20 research outputs found

    Earnings and wealth inequality and income taxation: quantifying the tradeoffs of switching to a proportional income tax in the U.S.

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    This paper quantifies the steady-state aggregate, distributional, and mobility effects of switching the U.S. to a proportional income tax system.Income tax

    Strengthening the animation of reading through a pedagogical proposal for the children of the transitional grade of the my little world school in the city of Armenia

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    114 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto de investigaci?n tiene como objetivo fundamental fortalecer las falencias que debilitan la animaci?n a la lectura que va dirigida a los ni?os y ni?as del grado transici?n del colegio Mi Peque?o Mundo, a trav?s de una propuesta pedag?gica en donde participaron trece ni?os, padres de familia, docentes y directivos, as? mismo, se busca identificar y explorar aquellas fortalezas que permitan hacer de la animaci?n de la lectura un eje fundamental en el desarrollo integral, en los estudiantes de transici?n del colegio Mi Peque?o Mundo de la ciudad de Armenia (Q.), lo que genera un paso b?sico y estructurado hacia su avance en el proceso de aprendizajeThis research project has the fundamental objective of strengthening the flaws that weaken the reading promotion that is aimed at children transition from grade school my little world, through a pedagogical approach where thirteen children participated, parents family, teachers and administrators, likewise, is to identify and explore those strengths that allow animation to reading a cornerstone in the overall development in students transition from school my little world of the city of Armenia (Q .), which generates a basic step towards its progress and structured in the learning process.. Keywords: Reading, integral development