15 research outputs found

    The impact of private accommodation on economic development of tourist destination-the case of Dubrovnik-Neretva County

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    Private accommodation capacities are a growing segment of the lodging industry in Croatia. In private accommodation capacities 2,684 million tourists were registered in 2010, there were 19,4 million overnight stays, which makes 25% of total arrivals and 34% of total overnights. Although studies have been made on economic impact of tourism on a destination (at the national level), the issues of the impact of private accommodation haven\u27t been given due attention. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to estimate the importance of private accommodation in development of tourist destination on regional level through consumption of tourists accommodated in private capacities, as well as to confirm that tourism receipts realised in private capacities have a positive impact on regional economic development

    Private accommodation in tourist destination offer - the case of Dubrovnik

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    For a long time basic accommodation capacities represented the dominant type of accommodation in tourist offer, while at the same time complementary accommodation capacities were neglected. However, recently there has been a growing interest for complementary, substitute types of tourist accommodation, both in the Republic of Croatia and in Dubrovnik, where since 2000 a significant increase of over night stays has been registered, especially in private accommodation. In this paper rooms, apartments, studio apartments and holiday houses owned by physical entities are referred to as private accommodation. Private accommodation enables tourists to engage in everyday life of local residents, learn about history, tradition and culture of a destination. Thus, a tourist may experience and taste the beauties and attractions of a place, truly enjoy autochthonous products and services, as well as obtain genuine knowledge on authentic attractions and tourist offer of a destination. Inadequate offer of private tourist accommodation has negative influence when forming the overall tourist offer of a destination. Poor quality of accommodation units, unprofessional conduct of holders of tourist accommodation offer towards consumers and lack of interest for the needs and wishes of the consumer of this complementary accommodation have all contributed in creating a bad image on this kind of accommodation in tourist offer. Consequently, this paper aims, by analysing the consumers of private tourist accommodation, to point out the importance of private accommodation in overal tourist offer of a destination, to prove that private accommodation tourist offer attracts an increasing number of tourists, and propose to local tourist administration directives on how to create a more efficient procedure in order to ensure a more efficient and better quality administration of tourist private accommodation offer, aiming to improve the overall tourist offer at a destination


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    The private tourism accommodation concept has not been largely represented in the scientific research. It started appearing on the margins of the actual research in the past ten years, namely with a hotel as the most analyzed form of tourism accommodation. In the structure of tourism accommodation in Croatia in 2011 private accommodation participated with 465 000 beds which represents 49,8 percent of the total capacity and therefore demands more attention. Using the main marketing postulate where the consumer is the key of each business success, the main goal of this paper is to determinate the attributes of private tourism accommodation which have the main role in selection of accommodation facilities in Dubrovnik as one of the leading tourism destination in Croatia. The main goal will be carried out through the primary research of tourism demand by using modified hedonic model which will represent accommodation capacity utilization rate in relation to selected private accommodation attributes. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression or the related log-linear form have in prior hospitality or tourism applications mostly been used to estimate this type of model. In this paper log-linear specification for the capacity utilisation rate function was used instead of the linear one. This paper differs from other papers which used hedonic pricing model as it examines the impact of attributes of the actual accommodation units not on price but on capacity occupancy rate. The explanatory variables of the private accommodation capacity utilization rate, among others, include location, characteristics such as availability of free parking place, distance to the Old Town, sea view, terrace/garden. The results of this research will provide instructions and directions to the management of private accommodation in tourism destination in order to increase private accommodation capacity utilisation whereby private accommodation season will be extended. The positive effects of season extension will be two-sided: for destination management the number of arrivals will be increased as well as overnights and receipts and for the accommodation owners increasing of rental receipts will result in their higher satisfaction. The main finding of the paper is that the prices in the private tourist accommodation are formed solely by owners’ intuition whereas accommodation capacity utilization rate is the real reflection of the tourist demand preferences


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    Marketing added value is one of the key concepts of successful differentiation in an increasingly competitive tourism market. This paper examines the impact of perceived added value as a source of differentiation on the competitive advantage of urban tourism destinations. The main goal of the paper is to determine that tourists who perceived partial components of added value in destinations give advantage to a particular destination, compared to tourists who didn’t perceive the added value. Primary research among 468 tourists on a repeat visit was conducted to achieve the goal. Chi square test and binary logistic regression were employed to analyze the findings. The results indicate that the components of tourism destinations which delivered added value ensure a better position among the competitors


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    Lakoća protoka proizvoda i usluga na turističkom tržištu jedan je od rezultata procesa globalizacije koji je utjecao na porast važnosti izvornih (tradicionalnih proizvoda) i usluga kao ključnih elemenata diferencijacije i konkurentnosti. Cilj je rada dokazati postojanje nerazmjera između želja turista za upoznavanjem kulture, povijesti, enogastronomije i načina života lokalnog stanovništva konzumacijom izvornih (tradicionalnih) proizvoda i usluga te njihove zastupljenosti u turističkoj ponudi. U svrhu realizacije postavljenog cilja provedeno je istraživanje percepcije turista i lokalnog stanovništva metodom ispitivanja anketnim upitnikom na uzorku od 100 turista i 100 stanovnika Dubrovačkog primorja u razdoblju visoke sezone od lipnja do listopada. U analizi podataka koristili su se konfirmatorska faktorska analiza i neparametrijski Kruskal-Wallis test. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na postojanje nerazmjera između želja turista za konzumacijom izvornih (tradicionalnih) proizvoda i usluga te njihove zastupljenosti u turističkoj ponudi. Veća zastupljenost izvornosti u turističkim proizvodima i uslugama Dubrovačkog primorja rezultirala bi boljom tržišnom prepoznatljivošću, lakšom diferencijacijom od konkurencije te održivim turističkim razvojem


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    Lakoća protoka proizvoda i usluga na turističkom tržištu jedan je od rezultata procesa globalizacije koji je utjecao na porast važnosti izvornih (tradicionalnih proizvoda) i usluga kao ključnih elemenata diferencijacije i konkurentnosti. Cilj je rada dokazati postojanje nerazmjera između želja turista za upoznavanjem kulture, povijesti, enogastronomije i načina života lokalnog stanovništva konzumacijom izvornih (tradicionalnih) proizvoda i usluga te njihove zastupljenosti u turističkoj ponudi. U svrhu realizacije postavljenog cilja provedeno je istraživanje percepcije turista i lokalnog stanovništva metodom ispitivanja anketnim upitnikom na uzorku od 100 turista i 100 stanovnika Dubrovačkog primorja u razdoblju visoke sezone od lipnja do listopada. U analizi podataka koristili su se konfirmatorska faktorska analiza i neparametrijski Kruskal-Wallis test. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na postojanje nerazmjera između želja turista za konzumacijom izvornih (tradicionalnih) proizvoda i usluga te njihove zastupljenosti u turističkoj ponudi. Veća zastupljenost izvornosti u turističkim proizvodima i uslugama Dubrovačkog primorja rezultirala bi boljom tržišnom prepoznatljivošću, lakšom diferencijacijom od konkurencije te održivim turističkim razvojem

    Urban tourism towards sustainable development

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    Tourism is a modern global phenomenon and reflects the general development of society. The impact of tourism development implies not only the economic but also environmental, social and cultural aspects of life. Due to the numerous economic benefits arising from its development, tourism has gained a very important status and in many countries has received a significant role and priority in economic development. Tourism, from the area uses certain economic benefits that would otherwise remain unused. However uncontrolled development often destroyed the area where it’s realized, and in this way operates contrary to the tourism development primary aims. Uncontrolled development in which tourism is an essential part, bring into the question its further development. Therefore, the object of the paper is to determine the negative effects of uncontrolled and intensive tourism development in urban areas that are not based on the principles of sustainable development. The aim and purpose is to present the importance of applying the principles of sustainable tourism development in urban areas and define the key subjects that will have the impact for the application of the concept of sustainable development in such areas. In order to collect the basic data about the importance of applying the sustainable development conception in urban areas survey method was applied. Kruskal-Wallis test is used for the realization research aims. The research results will serve as the operational guidelines for the destination tourism managers in applying the concept of sustainable development in urban areas


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    O Cemitério Caboclo se encontra nas dependências do Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Concórdia, em Fragosos, e agrega grande valor histórico à região. A população presente no oeste catarinense fora formada por caboclos, sendo modificada pelo processo de colonização pós Guerra do Contestado, tendo o território sido colonizado por imigrantes alemães e italianos. Diante dos fatos apresentados, o objetivo do projeto foi resgatar informações históricas de forma oral e documental, bem como organizar as informações obtidas para a produção de materiais a serem distribuídos nas escolas do município. A metodologia utilizada para a captura das informações foi a realização de leituras, palestras e entrevistas com moradores da área próxima ao cemitério e com familiares de antigos moradores da região. As palestras ocorreram de forma on-line, pela plataforma do Google Meet, e as entrevistas foram realizadas respeitando os devidos protocolos sanitários. Podemos citar  que a comercialização de terras pós-Guerra do Contestado, o loteamento das terras e a expulsão dos caboclos são elementos que, segundo historiadores, caracterizam uma limpeza étnica. Além disso, também foram agregados conhecimentos ao projeto e aos participantes com a leitura de materiais bibliográficos, que explicam principalmente sobre a Guerra do Contestado (1912-1916) e acontecimentos relacionados à exploração inicial da região de Concórdia. Porém, em nenhuma bibliografia foram encontrados materiais que falassem do início da comunidade de Fragosos e região, incluindo o Cemitério Caboclo, principais pontos que o projeto se predispõe a pesquisar. A realização de entrevistas se mostrou de grande valia. Contudo, os resultados não foram plenos, pois foi possível efetivar apenas algumas entrevistas, devido à pandemia, motivo que levou a maioria dos possíveis entrevistados a negar-se a dar seus depoimentos, aceitando contribuir com o projeto somente após o término do período pandêmico. Ao todo, oito entrevistas foram realizadas, e doze, negadas, o que pode ter ocorrido em razão de que, pelos critérios de seleção estabelecidos, os entrevistados, na sua maioria eram idosos e, portanto, grupo de risco para a COVID-19. Dentre as informações extraídas das entrevistas, destacam-se: a origem do nome da comunidade, que se dá em função da presença de famílias de sobrenome Fragoso na região, inclusive a família do coronel Miguel Fragoso, o qual está enterrado no Cemitério Caboclo em um túmulo diferenciado. Constatou-se que a localização espacial do Cemitério está incoerente com a original. Com o passar do tempo, a estrada velha (como é hoje conhecida) que passava próximo ao Cemitério foi realocada para  a atual SC-283. O Cemitério Caboclo também foi substituído após a criação do cemitério novo, construído também na comunidade. A história da região continua sendo um conteúdo a ser explorado, existe muito ainda a ser agregado ao projeto e a consolidação da história local, a qual grande parte da população desconhece. Por isso tudo, é indiscutível a importância da história oral, que proporciona a recuperação das memórias e dos elementos que, se não forem captados enquanto as fontes estiverem vivas, possivelmente se perderão. Por esse motivo, pretende-se dar continuidade ao projeto, objetivando realizar as atividades que não foram possíveis serem concluídas. Suporte financeiro Edital 08/2020