7 research outputs found

    Survey of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Brazilian Dentists Regarding Silver Diamine Fluoride

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    Objective: Current acceptability, barriers to use, and clinical/teaching practices of Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) among Brazilian dentists were investigated. Material and Methods: A Google forms questionnaire was sent to dentists (n=10,500) to collect information about the use of SDF and the dentists' workplace, experience, specialty, and city of practice. A logistic regression model was performed. Results: From 409 respondents, 13.2% used SDF. Working at universities increased the use of SDF by 2.29 times (p=0.018) compared to private offices. Each training year, the chance of SDF usage increased by 3%  (p=0.008). Pediatric dentists are more likely to use SDF (OR=6.76, p<0.001). There is no association between SDF usage and the city of practice. The majority (75.9%) indicated SDF for noncompliant patients. Dentists (75.9%) reported the exclusive use in deciduous teeth, while 24.1% also use in permanent teeth. The main barrier for non-users was a lack of knowledge (58.3%), while for users, tooth staining (90.7%) and parental acceptance (64.8%) were the complaints. Conclusion: The Silver Diamine Fluoride is not a common product used by the dentists from RJ. Its clinical applicability should be further disseminated; thus, lack of scientific knowledge would cease to be a problem in the use of SDF to arrest caries lesions

    Efficacy of 30% and 38% Silver Diamine Fluoride in Arresting Caries Lesions After Different Application Times: An in Vitro Study

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) in arresting dentin caries lesions when applied under different concentrations and times. Material and Methods: Forty-two bovine blocks were selected and fixed in 24-well plates. Each well received a mixed bacterial inoculum added to the culture medium with 5% sucrose. The plates were incubated in microaerophilia (7 days) for caries formation, confirmed by micro-CT (M1). SDF was applied over the carious lesions for different times and concentrations (n=6): SDF 30% - immediate removal, 1 minute and 3 minutes; SDF 38%, - immediate removal, 1 minute and 3 minutes. The group without treatment was the control. Then, the samples were again scanned by micro-CT (M2) and submitted to a second cariogenic challenge for 21 days. Then, a final scan was performed (M3). Results: Mean pH at the culture medium and lesion depth were compared using Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests. 38% SDF showed the lowest metabolic activity of the biofilm. All 38% groups and 30% 1 and 3 minutes did not show an increase in mean lesion depth comparing M3 with M1. However, only 30% 3 minutes and 38% 1 and 3 minutes showed a significant reduction of lesion depth. Conclusion: The minimum application time of 30% SDF to arrest dentin caries lesion was 1 minute, while 38% SDF arrested with application and immediate removal

    Clinical Findings Arising from the Use of Silver Diamine Fluoride to Prevent or Treat Caries Lesions and Dentinal Hypersensitivity: A Data Mining Analysis

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    Objective: To summarize data of clinical trials that used silver diamine fluoride (SDF) to prevent and treat caries lesions and dentinal hypersensitivity. Material and Methods: Six electronic databases were searched in May 2022. The concentration of SDF, type of usage (alone/combined), dentition, anterior/posterior teeth, tooth region, dental tissue, number of the treated surfaces, the intervention environment, participants' age, frequency and duration of SDF application, purpose, and outcome were the extracted variables. The type of study, year of publication, authors, journals, and country were also investigated. Results: From 8860 articles, 53 were selected. Most were randomized (n=38), that applied 38% SDF (n=43), alone (n=44), on multiple surfaces (n=44), only in dentin (n=36), of the crown (n=46) of anterior and posterior (n=36) primary teeth (n=39). The studies were preferably carried out outside the clinic (n=31), only in children (n=33), with reapplication of SDF (n=30), but did not inform the duration of application (n=19). SDF was most used to treat (n=46) only caries lesions (n=50). They were published between 2001 and 2022, mainly in the Journal of Dentistry (n=10). China (n=19) and Lo E.C.M (n=19) were the countries and authors that published the most, respectively. Conclusion: The silver diamine fluoride 38% alone was most used to treat caries lesions in the dentin of the crown of all primary teeth, preferably applied on multiple surfaces, requiring reapplication, and outside the clinic


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    Avaliou-se, atravĂ©s de questionĂĄrios, o impacto das mesas clĂ­nicas apresentadas por alunos das disciplinas de Odontopediatia I e II, da Faculdade de Odontologia da UFRJ, na saĂșde bucal de crianças/adolescentes (C/A) e suas famĂ­lias. A apresentação das mesas objetivou orientar, esclarecer e instruir os pais/responsĂĄveis das C/A a respeito de temas sobre manutenção da saĂșde bucal. As apresentaçÔes foram realizadas atravĂ©s da exposição de fotos, associada a explicaçÔes sucintas e de fĂĄcil compreensĂŁo. Elas aconteceram na sala de espera onde os responsĂĄveis aguardavam o atendimento das C/A e tiveram duração aproximada de 10 min. Ao final, os responsĂĄveis foram convidados a responder um questionĂĄrio, aplicado por um bolsista de ExtensĂŁo, com o intuito de avaliar o entendimento do pĂșblico alvo a respeito dos temas. A partir de outubro de 2016, a evolução clĂ­nica das C/A, cujos pais responderam o questionĂĄrio, passou a ser avaliada. O dado “nome da criança” foi incluĂ­do nos questionĂĄrios para acesso dos prontuĂĄrios, onde se investigou o retorno desses menores para revisĂŁo, avaliando-se a necessidade ou nĂŁo de tratamento. O questionĂĄrio foi aplicado a 128 responsĂĄveis entre 20 a 67 anos (mĂ©dia=42,36±10,83 anos), cujas C/A apresentavam idade entre 1 a 15 anos (mĂ©dia=8,31±3,57 anos); sendo 45% meninos, 88% mĂŁes e 20% avĂłs. Metade dos questionĂĄrios respondidos foi aplicada apĂłs a mesa clĂ­nica organizada por alunos da Disciplina Odontopediatria I, enquanto a outra metade por alunos da Odontopediatria II. Dentre os temas (n=14) apresentados, os que geraram mais interesse e respostas aos questionĂĄrios foram aqueles sobre prevenção da cĂĄrie e a importĂąncia dos dentes de leite, rendendo 33,3% do total das respostas. Todos os responsĂĄveis consideraram importante as apresentaçÔes das mesas clĂ­nicas, com apenas 3 (2,3%) reportando terem tido dificuldade na compreensĂŁo do tema exposto (Tabagismo e Odontologia Materno Infantil) e 18 (13,9%) sugeriram mudanças no programa, recomendando maior divulgação atravĂ©s do uso de cartazes. Oitenta e dois dos respondentes (63,6%) jĂĄ haviam participado de exposiçÔes anteriores e todos apontaram melhoria na qualidade de vida de suas C/A e da famĂ­lia, em virtude dos conhecimentos adquiridos por meio da atividade em questĂŁo. AtĂ© o momento, 32 questionĂĄrios possuem esse novo dado de acompanhamento, e 12 prontuĂĄrios puderam ser avaliados, mostrando que 3 crianças retornaram para revisĂŁo sem novas lesĂ”es de cĂĄrie e receberam alta, 1 recebeu alta,1 nĂŁo retornou para revisĂŁo e 7 permanecem em tratamento. Em longo prazo serĂĄ possĂ­vel uma melhor avaliação do impacto das informaçÔes recebidas pelos responsĂĄveis na saĂșde bucal de suas C/A. Entretanto, nossos resultados jĂĄ evidenciam que o conteĂșdo simples dos temas abordados nas mesas clĂ­nicas Ă© mais fĂĄcil de ser compreendido pelo pĂșblico, alĂ©m de demonstrar a relevĂąncia de programas em salas de espera para a melhoria da saĂșde bucal e o auto cuidado de C/A e suas famĂ­lias

    Do you know the importance of the first 1000 days of life for a child's health?

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    This e-book was produced in simple language, with the general population as target, especially pregnants or future pregnants, children guardians and their families. It addresses the period of the first 1000 days of life, its importance for general and oral health and describes healthy habits and attitudes that are important in prenatal and postnatal care, such as breastfeeding, feeding, and oral hygiene. It contains a direct link to another e-book (Nutrition in the first 1000 days of life: shall we understand its importance and learn from healthy eating tips?) from the same authors group, as well as a QR Code to access the references.O presente e-book foi produzido em linguagem simples, tendo como pĂșblico alvo a população de uma forma geral, em especial gestantes ou futuras gestantes, responsĂĄveis por crianças e seus nĂșcleos familiares. Aborda o perĂ­odo dos primeiros 1000 dias de vida, sua importĂąncia para a saĂșde geral e bucal do indivĂ­duo e descreve hĂĄbitos e atitudes saudĂĄveis importantes na vida prĂ©-natal e apĂłs o nascimento, como o aleitamento materno, dieta e higiene bucal. Possui link de direcionamento para o outro e-book (Nutrição nos primeiros 1000 dias de vida: vamos entender sua importĂąncia e aprender com as dicas sobre alimentação saudĂĄvel?) do mesmo grupo de autores, alĂ©m de QR Code para acessar as referĂȘncias

    Occlusion development after premature loss of deciduous anterior teeth: preliminary results of a 24-month prospective cohort study

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    ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to evaluate occlusion development after premature loss or extraction of deciduous anterior teeth, by means of a prospective cohort study. Methods: Fifteen infants and children aged 1 to 5 years old were longitudinally assessed (with loss or extraction of deciduous anterior teeth [n = 9], and without tooth losses [n = 6]). Photographs and dental casts at the baseline and after 24 months of follow-up were performed. Dental casts were scanned, and linear measurements were made on the digitalized models (missing tooth space, arch perimeter, arch length, arch width, intercanine length and intercanine width). The t-test was used for groups comparisons (α = 0.05). Results: Individuals’ mean age at baseline was 2.93 (± 1.18) years. No statistically significant differences were observed in the missing tooth space in the group with tooth loss during the 24 months of follow-up (p > 0.05). Arch perimeter, arch length, arch width, intercanine length and intercanine width did not show differences between the groups (p > 0.05). Qualitative photographic evaluation revealed other changes in the dental arches and occlusion, such as exfoliation and eruption of deciduous teeth, eruption of permanent teeth, self-correction or establishment of malocclusion, among others. Conclusion: The results suggest that the premature loss of deciduous anterior teeth does not affect the perimeter, length and width of the dental arches; however, other alterations that lead to malocclusion could be established

    Nutrition in the first 1000 days of life: shall we understand its importance and learn from healthy eating tips?

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    This e-book was produced in simple language, with the general population as target, especially pregnants or future pregnants, children guardians and their families. It addresses nutrition in the first 1000 days in ten chapters, with questions about knowledge of food ingested, its influence on the baby's development during pregnancy, breastfeeding, micronutrients such as calcium, the importance of not offering sugar to the child until the age of two and other questions about baby feeding. It has a direct link to each chapter and to the other e-book (Do you know the importance of the first 1000 days of life for a child's health?) from the same authors’ group, as well as a QR Code to access the references.O presente e-book foi produzido em linguagem simples, tendo como pĂșblico-alvo a população em geral, em especial futuras gestantes, gestantes, responsĂĄveis por crianças e seus nĂșcleos familiares. Aborda a nutrição nos primeiros 1000 dias em dez capĂ­tulos, com questĂ”es acerca do conhecimento sobre o alimento ingerido, sua influĂȘncia no desenvolvimento do bebĂȘ durante a gestação, aleitamento materno, micronutrientes como o cĂĄlcio, importĂąncia de nĂŁo oferecer açĂșcar Ă  criança atĂ© os dois anos e demais questĂ”es quanto Ă  alimentação do bebĂȘ. Possui link de direcionamento para os capĂ­tulos e para o outro e-book (VocĂȘ sabe da importĂąncia dos primeiros 1000 dias de vida para a saĂșde da criança?) do mesmo grupo de autores, alĂ©m de QR Code para acessar as referĂȘncias