11 research outputs found

    SLEV genotype activity in mosquitoes collected in Córdoba city between 2001–2004.

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    <p><b>a</b>) SLEV genotypes temporal distribution. <b>b</b>) SLEV genotypes geographical distribution. LAU: Libre del Ambiente University; BOT: Botanic Garden; GUI: Guiñazú; PH: Pediatric Hospital; BG: Bajo Grande; MS: Military School; SA: San Antonio; SC: San Carlos. White circles represent sampled sites without SLEV activity detected during the study period.</p

    Phylogenetic Neighbor Joining analysis of SLEV.

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    <p>In bold strains detected in mosquitoes during our study in CĂłrdoba, Argentina. Percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test (10 000 replicates) is shown next to the branches. The scale bar indicates substitutions per site. </p

    Sampling sites where mosquito collections were carried out during 2001–2004.

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    <p>LAU: Libre del Ambiente University; BOT: Botanic Garden; GUI: Guiñazú; PH: Pediatric Hospital; BG: Bajo Grande; MS: Military School; SA: San Antonio; SC: San Carlos. </p

    Origin of blood meals of the five mosquito species analysed in the three different wetlands in SW Spain.

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    <p>Only the main bird and mammal species are shown. Numbers above bars indicate the number of bloodmeals per mosquito species obtained for each sampled wetland. Percentage of blood meals for each vertebrate species/group are give as numbers inside the bars when higher than 5%. Only species/wetlands with more than 10 bloodmeals were included in the figure.</p

    WNV transmission risks for each different mosquito species estimated from the 12 sampling sites for birds, horses and humans.

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    <p>For localities with the same estimates dots have been slightly displaced horizontally to avoid complete symbol overlapping. Solid circles indicate those mosquito species and sampling sites in which WNV has been reported in mosquitoes (Vázquez et al. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0039549#pone.0039549-Vzquez1" target="_blank">[20]</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0039549#pone.0039549-Vzquez2" target="_blank">[21]</a>). Estimates are reported for 4 localities for <i>Cx. modestus</i>, 4 for <i>Cx. perexiguus</i>, 5 for <i>Cx. pipiens</i>, 10 for <i>Cx. theileri</i>, and 10 for <i>Oc. caspius</i>. One was added to all estimates to allow plotting on a log10 scale.</p