6 research outputs found

    Identification of a New HIV-1 BC Intersubtype Circulating Recombinant Form (CRF108_BC) in Spain.

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    The extraordinary genetic variability of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) group M has led to the identification of 10 subtypes, 102 circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) and numerous unique recombinant forms. Among CRFs, 11 derived from subtypes B and C have been identified in China, Brazil, and Italy. Here we identify a new HIV-1 CRF_BC in Northern Spain. Originally, a phylogenetic cluster of 15 viruses of subtype C in protease-reverse transcriptase was identified in an HIV-1 molecular surveillance study in Spain, most of them from individuals from the Basque Country and heterosexually transmitted. Analyses of near full-length genome sequences from six viruses from three cities revealed that they were BC recombinant with coincident mosaic structures different from known CRFs. This allowed the definition of a new HIV-1 CRF designated CRF108_BC, whose genome is predominantly of subtype C, with four short subtype B fragments. Phylogenetic analyses with database sequences supported a Brazilian ancestry of the parental subtype C strain. Coalescent Bayesian analyses estimated the most recent common ancestor of CRF108_BC in the city of Vitoria, Basque Country, around 2000. CRF108_BC is the first CRF_BC identified in Spain and the second in Europe, after CRF60_BC, both phylogenetically related to Brazilian subtype C strains.This work was funded through Acción Estratégica en Salud Intramural (AESI), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, projects “Estudios sobre vigilancia epidemiológica molecular del VIH- 1 en España,” PI16CIII/00033, and “Epidemiología molecular del VIH-1 en España y su utilidad para investigaciones biológicas y en vacunas”, PI19CIII/00042; Red de Investigación en SIDA (RIS), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Plan Nacional I + D + I, project RD16ISCIII/0002/0004; and scientific agreement with Osakidetza-Servicio Vasco de Salud, Government of Basque Country, MVI 1001/16. JC was supported by the Social European Fund through the Youth Employment Operational Program and the Youth Employment Initiative and by the Comunidad de Madrid.S

    Plan de Acción en España para la erradicación de la poliomelitis: Vigilancia de la Parálisis Flácida Aguda y Vigilancia de Enterovirus en España. Informe 2020

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    Centro Nacional de Epidemiología y Centro Nacional de Microbiología. ISCIII. Plan de acción en España para la Erradicación de la Poliomielitis. Vigilancia de la Parálisis Flácida Aguda y Vigilancia de Enterovirus en España, Informe año 2020. Madrid, 5 de noviembre de 2021.[ES] En España la situación libre de polio se monitoriza con la vigilancia de Parálisis Flácida Aguda (PFA) en niños menores de 15 años, como recomienda la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). La vigilancia la realizan los servicios de vigilancia autonómicos y la red de laboratorios de PFA y a nivel nacional se coordina en el Centro Nacional de Epidemiología (CNE, ISCIII) y en el Laboratorio de Poliovirus del Centro Nacional de Microbiología (CNM, ISCIII). En el año 2020 en España no hubo casos de poliomielitis. Se notificaron 0,17 casos de PFA por 100.000 niños menores de 15 años, por debajo del objetivo de sensibilidad establecido por la OMS de un caso de PFA al año por cada 100.000 menores de 15 años. Solamente se detectaron enterovirus no-polio (EVNP) en las muestras de dos casos (EV-D68 y EV-B, respectivamente). En España también se realiza la vigilancia de EVNP en otros síndromes neurológicos para complementar el sistema de vigilancia de PFA. En las muestras investigadas en 2020 no se identificó ningún poliovirus y los EVNP más frecuentemente identificados fueron E-18, CV-A6 y E-21. Mientras haya circulación de poliovirus en el mundo hay que mantener activos los sistemas de vigilancia para detectar a tiempo cualquier importación de poliovirus. [EN] Spain monitors its polio-free status by conducting surveillance for cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in children less than 15 years of age, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The AFP surveillance is performed by the 19 Regional Epidemiological Surveillance Units and the AFP Surveillance Laboratory Network, coordinated at national level by the National Centre for Epidemiology (CNE. ISCIII) and the National Poliovirus Laboratory at Nacional Center of Microbiology (CNM. ISCIII) respectively. In 2020, no cases of poliomyelitis were reported from clinical surveillance; Spain reported 0.17 non-polio AFP cases per 100,000 children, below the WHO's performance criterion for a sensitive surveillance system (1 non-polio AFP cases per 100,000 children). The non-polio enteroviruses EV-D68, EV-B were identified from clinical specimens collected from AFP cases. Spain also performs enterovirus surveillance to complement the clinical system In 2020, non poliovirus were identified; The non-polioviruses E-18, CV-A6 y E-21 were the most frequently identified serotypes. As long as poliovirus is circulating in the world, surveillance systems must remain active to detect any importation of poliovirus in a timely manner.1. Resumen. 2. Introducción. 3. Resultados de la vigilancia de Parálisis Flácida Aguda (PFA) en España, 2020. 4. Resultados de la vigilancia de enterovirus, España 2020. 5. Resultados de la vigilancia medioambiental de poliovirus. España, 2020. 6. Sistema de Información Microbiológica (SIM). Meningitis por enterovirus. Tendencia. 7. Conclusiones.N

    Viral infections of the central nervous system in Spain: a prospective study.

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    The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of viruses causing aseptic meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and encephalitis in Spain. This was a prospective study, in collaboration with 17 Spanish hospitals, including 581 cases (CSF from all and sera from 280): meningitis (340), meningoencephalitis (91), encephalitis (76), febrile syndrome (7), other neurological disorders (32), and 35 cases without clinical information. CSF were assayed by PCR for enterovirus (EV), herpesvirus (herpes simplex [HSV], varicella-zoster [VZV], cytomegalovirus [CMV], Epstein-Barr [EBV], and human herpes virus-6 [HHV-6]), mumps (MV), Toscana virus (TOSV), adenovirus (HAdV), lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), West Nile virus (WNV), and rabies. Serology was undertaken when methodology was available. Amongst meningitis cases, 57.1% were characterized; EV was the most frequent (76.8%), followed by VZV (10.3%) and HSV (3.1%; HSV-1: 1.6%; HSV-2: 1.0%, HSV non-typed: 0.5%). Cases due to CMV, EBV, HHV-6, MV, TOSV, HAdV, and LCMV were also detected. For meningoencephalitis, 40.7% of cases were diagnosed, HSV-1 (43.2%) and VZV (27.0%) being the most frequent agents, while cases associated with HSV-2, EV, CMV, MV, and LCMV were also detected. For encephalitis, 27.6% of cases were caused by HSV-1 (71.4%), VZV (19.1%), or EV (9.5%). Other positive neurological syndromes included cerebellitis (EV and HAdV), seizures (HSV), demyelinating disease (HSV-1 and HHV-6), myelopathy (VZV), and polyradiculoneuritis (HSV). No rabies or WNV cases were identified. EVs are the most frequent cause of meningitis, as is HSV for meningoencephalitis and encephalitis. A significant number of cases (42.9% meningitis, 59.3% meningoencephalitis, 72.4% encephalitis) still have no etiological diagnosis.Grant sponsor: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; Grant number: PI07/90154S

    Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness: Combined results from five European studies

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    EpidemIBD: rationale and design of a large-scale epidemiological study of inflammatory bowel disease in Spain

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