12 research outputs found

    Craniofacial characteristics of Croatian and Syrian populations

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    Craniofacial area is apart of the human body which undergoes the greatest changes during development and is characterized by uneven growth. External and internal factors affect the growth and development of craniofacial structures. They are responsible for the occurrence of specific craniofacial characteristics in different races or populations within the same race. The present study investigates the possible differences of the basic head and face shapes between the Croatian and Syrian populations. The sample included 400 subjects of both sexes aged 18-24 years and was divided into a Croatian and a Syrian group with 200 subjects each. Six variables defined according to Martin and Saller were measured by standard anthropometric instruments. The results of the study demonstrated statistically significant differences between our subjects in all variables except face width. The dolichocephalic head type and the mesoprosopic face type were predominant in the Croatian population, while the brachycephalic head type and the euryprosopic face type dominated in the Syrian population

    Do Parathyroid Glands from Individuals of Different Age and Gender Contain Lymph Vessels?

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    Whereas lymph vessels in some endocrine glands have been thoroughly investigated, data on these vessels in human parathyroid glands are often contradictory and deficient in available literature. Therefore, the aim of this study was to histomorphologically investigate whether lymph vessels could be found in human parathyroid glands postnatally and, if so, whether their presence was age- and gender-dependent. A total of 44 parathyroid glands from subjects of both genders, aged 4ā€“90 years, were studied. The glands were divided into three groups. Those from the 1st and the 2nd age group demonstrated similar morphological structure of parenchyma with predominant chief cells with pale-staining cytoplasm, while the frequency of lymph vessels was lower in the 2nd group. Unlike in these groups, chief cells with dark- staining cytoplasm predominated in the glandular parenchyma of the 3rd age group where lymph vessels were not found in any of the examined glands. The frequency of lymph vessels in parathyroid glands was almost the same for both genders. Histomorphologic occurrence of lymph vessels coincided with the presence of endocrine cells with pale-staining cytoplasm, which allowed the assumption that lymph vessels were also one of the signs of functional activity of human parathyroid glands

    Craniofacial Characteristics of Croatian and Syrian Populations

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    Craniofacial area is a part of the human body which undergoes the greatest changes during development and is characterized by uneven growth. External and internal factors affect the growth and development of craniofacial structures. They are responsible for the occurrence of specific craniofacial characteristics in different races or populations within the same race. The present study investigates the possible differences of the basic head and face shapes between the Croatian and Syrian populations. The sample included 400 subjects of both sexes aged 18ā€“24 years and was divided into a Croatian and a Syrian group with 200 subjects each. Six variables defined according to Martin and Saller were measured by standard anthropometric instruments19. The results of the study demonstrated statistically significant differences between our subjects in all variables except face width. The dolichocephalic head type and the mesoprosopic face type were predominant in the Croatian population, while the brachycephalic head type and the euryprosopic face type dominated in the Syrian population

    Chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11 in the pathogenesis of enteroviral meningitis

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    Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi profil kemokina CXCL10 i CXCL11 u krvi i CSL-u u djece oboljele od NPEV AM i analizirati postojeći kemokinski gradijent te ga usporediti s onim u bolesnika iz kontrolne skupine. Ispitanici i metode: U studiju je uključeno 84 bolesnika; 55 bolesnika s dokazanim NPEV AM i 29 bolesnika u kontrolnoj skupini u kojih je upalna bolest SŽS-a isključena na temelju urednog citoloÅ”kog i biokemijskog nalaza CSL-a. EtioloÅ”ka dijagnoza NPEV AM dokazana je detekcijom enterovirusne RNA u CSL-u PCR metodom. Koncentracija kemokina određena je standardiziranim kvantitativnim enzimskim imunotestovima. Rezultati: Analizirajući CSL obje skupine ispitanika, kod ispitanika s NPEV AM kemokini CXCL10 (median 21,3 ng/mL) i CXCL11 (median 0,24 ng/mL) su detektirani u viÅ”im koncentracijama u odnosu na kontrolne ispitanike (CXCL10 medijan 0,26 ng/mL), (CXCL11 medijan 0,21 ng/mL). Serumske koncentracije CXCL10 u NPEV AM ispitanika (medijan 0,27 ng/mL) i kontrolnih ispitanika (CXCL10 medijan 0,21 ng/mL) nisu se značajnije razlikovale. Serumske koncentracije CXCL11 bile su u obje skupine jednake ili neÅ”to niže u NPEV AM skupini. Kod NPEV AM bolesnika utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između likvorskih koncentracija CXCL10, te CXCL10 gradijenta i pleocitoze u CSL-u. Zaključak: Za NPEV AM karakteristične su poviÅ”ene vrijednosti kemokina CXCL10 i CXCL11 u CSLu. Stvaranje CXCL10 koncentracijskog gradijenta između CSL-a i plazme samo je jedan od mnoÅ”tva faktora koji, u obliku lokalnog imunoloÅ”kog odgovora na NPEV infekciju, utječe na migraciju upalnih stanica u SŽS.Aim: To define the role of chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11 and chemokine concentration gradient between the peripheral blood and CNS in immunopathogenesis of non polio enteroviral aseptic meningitis (NPEV AM). Patients and methods: The study included 84 pediatric patients; 55 with NPEV AM and 29 controls in whom CNS infection has been excluded by negative CSF examination.The NPEV etiology has been proven by detection of enteroviral RNA using real-time PCR method. Chemokines were quantified by using standardized enzyme immunoassay. Results: Concentrations of CXCL10 (median 21.3 ng/mL) and CXCL11 (median 0.24 ng/mL) in CSF samples of children with NPEV AM (0.27 ng/mL) were higher in comparison to control group (CXCL10 median 0.26 ng/mL, CXCL11 median 0.21 ng/mL). CXCL10 concentrations in the sera of NPEV AM group (median 0.27 ng/mL) and controls (CXCL10 median 0.21 ng/mL) did not differ significantly. CXCL11 sera concentrations were equal or slightly lower within NPEV AM group. Positive correlation between CSF CXCL10 concentrations or CXCL10 CSF-plasma gradient (median 60.9 ng/mL) and CSF pleocytosis in patients with NPEV AM was determined as well. Conclusion: CXCL10 and CXCL11 concentration gradient between the CSF and plasma in children with NPEV AM suggests an important role of these chemokines in the T-cells recruitment into the CNS and local immunoreaction

    Kemokini CXCL10 i CXCL11 u patogenezi enterovirusnoga meningitisa [Chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11 in the pathogenesis of enteroviral meningitis]

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    Aim: To define the role of chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11 and chemokine concentration gradient between the peripheral blood and CNS in immunopathogenesis of non polio enteroviral aseptic meningitis (NPEV AM). Patients and methods: The study included 84 pediatric patients; 55 with NPEV AM and 29 controls in whom CNS infection has been excluded by negative CSF examination.The NPEV etiology has been proven by detection of enteroviral RNA using real-time PCR method. Chemokines were quantified by using standardized enzyme immunoassay. Results: Concentrations of CXCL10 (median 21.3 ng/mL) and CXCL11 (median 0.24 ng/mL) in CSF samples of children with NPEV AM (0.27 ng/mL) were higher in comparison to control group (CXCL10 median 0.26 ng/mL, CXCL11 median 0.21 ng/mL). CXCL10 concentrations in the sera of NPEV AM group (median 0.27 ng/mL) and controls (CXCL10 median 0.21 ng/mL) did not differ significantly. CXCL11 sera concentrations were equal or slightly lower within NPEV AM group. Positive correlation between CSF CXCL10 concentrations or CXCL10 CSF-plasma gradient (median 60.9 ng/mL) and CSF pleocytosis in patients with NPEV AM was determined as well. Conclusion: CXCL10 and CXCL11 concentration gradient between the CSF and plasma in children with NPEV AM suggests an important role of these chemokines in the T-cells recruitment into the CNS and local immunoreaction

    Urticaria acute and chronic

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    Urtikarija je upalno promijenjeno stanje povrÅ”inskog sloja kože, karakterizirano iznenadnom pojavom eritematoznih uzdignutih areala, angioedemom ili oboje. U dječjoj dobi akutna urtikarija je vrlo česta bolest, najčeŔće uzrokovana akutnim infekcijama. S obzirom na benigni tijek bolesti u većini slučajeva nije potrebna dijagnostička obrada, osim ako temeljem anamneze i fizikalnog pregleda postoji opravdana sumnja na bakterijsku infekciju ili atopiju. Ako urtikarija traje Å”est ili viÅ”e tjedana, riječ je o kroničnoj urtikariji koja zahtijeva osnovnu laboratorijsku obradu, a obrada se može proÅ”iriti ovisno o anamnezi, fizikalnom pregledu i nalazima osnovnih pretraga. Kod kronične urtikarije potrebno je isključiti diferencijalne dijagnoze poput sistemskih vaskulitisa ili autoinflamatornih sindroma. Osnova terapije su antihistaminci druge generacije, a u slučaju neadekvatnog odgovora u terapiju se uvodi anti-IgE monoklonsko protutijelo ā€“ omalizumab.Urticaria is an inflammatory condition characterized by the development of wheals (hives), angioedema, or both. In childhood, acute urticaria is a very common condition, most often caused by infections. Considering its benign course, in most cases no diagnostic work up is required, unless there is a justified suspicion of acute urticaria due to atopy or bacterial infection. If urticaria lasts for six or more weeks, it is considered as chronic requiring basic laboratory work up that can be extended depending on the medical history, physical examination and the basic testing results. Patients with chronic urticaria should be evaluated for differential diagnoses such as vasculitis or autoinflammatory disease. Modern 2nd generation H1-antihistamines are recommended as first line treatment for all types of urticaria. In case of unadequate response, omalizumab (anti IgE) has been shown to be very effective and safe in treatment of chronic urticaria

    Chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11 in the pathogenesis of enteroviral meningitis

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    Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi profil kemokina CXCL10 i CXCL11 u krvi i CSL-u u djece oboljele od NPEV AM i analizirati postojeći kemokinski gradijent te ga usporediti s onim u bolesnika iz kontrolne skupine. Ispitanici i metode: U studiju je uključeno 84 bolesnika; 55 bolesnika s dokazanim NPEV AM i 29 bolesnika u kontrolnoj skupini u kojih je upalna bolest SŽS-a isključena na temelju urednog citoloÅ”kog i biokemijskog nalaza CSL-a. EtioloÅ”ka dijagnoza NPEV AM dokazana je detekcijom enterovirusne RNA u CSL-u PCR metodom. Koncentracija kemokina određena je standardiziranim kvantitativnim enzimskim imunotestovima. Rezultati: Analizirajući CSL obje skupine ispitanika, kod ispitanika s NPEV AM kemokini CXCL10 (median 21,3 ng/mL) i CXCL11 (median 0,24 ng/mL) su detektirani u viÅ”im koncentracijama u odnosu na kontrolne ispitanike (CXCL10 medijan 0,26 ng/mL), (CXCL11 medijan 0,21 ng/mL). Serumske koncentracije CXCL10 u NPEV AM ispitanika (medijan 0,27 ng/mL) i kontrolnih ispitanika (CXCL10 medijan 0,21 ng/mL) nisu se značajnije razlikovale. Serumske koncentracije CXCL11 bile su u obje skupine jednake ili neÅ”to niže u NPEV AM skupini. Kod NPEV AM bolesnika utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između likvorskih koncentracija CXCL10, te CXCL10 gradijenta i pleocitoze u CSL-u. Zaključak: Za NPEV AM karakteristične su poviÅ”ene vrijednosti kemokina CXCL10 i CXCL11 u CSLu. Stvaranje CXCL10 koncentracijskog gradijenta između CSL-a i plazme samo je jedan od mnoÅ”tva faktora koji, u obliku lokalnog imunoloÅ”kog odgovora na NPEV infekciju, utječe na migraciju upalnih stanica u SŽS.Aim: To define the role of chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11 and chemokine concentration gradient between the peripheral blood and CNS in immunopathogenesis of non polio enteroviral aseptic meningitis (NPEV AM). Patients and methods: The study included 84 pediatric patients; 55 with NPEV AM and 29 controls in whom CNS infection has been excluded by negative CSF examination.The NPEV etiology has been proven by detection of enteroviral RNA using real-time PCR method. Chemokines were quantified by using standardized enzyme immunoassay. Results: Concentrations of CXCL10 (median 21.3 ng/mL) and CXCL11 (median 0.24 ng/mL) in CSF samples of children with NPEV AM (0.27 ng/mL) were higher in comparison to control group (CXCL10 median 0.26 ng/mL, CXCL11 median 0.21 ng/mL). CXCL10 concentrations in the sera of NPEV AM group (median 0.27 ng/mL) and controls (CXCL10 median 0.21 ng/mL) did not differ significantly. CXCL11 sera concentrations were equal or slightly lower within NPEV AM group. Positive correlation between CSF CXCL10 concentrations or CXCL10 CSF-plasma gradient (median 60.9 ng/mL) and CSF pleocytosis in patients with NPEV AM was determined as well. Conclusion: CXCL10 and CXCL11 concentration gradient between the CSF and plasma in children with NPEV AM suggests an important role of these chemokines in the T-cells recruitment into the CNS and local immunoreaction

    Chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11 in the pathogenesis of enteroviral meningitis

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    Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi profil kemokina CXCL10 i CXCL11 u krvi i CSL-u u djece oboljele od NPEV AM i analizirati postojeći kemokinski gradijent te ga usporediti s onim u bolesnika iz kontrolne skupine. Ispitanici i metode: U studiju je uključeno 84 bolesnika; 55 bolesnika s dokazanim NPEV AM i 29 bolesnika u kontrolnoj skupini u kojih je upalna bolest SŽS-a isključena na temelju urednog citoloÅ”kog i biokemijskog nalaza CSL-a. EtioloÅ”ka dijagnoza NPEV AM dokazana je detekcijom enterovirusne RNA u CSL-u PCR metodom. Koncentracija kemokina određena je standardiziranim kvantitativnim enzimskim imunotestovima. Rezultati: Analizirajući CSL obje skupine ispitanika, kod ispitanika s NPEV AM kemokini CXCL10 (median 21,3 ng/mL) i CXCL11 (median 0,24 ng/mL) su detektirani u viÅ”im koncentracijama u odnosu na kontrolne ispitanike (CXCL10 medijan 0,26 ng/mL), (CXCL11 medijan 0,21 ng/mL). Serumske koncentracije CXCL10 u NPEV AM ispitanika (medijan 0,27 ng/mL) i kontrolnih ispitanika (CXCL10 medijan 0,21 ng/mL) nisu se značajnije razlikovale. Serumske koncentracije CXCL11 bile su u obje skupine jednake ili neÅ”to niže u NPEV AM skupini. Kod NPEV AM bolesnika utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između likvorskih koncentracija CXCL10, te CXCL10 gradijenta i pleocitoze u CSL-u. Zaključak: Za NPEV AM karakteristične su poviÅ”ene vrijednosti kemokina CXCL10 i CXCL11 u CSLu. Stvaranje CXCL10 koncentracijskog gradijenta između CSL-a i plazme samo je jedan od mnoÅ”tva faktora koji, u obliku lokalnog imunoloÅ”kog odgovora na NPEV infekciju, utječe na migraciju upalnih stanica u SŽS.Aim: To define the role of chemokines CXCL10 and CXCL11 and chemokine concentration gradient between the peripheral blood and CNS in immunopathogenesis of non polio enteroviral aseptic meningitis (NPEV AM). Patients and methods: The study included 84 pediatric patients; 55 with NPEV AM and 29 controls in whom CNS infection has been excluded by negative CSF examination.The NPEV etiology has been proven by detection of enteroviral RNA using real-time PCR method. Chemokines were quantified by using standardized enzyme immunoassay. Results: Concentrations of CXCL10 (median 21.3 ng/mL) and CXCL11 (median 0.24 ng/mL) in CSF samples of children with NPEV AM (0.27 ng/mL) were higher in comparison to control group (CXCL10 median 0.26 ng/mL, CXCL11 median 0.21 ng/mL). CXCL10 concentrations in the sera of NPEV AM group (median 0.27 ng/mL) and controls (CXCL10 median 0.21 ng/mL) did not differ significantly. CXCL11 sera concentrations were equal or slightly lower within NPEV AM group. Positive correlation between CSF CXCL10 concentrations or CXCL10 CSF-plasma gradient (median 60.9 ng/mL) and CSF pleocytosis in patients with NPEV AM was determined as well. Conclusion: CXCL10 and CXCL11 concentration gradient between the CSF and plasma in children with NPEV AM suggests an important role of these chemokines in the T-cells recruitment into the CNS and local immunoreaction

    Do parathyroid glands from individuals of different age and gender contain lymph vessels?

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    Whereas lymph vessels in some endocrine glands have been thoroughly investigated, data on these vessels in human parathyroid glands are often contradictory and deficient in available literature. Therefore, the aim of this study was to histomorphologically investigate whether lymph vessels could be found in human parathyroid glands postnatally and, if so, whether their presence was age- and gender-dependent. A total of 44 parathyroid glands from subjects of both genders, aged 4-90 years, were studied. The glands were divided into three groups. Those from the 1st and the 2nd age group demonstrated similar morphological structure of parenchyma with predominant chief cells with pale-staining cytoplasm, while the frequency of lymph vessels was lower in the 2nd group. Unlike in these groups, chief cells with dark- staining cytoplasm predominated in the glandular parenchyma of the 3rd age group where lymph vessels were not found in any of the examined glands. The frequency of lymph vessels in parathyroid glands was almost the same for both genders. Histomorphologic occurrence of lymph vessels coincided with the presence of endocrine cells with pale-staining cytoplasm, which allowed the assumption that lymph vessels were also one of the signs of functional activity of human parathyroid glands

    Association between serological indicators of past contacts with Herpesviridae and a slower resolution of chronic spontaneous urticaria in children

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    Aim: To evaluate the relationship between serological indicators of Herpesviridae infection and evolution of symptoms in children with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). Methods: In this observational study, consecutive children with CSU underwent, at presentation, clinical and laboratory work-up, autologous serum skin test (ASST) to identify autoimmune urticaria (CAU), disease severity assessment (urticaria activity score 7, UAS7), serological diagnostics for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6), and parvovirus B19, as well as for Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae. Children were re-assessed at 1, 6, and 12 months after the commencement of antihistamine/antileukotriene treatment. Results: None of the 56 included children had an acute CMV/EBV or HHV-6 infection, but 17 (30.3%) had IgG antibodies against CMV, EBV, or HHV-6 (five were also seropositive for parvovirus B19); 24 (42.8%) suffered from CAU; and 9 (16.1%) were seropositive for Mycoplasma/Chlamydia pneumoniae. The initial symptom severity was moderate-to-severe (UAS7 quartiles 18-32) and comparable between Herpesviridae-seropositive and Herpesviridae-seronegative patients. At 1, 6, and 12 months, UAS7 was consistently higher in seropositive children. In a multivariable analysis (adjusted for age, baseline UAS7, ASST, mean platelet volume, and other serology), Herpesviridae seropositivity was associated with higher UAS scores: mean difference 4.2 score points (95% confidence interval 0.5-7.9; Bayes estimate 4.2, 95% credible interval 1.2-7.3) in a mixed model for repeated measures. This estimate was comparable between children with positive (CAU) and negative (CSU) ASST. Conclusion: A history of CMV/EBV/HHV-6 infection might contribute to a slower-resolving CSU in children