5 research outputs found

    Multi-slice passband bSSFP for human and rodent fMRI at ultra-high field

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    Balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) can be used as an alternative to gradient-echo (GE) EPI for BOLD functional MRI when image distortions and signal drop-outs are severe such as at ultra-high field. However, 3D-bSSFP acquisitions have distinct drawbacks on either human or animal MR systems. On clinical scanners, 3D imaging is suboptimal for localized fMRI applications. It can also display distortions when acceleration methods such as spiral read-outs are used, and, compared to multi-slice acquisitions, suffers from increased sensitivity to motion or physiological noise which further results in blurring. On pre-clinical systems, 3D acquisitions have low temporal resolution due to limited acceleration options, while single slice often results in insufficient coverage. The aim of the present study was to implement a multi-slice bSSFP acquisition with Cartesian read-out to obtain non-distorted BOLD fMRI activation maps in the human and rat brain at ultra-high field. We show that, when using a new pseudo-steady-state, the bSSFP signal characteristics are preserved. In the human brain at 7 T, we demonstrate that both task- and resting-state fMRI can be performed with multi-slice bSSFP, with a temporal SNR that matches that of 3D-bSSFP, resulting in - at least - equal performance. In the rat brain at 14 T, we show that the multi-slice bSSFP protocol has similar sensitivity to gradient-echo EPI for task fMRI, while benefitting from much reduced distortions and drop-outs. The advantages of passband bSSFP at 14 T in comparison with GE-EPI are expected to be even more marked for mouse brain

    Update on the role of angiotensin in the pathophysiology of coronary atherothrombosis

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    Coronary atherothrombosis due to atherosclerotic plaque rupture or erosion is frequently associated with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Significant efforts have been made to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying acute coronary events

    Synchronous nonmonotonic changes in functional connectivity and white matter integrity in a rat model of sporadic Alzheimer's disease

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    Brain glucose hypometabolism has been singled out as an important contributor and possibly main trigger to Alzheimer's disease (AD). Intracerebroventricular injections of streptozotocin (icv-STZ) cause brain glucose hypometabolism without systemic diabetes. Here, a first-time longitudinal study of brain glucose metabolism, functional connectivity and white matter microstructure was performed in icv-STZ rats using PET and MRI. Histological markers of pathology were tested at an advanced stage of disease. STZ rats exhibited altered functional connectivity and intra-axonal damage and demyelination in brain regions typical of AD, in a temporal pattern of acute injury, transient recovery/compensation and chronic degeneration. In the context of sustained glucose hypometabolism, these nonmonotonic trends – also reported in behavioral studies of this animal model as well as in human AD – suggest a compensatory mechanism, possibly recruiting ketone bodies, that allows a partial and temporary repair of brain structure and function. The early acute phase could thus become a valuable therapeutic window to strengthen the recovery phase and prevent or delay chronic degeneration, to be considered both in preclinical and clinical studies of AD. In conclusion, this work reveals the consequences of brain insulin resistance on structure and function, highlights signature nonmonotonic trajectories in their evolution and proposes potent MRI-derived biomarkers translatable to human AD and diabetic populations

    3D remote sensing as a tool for river and riparian area regional monitoring in Wallonia (Belgium)

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    Sous l’impulsion de son administration, la Wallonie a entamé un processus de révision des modalités de gestion de ses cours d’eau publics, notamment à travers le projet des Programmes d’actions sur les rivières par une approche intégrée et sectorisée (PARIS). Les PARIS ont pour but d’intégrer dans le temps et dans l’espace l’ensemble des mesures de gestion spécifiques au linéaire des cours d’eau en fonction d’enjeux prioritaires identifiés à l’échelle d’unités de gestion homogènes : les secteurs (6 185 secteurs de gestion de 2 km de long en moyenne). La mise en place et le suivi de ces plans de gestion impliquent de facto le développement d’outils de suivi efficaces, permettant d’établir les états des lieux pour la planification des actes de gestion et à terme, d’évaluer l’efficacité desdits plans de gestion. Ces opérations doivent se réaliser sur près de 12 000 km de cours d’eau et de bandes riveraines associées sur une base objective et commune à l’ensemble des gestionnaires des cours d’eau publics. Des données fines de télédétection sont disponibles et acquises de manière régulière par l’administration wallonne ; des solutions dérivées de ces sources de données permettront de répondre partiellement aux besoins réguliers en information des plans de gestion PARIS à un coût réduit. Pour atteindre cet objectif, un protocole a été établi à partir de nuages de points lidar (light detection and ranging ; densité 1 point « sol » par m2) complétés par des nuages de points photogrammétriques. Ces données ont été utilisées afin de caractériser la structure spatiale des bandes riveraines du réseau hydrographique public wallon à partir de six paramètres. Ces paramètres peuvent être d’ordre hydromorphologique (hauteur des berges, largeur et sinuosité du lit mineur), ou décrire la structure des forêts riveraines (hauteur moyenne et continuité longitudinale des peuplements arborés et ombrage du lit mineur). Différentes formes de visualisations de l’information peuvent appuyer le processus décisionnel des gestionnaires, de l’échelle locale (secteurs d’une masse d’eau DCE (directive cadre sur l’eau) à l’échelle régionale (354 masses d’eau DCE). Les paramètres extraits dans le cadre de ce projet seront prochainement intégrés au sein d’une plateforme informatique permettant leur visualisation à différentes échelles ainsi que l’encodage des actions par les gestionnaires.The Walloon administration has initiated a process of reform of river management policies, notably through the project PARIS action programs. The PARIS programs aim the integration in time and space of all specific management measures regarding public waterways based on priority issues identified at the level of homogeneous management units (6185 units, with mean length of 2 km). The implementation and monitoring of these management plans involve the development of effective monitoring tools to establish the initial state, planning acts of management and evaluating the effectiveness of such management plans. These operations must be carried out on nearly 12,000 km of streams and associated riparian area. This task must be realized on an objective and common basis for all of public waterways managers. Fine remote sensing data’s are available and regularly acquired by the Walloon administration. Derived solutions of these data sources will partially meet the information needs of PARIS management plans at reduced cost. To achieve this goal, a protocol has been established based on lidar point clouds (density 1 point «soil»/m2) completed by photogrammetric points clouds. These data were used to characterize the spatial structure of riparian areas associated with all of the Walloon public water system (>12,000 km) through six parameters. These parameters can be hydromorphological (height of banks, width, and sinuosity of the riverbed), or describe the structure of riparian forests (average height, longitudinal continuity, and shading of the riverbed). Different types of visualizations can support management decision-making to the local level (single river management unit) to regional (354 waterbodies of the water framework directive). Through various visualizations at different scales, the extracted parameters by the project will be integrated into a webGIS platform used by the river managers to report and plan their management actions