132 research outputs found

    Turița și cicoarea – surse de saponozide

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    Background. Saponosides are products of secondary metabolism that are noted for their multiple pharmacological activities: antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant and immunomodulatory, and the plants can serve as local raw material sources for new pharmaceutical products. Objective of the study. Identification and dosage of saponosides in the vegetal products: Agrimoniae herba and Cichorii herba. Material and Methods. The aerial parts of agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria L.), and cichory (Cichorium intybus L.) were collected in the flowering period, from the collection of Scientific and Practical Centre for Medicinal Plants of the „Nicolae Testemițanu” SUMPh. Dosage of saponosides was realized by Metertech UV/VIS SP 8001 Spectrophotometer, at wavelength of λ = 540, according to the vanillin-sulphuric acid method. Results. By thin layer chromatography, the presence of saponosides in the aerial parts of the mentioned vegetal products was determined with an Rf = 0.32, compared to standard saponin. From saponosides, in Agrimoniae herba vegetal product are contained ursolic, euscapic and tormentic acids, and in Cichorii herba were identified α-amyrin, α-lactucerol and taraxerone. Phytochemical analysis realized by the spectrophotometric method according to the vanillin- sulphuric acid test revealed the presence of saponosides with a concentration of 371.053 mg/L for Agrimoniae herba and 216.191 mg/L for Cichorii herba. Conclusion. Vegetal products harvested from species: A. eupatoria and C. intybus from the collection of SPCMP can be used as sources of saponosides and new pharmaceutical forms.Study carried out with the support of the project 20.80009.8007.24 “Biological and phytochemical study of medicinal plants with antioxidant, antimicrobial and hepatoprotective action” within the State Program (2020-2023), project manager Ciobanu Nicolae, Ph.D. farm., associate professor, contracting authority: National Agency for Research and Development.Introducere. Saponozidele sunt produși ai metabolismului secundar care se remarcă prin multiple activități farmacologice: antimicrobiene, antivirale, antioxidante, imunomodulatoare, iar plantele pot servi ca surse de materie primă locală pentru noi produse farmaceutice. Scopul lucrării. Identificarea și dozarea saponozidelor din produsele vegetale: Agrimoniae herba și Cichorii herba. Material și Metode. Părțile aeriene de turiță (Agrimonia eupatoria L.) și cicoare (Cichorium intybus L.) au fost recoltate în perioada de înflorire, din colecția Centrului Științifico Practic în Domeniul Plantelor Medicinale a USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”. Dozarea saponozidelor s-a realizat cu ajutorul spectrofotometrului Metertech UV/VIS SP 8001 la lungimea de undă λ = 540, conform metodei cu vanilină-acid sulfuric. Rezultate. Prezența saponozidelor în părțile aeriene ale produselor vegetale menționate a fost determinată prin cromatografia pe strat subțire, cu un Rf=0,32, comparativ cu saponina standard. Din saponozide, în produsul vegetal Agrimoniae herba se conțin acizii euscapic, ursolic și tormentic, iar în Cichorii herba au fost identificate α-amirina, α-lactucerolul și taraxerona. Analiza fitochimică realizată prin metoda spectrofotometrică conform testului vanilină-acid sulfuric a evidențiat prezența saponozidelor cu o concentrație de 371,053 mg/L pentru Agrimoniae herba și 216,191 mg/L pentru Cichorii herba. Concluzii. Produsele vegetale recoltate de la speciile: A. eupatoria și C. intybus din colecția CȘPDPM pot fi utilizate ca surse de saponozide și de noi forme farmaceutice.Studiu realizat cu suportul proiectului 20.80009.8007.24„ Studiul biologic și fitochimic al plantelor medicinale cu acțiune antioxidantă, antimicrobiană și hepatoprotectoare” din cadrul Programului de Stat (2020-2023), conducător de proiect Ciobanu Nicolae, dr. șt. farm., conf. univ., autoritatea contractantă: Agenția Națională pentru Cercetare și Dezvoltare


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Saponozidele sunt produși ai metabolismului secundar care se remarcă prin multiple activități farmacologice: antimicrobiene, antivirale, antioxidante, imunomodulatoare, iar plantele pot servi ca surse de materie primă locală pentru noi produse farmaceutice. Scopul lucrării. Identificarea și dozarea saponozidelor din produsele vegetale: Agrimoniae herba și Cichorii herba. Material și Metode. Părțile aeriene de turiță (Agrimonia eupatoria L.) și cicoare (Cichorium intybus L.) au fost recoltate în perioada de înflorire, din colecția Centrului Științifico Practic în Domeniul Plantelor Medicinale a USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”. Dozarea saponozidelor s-a realizat cu ajutorul spectrofotometrului Metertech UV/VIS SP 8001 la lungimea de undă λ = 540, conform metodei cu vanilină-acid sulfuric. Rezultate. Prezența saponozidelor în părțile aeriene ale produselor vegetale menționate a fost determinată prin cromatografia pe strat subțire, cu un Rf=0,32, comparativ cu saponina standard. Din saponozide, în produsul vegetal Agrimoniae herba se conțin acizii euscapic, ursolic și tormentic, iar în Cichorii herba au fost identificate α-amirina, α-lactucerolul și taraxerona. Analiza fitochimică realizată prin metoda spectrofotometrică conform testului vanilină-acid sulfuric a evidențiat prezența saponozidelor cu o concentrație de 371,053 mg/L pentru Agrimoniae herba și 216,191 mg/L pentru Cichorii herba. Concluzii. Produsele vegetale recoltate de la speciile: A. eupatoria și C. intybus din colecția CȘPDPM pot fi utilizate ca surse de saponozide și de noi forme farmaceutice.Background. Saponosides are products of secondary metabolism that are noted for their multiple pharmacological activities: antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant and immunomodulatory, and the plants can serve as local raw material sources for new pharmaceutical products. Objective of the study. Identification and dosage of saponosides in the vegetal products: Agrimoniae herba and Cichorii herba. Material and Methods. The aerial parts of agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria L.), and cichory (Cichorium intybus L.) were collected in the flowering period, from the collection of Scientific and Practical Centre for Medicinal Plants of the „Nicolae Testemițanu” SUMPh. Dosage of saponosides was realized by Metertech UV/VIS SP 8001 Spectrophotometer, at wavelength of λ = 540, according to the vanillin-sulphuric acid method. Results. By thin layer chromatography, the presence of saponosides in the aerial parts of the mentioned vegetal products was determined with an Rf = 0.32, compared to standard saponin. From saponosides, in Agrimoniae herba vegetal product are contained ursolic, euscapic and tormentic acids, and in Cichorii herba were identified α-amyrin, α-lactucerol and taraxerone. Phytochemical analysis realized by the spectrophotometric method according to the vanillin-sulphuric acid test revealed the presence of saponosides with a concentration of 371.053 mg/L for Agrimoniae herba and 216.191 mg/L for Cichorii herba. Conclusion. Vegetal products harvested from species: A. eupatoria and C. intybus from the collection of SPCMP can be used as sources of saponosides and new pharmaceutical forms

    Influence of Working Environment on Fatigue Life Time Duration for Runner Blades of Kaplan Turbines

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    The paper present an analytical analyzes refer to influence of working environment on life time duration in service of runner blades of Kaplan turbines. The study are made using only analytical method, the entry dates being obtained from measurements made in situ for a Kaplan turbine. To calculate the maximum number of stress cycles whereupon the runner blades work without any damage it was used an analytical relation known in specialized literatures under the name of Morrow’s relation. To estimate fatigue life time duration will be used a formula obtained from one of most common cumulative damage methodology taking in consideration the real exploitation conditions of a specified Kaplan turbine

    Органосохраняюшие операции при раке груди: показания, противопоказания и рецидивы

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    Organ-сonserving operations in breast cancer include performing extended sectoral resections with regional lymphadenectomy. In the case of these interventions, immediate histological examination of the safe margins and subareolar area will be mandatory. Overly economical tactics are associated with the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Organ-preserving breast cancer surgeries, supplemented with radiation therapy, are a safe alternative to mastectomy with the correct selection of patients with early formsOperațiile organomenajante includ efectuarea rezecțiilor sectoriale lărgite cu limfadenectomie regională. În cazul acestor intervenții se va efectua obligatoriu verificarea histologică extemporanee a marginilor de securitate și a zonei subareolare. Tactici excesiv de econome sunt asociate cu riscul de recidive a Cancerul glandei mamare (CGM). Operațiile organomenjate ale glandei mamare, completate de radioterapie, sunt o alternativă sigură la mastectomie cu selectarea corectă a pacientelor cu forme timpurii de CGMОрганносохраняюшие операции включают выполнение расширенных секторальных резекций с регионарной лимфаденэктомией. В случае этих вмешательств, немедленная гистологическая проверка безопасных краев и субареолярной области будет обязательной. Чрезмерно экономичная тактика связана с риском рецидива рака молочной железы. Органносохраняюшие операции рака молочной железы, дополненные лучевой терапией, являются безопасной альтернативой мастэктомии с правильным отбором пациентов с ранними формам

    Mucormicoza rino-orbito-cerebrală: caz clinic

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    Background. Mucormycosis is an opportunistic infection with a high lethal potential. The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzed an explosion of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) reported worldwide. Other cases of ROCM have not been published in the Republic of Moldova yet. Objective of the study. We present a case of ROCM complicated with the invasion of the cerebral venous system and the internal carotid artery (ICA). Material and Methods. The diagnosis was confirmed clinically, through neuroimaging: computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and morphopathologically. The literature review was conducted based on the particularities of the case. Results. A 68-year-old patient with diabetes mellitus was hospitalized with headache, right exophthalmia, ptosis, chemosis, facial edema - developed post-SARS-CoV-2. Neurological exam revealed ophthalmoplegia and amaurosis, positive meningeal signs. Cerebrospinal fluid exam was consistent with meningitis. Brain MRI showed pansinusitis. Angio-CT revealed thrombi in the ICA and venous sinuses and air in the right ophthalmic vein. Antibacterial, anticoagulant and surgical treatment was administered. Morphopathological examination confirmed mucormycosis. Although treatment with amphotericin B was initiated, the patient died on the 41st day of the disease. Conclusions. Simultaneous arterial and venous cerebral thrombosis in post-COVID-19 patients with diabetes mellitus may suggest ROCM. Mucormycosis could promote an anaerobic infection leading to an air embolism of the neighboring cerebral sinuses and veins.Introducere. Mucormicoza este o infecție oportunistă cu evoluție frecvent fatală. Pandemia COVID-19 a catalizat o explozie a numărului de cazuri de mucormicoză rino-orbito-cerebrală (MROC) raportate la nivel mondial. În Republica Moldova nu au fost publicate cazuri anterioare celui expus. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea unui caz de MROC complicată cu invazia sistemului venos cerebral și a arterei carotide interne (ACI). Material și metode. Diagnosticul a fost confirmat clinic, neuroimagistic: prin tomografie computerizată (CT), imagistică prin rezonanță magnetică (IRM) și morfopatologic. A fost efectuată revista literaturii în baza particularităților cazului. Rezultate. Pacienta de 68 ani, cu diabet zaharat, a fost internată cu cefalee, exoftalmie, ptoză, chemoză și edem facial pe dreapta - dezvoltate post-SARS-CoV-2. Examenul neurologic a relevat oftalmoplegie și amauroză, semne meningiene pozitive. Examenul lichidului cefalorahidian a evidențiat sindrom meningian. IRM cerebrală a indicat pansinusita. Prin angio-CT au fost vizualizați trombi la nivelul ACI, sinusurilor venoase drepte și conținut aeric în vena oftalmică. A fost administrat tratament antibacterian, anticoagulant și chirurgical. Examenul morfopatologic a confirmat mucormicoza. Deși a fost inițiat tratament cu amfotericina B, pacienta a decedat la a 41-a zi de boală. Concluzii. Tromboza cerebrală arterială și venoasă simultană la pacienții post-COVID-19 cu diabet zaharat, poate sugera MROC. Mucormicoza ar putea favoriza infecția anaerobă conducând la embolia gazoasă a sinusurilor și venelor cerebrale învecinate


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Mucormicoza este o infecție oportunistă cu evoluție frecvent fatală. Pandemia COVID-19 a catalizat o explozie a numărului de cazuri de mucormicoză rino-orbito-cerebrală (MROC) raportate la nivel mondial. În Republica Moldova nu au fost publicate cazuri anterioare celui expus. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea unui caz de MROC complicată cu invazia sistemului venos cerebral și a arterei carotide interne (ACI). Material și metode. Diagnosticul a fost confirmat clinic, neuroimagistic: prin tomografie computerizată (CT), imagistică prin rezonanță magnetică (IRM) și morfopatologic. A fost efectuată revista literaturii în baza particularităților cazului. Rezultate. Pacienta de 68 ani, cu diabet zaharat, a fost internată cu cefalee, exoftalmie, ptoză, chemoză și edem facial pe dreapta - dezvoltate post-SARS-CoV-2. Examenul neurologic a relevat oftalmoplegie și amauroză, semne meningiene pozitive. Examenul lichidului cefalorahidian a evidențiat sindrom meningian. IRM cerebrală a indicat pansinusita. Prin angio-CT au fost vizualizați trombi la nivelul ACI, sinusurilor venoase drepte și conținut aeric în vena oftalmică. A fost administrat tratament antibacterian, anticoagulant și chirurgical. Examenul morfopatologic a confirmat mucormicoza. Deși a fost inițiat tratament cu amfotericina B, pacienta a decedat la a 41-a zi de boală. Concluzii. Tromboza cerebrală arterială și venoasă simultană la pacienții post-COVID-19 cu diabet zaharat, poate sugera MROC. Mucormicoza ar putea favoriza infecția anaerobă conducând la embolia gazoasă a sinusurilor și venelor cerebrale învecinate.Background. Mucormycosis is an opportunistic infection with a high lethal potential. The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzed an explosion of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) reported worldwide. Other cases of ROCM have not been published in the Republic of Moldova yet. Objective of the study. We present a case of ROCM complicated with the invasion of the cerebral venous system and the internal carotid artery (ICA). Material and Methods. The diagnosis was confirmed clinically, through neuroimaging: computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and morphopathologically. The literature review was conducted based on the particularities of the case. Results. A 68-year-old patient with diabetes mellitus was hospitalized with headache, right exophthalmia, ptosis, chemosis, facial edema - developed post-SARS-CoV-2. Neurological exam revealed ophthalmoplegia and amaurosis, positive meningeal signs. Cerebrospinal fluid exam was consistent with meningitis. Brain MRI showed pansinusitis. Angio-CT revealed thrombi in the ICA and venous sinuses and air in the right ophthalmic vein. Antibacterial, anticoagulant and surgical treatment was administered. Morphopathological examination confirmed mucormycosis. Although treatment with amphotericin B was initiated, the patient died on the 41st day of the disease. Conclusions. Simultaneous arterial and venous cerebral thrombosis in post-COVID-19 patients with diabetes mellitus may suggest ROCM. Mucormycosis could promote an anaerobic infection leading to an air embolism of the neighboring cerebral sinuses and veins

    Chemical profile of saponosides in aerial parts of agrimony and cichory

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Saponozidele sunt un grup de compuși vegetali care posedă proprietăți terapeutice antiinflamatoare, antimicrobiene, imunomodulatoare, cicatrizante, iar plantele medicinale pot fi utilizate ca materie primă cu scopul de a obține noi produse farmaceutice. Scopul lucrării. Identificarea și dozarea saponozidelor din produsele vegetale: Agrimoniae herba (Agrimonia eupatoria L.) și Cichorii herba (Cichorium intybus L.). Material și metode. Părțile aeriene de turiță și cicoare au fost recoltate în perioada de înflorire, din colecția CȘPDPM. Saponozidele s-au identificat prin reacții specifice și prin cromatografia pe strat subțire (în 3 sisteme). Dozarea saponozidelor s-a realizat cu ajutorul spectrofotometrului Metertech UV/VIS SP 8001 la lungimea de undă λ = 540 nm. Rezultate. Prin reacții specifice de identificare (cu acetat de plumb, reacția de formare a spumei, Liebermann-Bourchard, Lafon, cu nitrat de sodiu) și prin cromatografia pe strat subțire s-au identificat saponozidele triterpenice în părțile aeriene de turiță și cicoare. Analiza cantitativă realizată prin metoda spectrofotometrică conform testului vanilină-acid sulfuric a evidențiat prezența saponozidelor cu o concentrație de 371,053 mg/L pentru Agrimoniae herba, urmat de 216,19 mg/L pentru Cichorii herba, în recalcul după curba de etalonare pentru saponozidă (1 mg/ml; y = 0,0008X+0,0081; R = 0,9976). Concluzii. Părțile aeriene recoltate de la speciile: Agrimonia eupatoria și Cichorium intybus din colecția CȘPDPM pot servi ca surse de saponozide în scopul elaborării de noi forme farmaceutice.Background. Saponosides are a group of plant compounds that possess anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, cicatrizing therapeutic properties, therefore the plants could be used as raw material in order to obtain new pharmaceutical products. Objective of the study. Identification and dosage of saponosides in the vegetal products: Agrimoniae herba and Cichorii herba. Material and methods. The aerial parts of agrimony and cichory were collected in the flowering period, from the collection of Scientific and Practical Center for Medicinal Plants of the Nicolae Testemițanu University. Saponosides were identified through specific reactions and by thin layer chromatography (in 3 systems). Dosage of saponosides was realized by Metertech UV/VIS SP 8001 Spectrophotometer, at wavelength of λ = 540 nm. Results. By specific identification reactions (with lead acetate, the foaming reaction, Liebermann-Bourchard, Lafon, with sodium nitrate) and by thin layer chromatography, triterpene saponosides were identified in the aerial parts of agrimony and chicory. The quantitative analysis carried out by the spectrophotometric method according to the vanillin-sulfuric acid test revealed the presence of saponosides with a concentration of 371.053 mg/L for Agrimoniae herba, followed by 216.19 mg/L for Cichorii herba, in recalculation after the calibration curve for saponoside (1 mg/ml; y = 0.0008X+0.0081; R = 0.9976). Conclusion. Aerial parts harvested from species: Agrimonia eupatoria and Cichorium intybus from the collection of SPCMP can be used as sources of saponosides and new pharmaceutical forms

    Current Research Trends in IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers: a Comprehensive Review

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    Due to the need to provide a framework to motivate consistency, comparability and simplification of financial reporting arose a new standard IFRS 15, which intrigued the academic environment, challenged researchers to explore its implications in depth and raised the interest of the international financial community for a better understanding of how it influences accounting practices and reporting processes. Through a meticulous analysis of research available in the Web of Science database, this article discusses significant developments in the interpretation and application of IFRS 15, thus providing a comprehensive perspective on the subject. The interpretation of the data in the field was carried out using the bibliometric analysis tool Biblioshiny, thus obtaining relevant information about the current state of IFRS 15 research. This study is a useful guide for accounting professionals, researchers and practitioners in the financial and accountanting field, providing an up-to-date understanding of IFRS 15 trends and the challenges associated with applying it in an ever-changing environment


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    Abstract. In the process of carrying out economic activities, each entity engages with various business partners, governmental bodies, personnel, and others. Consequently, the relationships formed often result in the emergence of receivables, owing to the time delay in meeting financial obligations related to the sale of economic goods or the provision of advances. The main objective of this research is to comprehensively examine the theoretical aspects related to the concept of accounts receivable, including their definition, classification, and regulation. Additionally, it aims to analyze the normative framework at both the national and international levels, considering economic and legal perspectives. Furthermore, this study encompasses an assessment of scientific productivity, the impact of scientific research, trending topics, and other aspects through bibliometric analysis. It's worth noting that the current market conditions underscore the significance of this research topic, where economic agents have the ability to choose their market and business partners. In this context, accounts receivable play a pivotal role in reflecting the economic and financial situation of both parties involved

    The Role of Spirituality in the Construction of the Autonomy and Responsibility of Chronic Diabetic Patients. An Orthodox Priests’ Perspective

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    AbstractThis article aims to identify the perceptions of Orthodox Christian priests about the role of faith and religious practices, of spirituality, generally, in the care of chronic patients. In treating chronically ill people, we consider that the concerted actions of those who care about the patient (family, friends) are very important, because they, together with the religious representatives, serve to stimulate the joy of life for the suffering persons and to restore their self-confidence. The chronic condition can cause distortions in the representation of concepts like world, time and necessity, which are seen from the perspective of a transfiguring ethos, transcending time, by the reference to a transcendent reality. Life can be understood as a drama, to which the individual makes specific expectations, both from himself and from their relatives.In this paper, we aim to identify a Christian ethical perspective (Damian, S., Necula, R., Caras, A., Sandu, A., 2012) in the discourse of the priests, especially of those engaged in missionary work in hospitals, as well as specific healing rituals of Orthodoxy. In the context of this article, we have chosen a particular side of the chronic patient's construction of the autonomy and the responsibility towards his own health, limiting ourselves to answer the question: What is the role of religion/spirituality and of the religious institutions in the social construction of autonomy and responsibility for the patient with chronic disease?Private interviews have been conducted with the patients and members of their families, medical specialists in diabetes, medical staff, social workers and focus groups with patients, members of their families, medical specialists in diabetes, family, doctors and orthodox priests. The research done within this study is based on the synthesis of these interviews and focus groups and the data were interpreted using inductive qualitative methodologies