decided by court. Partial annulment of legal competency is measure applied when there is even one existing aspect of preserved legal capability (pension disposition, salary or pension disposition, ability of concluding contract, making testament, concluding marriage, divorce, choosing whereabouts, independent living, right to vote, right to decide course of treatment ect.). This measure is most often in favour of the patient and rarely for protection of other persons and their interests. Physicians are expected to precisely describe early dementia symptoms which may influence assessment of specific aspects involved in legal capacity (memory loss, impaired task execution, language difficulties, loosing perception of time and space, changes in mood and behaviour, personality alterations, loss of interests and initiative). Towards more accurate determination of legal competency the psychometric tests are being used. The appliance of these tests must be guided with basic question during evaluation: ā€žFor what is or is not he/she capable?Ā« In prediction of possible dementia development, the modern diagnostic procedures are used as help for potentially demented individuals in order to plan own affairs and by oneself determine future guardian. This ensures the maximal respect and protection of rights among persons with dementia in order to independently manage life one step ahead of progressive illness. Finally, it is to be distinguished medical concept of legal capacity which is universal and judicial concept which is restricted by rules of national legal system differing from country to country


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    Background: Suicide and mood disorders (especially major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar affective disorder (BD)) represent a significant global health burden. Major depressive disorder and bipolar affective disorder have been associated with increased risk for suicide. Some specific suicide risk factors might be found in underlying individual personality traits. Specific personality features may predispose an individual to mood disorders (MDD or BD) hence increased suicide risk. The specificity of this research is in the assessment of personality features during the acute phase of illness immediately after suicide attempt which resulted in psychiatric inpatient treatment. Subjects and methods: The study included 119 unrelated Caucasian participants with MDD-severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms (MDD) and BD-severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms (BD-sDE). Both groups of patients with MDD and BD-sDE were divided into the suicide attempters and non-suicidal group. The diagnoses of the severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms in major depressive disorder (MDD; F32.2) and bipolar disorder (BD-sDE; F31.4) were made according to ICD-10 (WHO 1992) diagnostic criteria. Methods of suicide attempts were also assessed according to ICD-10 and a self-report questionnaire, the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) was applied. Results: The participants who exhibited suicide attempt had significantly higher scores on harm-avoidance (HA) (p<0.001), significantly lower score on persistence (PS) (p=0.037) and lower score, however not statistically significant, on novelty-seeking (NS) (p=0.319) regarding temperament dimensions. In character dimensions, the patients with suicidal attempt had significantly lower scores on self-directedness (SD) (p<0.001) and significantly lower scores on cooperativeness (CO) (p=0.001). Conclusion: Patients who had suicide attempt may have some significantly different personality traits than non-suicidal patients with mood disorders. The combination of high harm-avoidance (HA) and low self-directedness (SD) may be specific for depressive episode while the combination of high HA, novelty-seeking (NS), and self-transcendence (ST) with low SD may be related to suicide attempts during the depressive episode in bipolar disorder. The novelty-seeking (NS), self-transcendence (ST) and self-directedness (SD) may be specific for suicidal group of bipolar patients

    Correlation of the personality traits and sociodemographic factors in patients with mood disorders and suicidal behavior

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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja je procjena i prepoznavanje specifičnih osobina ličnosti kod suicidalnih bolesnika sa poremećajem raspoloženja (povratni depresivni poremećaj i bipolarno afektivni poremećaj) i kod nesuicidalnih bolesnika sa navedenim poremećajem raspoloženja. Ispitanici i metode: Ovo istraživanje obuhvatilo je ukupno 119 bolesnika sa dijagnozom povratnog depresivnog poremećaja - depresivna epizoda bez psihotičnih simptoma i dijagnozom bipolarno afektivnog poremećaja - depresivna epizoda bez psihotičnih simptoma, prema dijagnostičkim kriterijima MKB-10. Provođeno je od studenog 2012. godine do rujna 2015. godine na Klinici za psihijatriju pri KBC Osijek. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine - eksperimentalnu (suicidalni bolesnici s poremećajem raspoloženja) i kontrolnu (nesuicidalni bolesnici sa poremećajem raspoloženja). Dimenzije ličnosti, težine poremećaja i suicidalnosti su procjenjivane 1. dan (unutar 72h od prijema) i 21. dan liječenja. Procjenski intrumenti primjenjivani u obje skupine su bili: ā€žTemperament and Character Inventoryā€œ(TCI) za procjenu dimenzija ličnosti 1. i 21.dan; ā€žColumbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scaleā€œ(C-SSRS) u skupini suicidalnih bolesnika 1. i 21. dan; ā€žReason for Living Inventoryā€œ(RFL) u obje skupine 1. dan; ā€žHamilton Depression Rating Scaleā€œ(HAM-D) u obje skupine 1. i 21. dan, te polu-strukturirani sociodemografski upitnik. Rezultati: U skupini bolesnika sa suicidalnim idejama (neovisno o poremećaju raspoloženja), kod prijema, dobili smo značajno viÅ”e vrijednosti u dimenziji temperamenta i karaktera izbjegavanje Å”tete (HA) (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001), a značajno niže vrijednosti za dimenziju upornost (P) (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,04), samo-vođenja (SD) (Mann Whitney 130 U Test; P<0,001) te kod suradnje (C) (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,001). Kod otpusta suicidalni bolesnici zadržavaju značajno viÅ”e vrijednosti u dimenziji HA (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001), značajno niže vrijednosti dimenzije SD (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001) i dimenzije C (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,002). Navedeni rezultati potvrđeni su detaljnom analizom suicidalnih bolesnika prema nesuicidalnima u odnosu na karakteristike ličnosti i intenzitet suicidalnog ponaÅ”anja. U skupini suicidalnih bolesnika, naspram skupine nesuicidalnih, dobili smo značajno niže vrijednosti na cijelom instrumentu procjene razloga za život (RFL) (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001). Na naÅ”em uzorku nismo dokazali utjecaj sociodemografskih čimbenika na suicidalno ponaÅ”anje.Suicide and mood disorders represent a major global public health problem. Depressive disorder and bipolar disorder are associated with increased risk for suicide. Beside the existing disorder, underlaying personality traits may be the factor which could influence the appearance of specific mood disorder and suicidal behavior. Aim of the research: The aim of this research was to evaluate and recognize the specific personality traits in patients with mood disorders (recurrent depressive disorder and bipolar disorder) who had suicidal ideation and attempt in comparison to non-suicidal patients with respective mood disorders. Participants and Methods: Our sample consisted of 119 unrelated patients (both male and female) who were suffering form recurrent depressive disorder - depressive episode without psychotic symptoms and bipolar disorder - depressive episode without psychotic symptoms, according to ICD-10 diagnostic criteria. The research was conducted from November 2012 to September 2015 on Deparment of Psychiatry, University Hospital Centre Osijek. The patients were divided in two groups, experimental (patients with mood disorder and suicide ideation/attempt) and control group (non-suicidal patients with mood disorder). Personality traits, severity of depression and suicidal ideation were assessed on the first day (within 72h upon addmittion) and on the 21st day of treatment. The battery of instruments used for assessment was: ā€žTemperament and Character Inventoryā€œ(TCI) for personality traits on the 1st and 21st day; ā€žColumbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scaleā€œ(C-SSRS) in the group od suicidal patients on the 1st and 21st day; ā€žReason for Living Inventoryā€œ(RFL) in both groups on the 1st day; ā€žHamilton Depression Rating Scaleā€œ(HAM-D) in both groups on 1st and 21st day and semi-structured sociodemographic questionnaire. 132 Results: In the group of suicidal patients (regradless the mood disorder), upon admittion, we found significantly higher scores on the harm-avoidance (HA) temperament dimension (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001) and significantly lower scores on persistence (P) (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,04), self-directedness (SD) (Mann Whitney U Test; P<0,001) and on cooperativeness (C) (Mann Whitney U Test; P=0,001). On the 21st day in the group of suicidal patients there were stil significantly higher scores on HA dimension (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001) and significantly lower scores on SD dimension (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001) and C dimension (Mann Whitney U Test, P=0,002). These results were confirmed with detailed analysis of the suicidal and non-suicidal group in relation to personality traits and intensity of suicidal behavior. When compared to non-suicidal group, the group of patients with suicidal attempt had significantly lower scores on the complete RFL assessment instrument (Mann Whitney U Test, P<0,001). On our sample we did not confirm the influence of sociodemographic factors on suicidal behavior. Conclusion: High score in harm-avoidance (HA) dimension with low scores in self-directedness (SD), cooperativeness (CO) and persistence (P) were present in the group of suicidal patients with mood disorders upon addmittance and discharge. We assume that the presence of these specific personality traits may determine possible future risk for suicidal behavior in the mentioned group of patients. The results on our sample, confirmed and corroborated relatively new hypothesis for existance stable (not state-dependent) personality traits which could affect individual vulnerability for development of depressive disorder and suicidal behavior