9 research outputs found


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    The evolution of the Western world has drawn on theoretical structures of classical and neoclassical liberalism for its explanatory support and sources of inspiration for centuries. Against this ideological background, institutionalists aim at showing that growth is a process of transformation, a double change: an economic and an institutional one. In this analysis, our purpose is to highlight the importance of informal institutional arrangements and their quality in explaining the disparities of revenues and developments between countries. In our approach, we will consider several indicators meant to highlight various aspects of research. The approach proposed is a transversal-comparative one and static methods pertain to uni- and multivariate analysis. The results obtained suggest the existence of major differences within the Central and East European area as far as informal institutions are concerned; moreover, the analysis conducted confirms the existence of a significant relation between the level of development and the structure of informal arrangements such as: trust level, bribe culture and corruption control

    Sustenabilitatea educației doctorale în economie și afaceri

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    Volumul ”Sustenabilitatea educației doctorale în economie și afaceri” valorifică ideile și cercetările doctoranzilor de la Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, școala doctorală de economie și administrarea afacerilor. Lucrările au fost prezentate, prin postere sau în plen, în conferința finală a proiectului SESYR, finanțat prin programul european Jean Monnet. Structurarea volumului în patru subcapitole generice are ca scop valorificarea domeniilor considerate prin filosofia proiectului:managementul proiectelor, antreprenoriat si angajabilitate pentru tinerii cercetători. O colecție de 24 de articole având 35 de autori, oferă un mediu de dezbatere științifică provocatoare pentru publicul cititor din domeniul economic. Focalizarea subiectelor din articolele prezente pe motivațiile de cercetare ale doctoranzilor și postdoctoranzilor face ca acest volum să reprezinte un debut publicistic pentru unii autori iar pentru alții, o consolidare a vocației. Diseminarea pasiunilor în astfel de contexte consolidează colaborarea și deschiderea spre noi subiecte investigative. Volumul este destinat studenților, cercetătorilor și profesorilor și îl propunem ca reper bibliografic pentru dezvoltarea altor idei de cercetare și inovare în arealul nostru tematic

    Comportamento ecoempreendedor no contexto pandêmico

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    O presente estudo explora o comportamento ecoempreendedor no contexto da Covid-19, analisando a influência da obrigação moral e do engajamento ambiental na percepção de empatia, autoeficácia ecoempreendedora e criação de valor ambiental. Dados primários foram coletados de 130 participantes do Projeto Conexão Mata Atlântica. A análise dos dados foi realizada usando o PLS-SEM. Seis das oito hipóteses de pesquisa foram suportadas. O estudo confirmou que a percepção de empatia e autoeficácia é influenciada por níveis mais elevados de obrigação moral. Os resultados indicam que os ecoempreendedores mais engajados com o meio ambiente têm níveis mais altos de autoeficácia e criação de valor ambiental. Foi contrariada a premissa de que um sentimento de moralidade poderia impactar positivamente a criação de valor ambiental decorrente do negócio. A hipótese de que o engajamento ambiental influencia positivamente a empatia ecoempreendedora não foi confirmada. Os resultados demonstram a complexidade das relações entre as variáveis que medem o comportamento ecoempreendedor e a necessidade de explorar esses determinantes de características-chave. Assim, a pesquisa representa um avanço na temática do ecoempreendedorismo, abrindo-se uma nova direção para invetigações ao testar o poder explicativo de variáveis até então não testadas. Ela também oferece percepções práticas para formuladores de políticas e educadores envolvidos com o ecoempreendedorismo. Por fim, fazemos algumas reflexões à luz dos produtores rurais e das atividades rurais. Além disso, apresentamos contribuições diretamente relacionadas à Agenda dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) da ONU

    Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19 : The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination–a multi-country study

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, higher educational institutions worldwide switched to emergency distance learning in early 2020. The less structured environment of distance learning forced students to regulate their learning and motivation more independently. According to self-determination theory (SDT), satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence and social relatedness affects intrinsic motivation, which in turn relates to more active or passive learning behavior. As the social context plays a major role for basic need satisfaction, distance learning may impair basic need satisfaction and thus intrinsic motivation and learning behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between basic need satisfaction and procrastination and persistence in the context of emergency distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in a cross-sectional study. We also investigated the mediating role of intrinsic motivation in this relationship. Furthermore, to test the universal importance of SDT for intrinsic motivation and learning behavior under these circumstances in different countries, we collected data in Europe, Asia and North America. A total of N = 15,462 participants from Albania, Austria, China, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Poland, Malta, North Macedonia, Romania, Sweden, and the US answered questions regarding perceived competence, autonomy, social relatedness, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, persistence, and sociodemographic background. Our results support SDT’s claim of universality regarding the relation between basic psychological need fulfilment, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, and persistence. However, whereas perceived competence had the highest direct effect on procrastination and persistence, social relatedness was mainly influential via intrinsic motivation.Peer reviewe

    Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19: The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination–a multi-country study

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, higher educational institutions worldwide switched to emergency distance learning in early 2020. The less structured environment of distance learning forced students to regulate their learning and motivation more independently. According to self-determination theory (SDT), satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence and social relatedness affects intrinsic motivation, which in turn relates to more active or passive learning behavior. As the social context plays a major role for basic need satisfaction, distance learning may impair basic need satisfaction and thus intrinsic motivation and learning behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between basic need satisfaction and procrastination and persistence in the context of emergency distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in a cross-sectional study. We also investigated the mediating role of intrinsic motivation in this relationship. Furthermore, to test the universal importance of SDT for intrinsic motivation and learning behavior under these circumstances in different countries, we collected data in Europe, Asia and North America. A total of N = 15,462 participants from Albania, Austria, China, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Poland, Malta, North Macedonia, Romania, Sweden, and the US answered questions regarding perceived competence, autonomy, social relatedness, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, persistence, and sociodemographic background. Our results support SDT’s claim of universality regarding the relation between basic psychological need fulfilment, intrinsic motivation, procrastination, and persistence. However, whereas perceived competence had the highest direct effect on procrastination and persistence, social relatedness was mainly influential via intrinsic motivation.</p


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    The purpose of our paper is to analyse the relation between the inequalities of the healthcare system and economic growth. With respect to methodology, we focus on the eight development regions of Romania which group counties with different development levels and complementary economies. By using descriptive and comparative analyses, we aim at highlighting the discrepancies of the Romanian system considering the following indicators: life expectancy at birth (years), standardised death rate, all causes of death per 100 000 inhabitants, infant mortality, physicians or doctors (per 100000 inhabitants), dentists (per 100000 inhabitants), number of nurses (per 100000 inhabitants), available beds in hospitals, number of hospitals available in the regions and family care units

    Public Health Care Financing and the Costs of Cancer Care: A Cross-National Analysis

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    Expenditure and financing aspects in the healthcare system in general, and in cancer care in particular, are subjects of increasing concern to the medical community. Nowadays, it is imperative for the healthcare system to respond to the challenge of universal access to quality healthcare, by measuring the financial resources within the healthcare sector. The purpose of this review is to highlight the major gaps in the healthcare expenditures for all types of care, as well as on cancer and anti-cancer drugs across 28 European Union member states. The indicators taken into account are divided into two major groups: (1) healthcare expenditures for all types of care, and (2) healthcare expenditures on cancer and anti-cancer drugs. The programs used for our analysis are SPSS Statistics V20.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA) and Stat World Explorer. The overall picture confirms that there are considerable disparities between the 28 countries in relation to their expenditures on health. The trend in public expenditures for all types of care, compared to the share of healthcare expenditures as a percentage of the GDP, shows the increase of health expenses between 2010 and 2014, but a lower rise compared to the total GDP increase. Healthcare expenditure on cancer (%THE) is rather low, despite the high cost associated with anti-cancer drugs. New treatments and drugs development will be increasingly difficult to achieve if the share devoted to cancer does not increase, and the lack of funds may act as a barrier in receiving high-quality care

    Toward Complex Systems Dynamics through Flow Regimes of Multifractal Fluids

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    In the framework of the Multifractal Theory of Motion, which is expressed by means of the multifractal hydrodynamic model, complex system dynamics are explained through uniform and non-uniform flow regimes of multifractal fluids. Thus, in the case of the uniform flow regime of the multifractal fluid, the dynamics’ description is “supported” only by the differentiable component of the velocity field, the non-differentiable component being null. In the case of the non-uniform flow regime of the multifractal fluid, the dynamics’ description is “supported” by both components of the velocity field, their ratio specifying correlations through homographic transformations. Since these transformations imply metric geometries explained, for example, by means of Killing–Cartan metrics of the SL(2R)-type algebra, of the set of 2 × 2 matrices with real elements, and because these metrics can be “produced” as Cayleyan metrics of absolute geometries, the dynamics’ description is reducible, based on a minimal principle, to harmonic mappings from the usual space to the hyperbolic space. Such a conjecture highlights not only various scenarios of dynamics’ evolution but also the types of interactions “responsible” for these scenarios. Since these types of interactions become fundamental in the self-structuring processes of polymeric-type materials, finally, the theoretical model is calibrated based on the author’s empirical data, which refer to controlled drug release applications