6 research outputs found

    Thermotolerance in cows: cellular and physiological approaches

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo a compreensão dos efeitos desencadeados pelas temperaturas elevadas na expressão gênica de proteínas de choque térmico, nomeadamente da HSPA1A e HSP90AA1, em linfócitos de fêmeas bovinas de diferentes raças e origens. Parte do projeto foi desenvolvida em Portugal, onde foram utilizadas 20 novilhas da raça Limousine e 22 da raça Mertolenga. A parte desenvolvida no Brasil decorreu com 11 novilhas da raça Holstein Frísia e 20 da raça Brahman. Os animais da raça Holstein participaram do Experimento I no qual foram coletados 4 tubos de sangue para posterior choque térmico in vitro, onde cada tudo de sangue foi submetido a diferentes temperaturas: 40 °C e 42 °C (ambos através de banhos-maria), 23 °C (mantido a temperatura ambiente) e 10 °C (na geladeira), durante duas horas. Todos os animais de todas as raças participaram no Experimento II, onde foram sujeitos ao teste de tolerância ao calor, tendo sido aferidas a temperatura retal e a frequência respiratória, e coletado sangue (após os tratamentos sombra e sol). A todas as amostras de ambos os experimentos foi realizada a lise das hemácias de modo a obter o buffy-coat. O RNA foi isolado através do método do TRIzol e a RT-PCR realizada com SuperScript III após digestão com DNAse I. A PCR em tempo real decorreu no aparelho 7500 Fast Real Time, utilizando TaqMan Gene Expression Assays para os genes alvo HSPA1A e HSP90AA1, e ACTB e PPIA como genes endógenos. Foram calculados os ΔCt (Ctalvo - Ctendógeno) assim como a expressão gênica através do método 2-ΔΔCt. A análise estatística foi realizada através de modelos lineares mistos, recorrendo ao programa R Software Project (versão 3.0.1). No Experimento I foi atestada a qualidade da relação para ambos os endógenos nas relações que estabelecem com o mRNA-HSPA1A e o mRNA-HSP90AA1, através de uma análise de regressão pairwise. Tal como era esperado os valores de expressão gênica a uma temperatura de 23 °C foram os menores, seguidos 10 °C (estresse por frio), 40 °C e 42 °C para o gene HSPA1A. No caso da HSP90AA1, foi a 40 °C que se verificou uma maior expressão gênica. No Experimento II verificou-se uma variação intra-raça algo acentuada para valores de frequência respiratória, permitindo supor que o esforço termorregulatório dos animais de uma mesma raça possa ter sido diferente. Em relação à temperatura retal a raça Brahman apresentou valores significativamente diferentes das restantes raças para a situação sol. As diferenças observadas foram provavelmente consequência dos diferentes níveis de estresse aos quais os animais estiveram sujeitos. As diferenças observadas nos ΔCt não foram muito expressivas e apenas se observaram diferenças significativas na expressão gênica relativa na raça Mertolenga entre as situações sombra e sol. Podemos concluir que o aumento planificado da temperatura de linfócitos bovinos leva a diferentes expressões gênicas relativas de HSPA1A e HSP90AA1. A expressão de mRNA-HSPA1A é tanto maior quanto maior o estresse térmico, quer por frio quer por calor. As expressões gênicas relativas de HSPA1A e HSP90AA1 exibidas por animais com diferentes capacidades termolíticas são também elas diferentes, existindo uma variabilidade individual na expressão gênica relativa de proteínas de choque térmico.The present study aimed to understand the effects triggered by high temperatures in heat shock proteins gene expression, HSPA1A and HSP90AA1, in cow lymphocytes from different breeds and origins. Part of the project was developed in Portugal, where 20 Limousin and 22 Mertolenga breed heifers were used and the second part was developed in Brazil with 11 Holstein Friesian and 20 Brahman heifers. The Holstein animals participated in Experiment I in which four blood samples were collected for subsequent in vitro heat shock, where each one of the blood samples was submitted to different temperatures: 40 ° C and 42 ° C (through water baths), 23 ° C (kept at room temperature) and 10 ° C (in refrigerator) for two hours. All animals from all breeds participated in Experiment II, where they were subjected to the heat tolerance test, where rectal temperature and respiratory rate were measured, and blood samples were collected (after shadow and after sun treatments). In all samples of both experiments was carried out the erythrocytes lysis so as to obtain the buffycoat. The RNA was isolated by the TRIzol method and RT-PCR performed with SuperScript III after digestion with DNase I. The real-time PCR apparatus took place in 7500 Real Fast Time, using TaqMan Gene Expression Assays for HSPA1A and HSP90AA1 target genes, ACTB and PPIA as endogenous genes. The ΔCt (Cttarget - Ctendogenous) were calculated as well as gene expression through the 2-ΔΔCt method. Statistical analysis was performed using linear mixed models, using the program R Project Software (version 3.0.1). In Experiment I it was attested the quality of the relationship for both endogenous with the mRNA-HSPA1A and mRNAHSP90AA1 through a pairwise regression analysis. As expected values, gene expression at a temperature of 23 °C were lower, followed by 10 °C (cold stress), 40 °C and 42 °C for the HSPA1A gene. In the case of HSP90AA1 the higher gene expression was found at 40 °C. In Experiment II, there was a slightly pronounced intra-race variation for respiratory rate values, allowing the assumption that the thermoregulatory effort of animals of the same breed may have been different. Regarding the rectal temperature, in Brahman breeds it was significantly different from the other breeds in the sun treatment. The differences observed were probably a result of different levels of stress to which the animals were subjected. The differences observed in ΔCt were not very expressive and significant differences were only observed in relative gene expression of Mertolenga breed between shade and sun treatments. We conclude that planned increasing temperature in bovine lymphocytes leads to different relative gene expression of HSPA1A and HSP90AA1. The mRNA-HSPA1A expression is greater in higher thermal stress, either by cold or by heat. The HSPA1A and HSP90AA1 relative gene expressions exhibited by animals with different thermolytic capabilities, are also different, existing an individual variability in relative gene expression of heat shock proteins

    Transepidermal water loss in ewes submitted to sun exposure

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    The work aims to determine thermolysis capacity by losses by sweating using trans epidermal water loss values (TEWL) and by tachypnea. Fifty six Santa Ines ewes were divided in facilities having covered area with a cement floor and ï¬ber cement roof panels (4 m high, 8 x 10 m) and uncovered area with hard dirt floor (15 x 15 m). Thermolysis capacity was evaluated using heat stress challenge in three consecutive days, in which animals stayed under the shade, from 08:00 to 13:00 h, when the ï¬rst sample was taken (T0: 08:00 h). From 13:00 to 14:00 h, they stayed in sunny place for 1 h, and the second sample was taken (T1: 14:00h). Then, animals went back to the shade, where they stayed for more 45 minutes (14:00–14:45 h), and the third sample was taken (T2: 14:45h). TEWL with a VapoMeter (Delfin, Finland), respiratory rate (RR) by count of movements per minute and rectal temperature (RT) with a digital thermometer were collected in all sampling times. During the heat challenge, air temperature and relative humidity were measured under the shade and in the sun (Table 1). Variance analysis with multiple comparisons of means by Tukey test at 5% was performed. The study was approved by Ethics Committee of USP (12.1.755.74.9). The highest values of TEWL, RR and RT were found shortly after 1 hour of sunshine (P<0.05, Table 2). Despite TEWL and RR decreased after 45 minutes under the shade, RT did not decrease significantly during this period. This can be explained by the lower thermal inertia for body heat loss, with 17.4% decrease in RR and 0.21% in RT. TEWL can be used to evaluate thermolysis capacity of ewes in addition to RR

    Transepidermal water loss in ewes submitted to sun exposure

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    The work aims to determine thermolysis capacity by losses by sweating using trans epidermal water loss values (TEWL) and by tachypnea. Fifty six Santa Ines ewes were divided in facilities having covered area with a cement floor and ï¬ber cement roof panels (4 m high, 8 x 10 m) and uncovered area with hard dirt floor (15 x 15 m). Thermolysis capacity was evaluated using heat stress challenge in three consecutive days, in which animals stayed under the shade, from 08:00 to 13:00 h, when the ï¬rst sample was taken (T0: 08:00 h). From 13:00 to 14:00 h, they stayed in sunny place for 1 h, and the second sample was taken (T1: 14:00h). Then, animals went back to the shade, where they stayed for more 45 minutes (14:00–14:45 h), and the third sample was taken (T2: 14:45h). TEWL with a VapoMeter (Delfin, Finland), respiratory rate (RR) by count of movements per minute and rectal temperature (RT) with a digital thermometer were collected in all sampling times. During the heat challenge, air temperature and relative humidity were measured under the shade and in the sun (Table 1). Variance analysis with multiple comparisons of means by Tukey test at 5% was performed. The study was approved by Ethics Committee of USP (12.1.755.74.9). The highest values of TEWL, RR and RT were found shortly after 1 hour of sunshine (P<0.05, Table 2). Despite TEWL and RR decreased after 45 minutes under the shade, RT did not decrease significantly during this period. This can be explained by the lower thermal inertia for body heat loss, with 17.4% decrease in RR and 0.21% in RT. TEWL can be used to evaluate thermolysis capacity of ewes in addition to RR