10 research outputs found

    Overall fold of the monomeric structure of the c-Src-SH3 domain.

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    <p>Overall fold of the monomeric species of the WT c-Src-SH3 domain (WT<sub>M</sub>, PDB code 4JZ4). The AU is composed by two chains of the SH3 domain; both chains are represented as a cartoon (white). The n-Src loop residues in chains A and B are shown in red. In chain B, the poor electronic density in the difference maps does not allow to model residues 114-115. Both chains show a nickel-binding site at the N-terminal formed by the residues His83-Ser82-Gly81, with slight differences in the conformation and in the axial ligand (nickel ion is represented with a green sphere). All the figures were performed using the program Pymol 1.7 (distributed by Schrödinger).</p

    Nucleation site of the WT c-Src SH3 domain.

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    <p>Hydrogen-bond interactions among the residues belonging to the diverging β-turn and those of the distal loop are shown in green dotted lines. WT<sub>M</sub> (PDB code 4JZ4) chains A (panel A) and B (panel B) are shown in blue and cyan, respectively. (C) Intertwined dimer structure of the WT c-Src SH3 domain (PDB code 4JZ3), residues at chain A are shown in white sticks and those belonging to the symmetry related molecule (chain B) are in magenta sticks.</p

    X-ray data collection and refinement statistics.

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    <p>Statistics for the highest-resolution shell are shown in parentheses.</p><p>X-ray data collection and refinement statistics.</p

    Water network at the nucleation site of the intertwined structures of the c-Src-SH3 mutants.

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    <p>Representation of the superposition of the 2Fo-Fc electron density map of the distal loop and the diverging β-turn of the WT (blue) and (A) Gln128Glu (red); (B) Gln128Arg (magenta); and (C) Gln128Lys (yellow) mutants. W1, W2 and W3 present in each structure are shown in the same color as the corresponding coordinates.</p

    Thermal stability of WT and mutants of the c-Src-SH3 domain.

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    a<p>Errors are fitting errors to the two-state denaturation model.</p><p>Thermal stability of WT and mutants of the c-Src-SH3 domain.</p

    DLS experiments.

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    <p>(A) Average <i>R</i><sub>h</sub> as a function of c-Src-SH3 domain concentration, in 0.1 M sodium acetate (pH 5.0) at 25°C. Symbols represent measured data in the presence of 5% PEG300 (open circles) and absence of PEG300 (filled circles). (B) Aggregation kinetics of c-Src-SH3 followed by DLS. The protein at a concentration of 25 mg·ml<sup>−1</sup> (3.6 mM) in 0.1 M sodium acetate pH 5.0 was incubated at 25°C (square) containing 5% PEG300 and without PEG300 at 20°C (triangles) and 25°C (circles) as a function of time.</p

    Comparisons in terms of RMSD (Ã…).

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    a<p>Alignment performed taking into account only non-hydrogen atoms.</p>b<p>Alignment performed taking as reference residues 84-110 of the monomer.</p>c<p>Alignment performed taking as reference residues 117-140 of the monomer.</p><p>Comparisons in terms of RMSD (Ã…).</p

    Superposition of the monomeric structures of the c-Src-SH3 domain.

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    <p>Superposition of the crystallographic structures of the monomeric c-Src-SH3 domain (WT<sub>M</sub>, chain A blue and B clear blue, PDB code 4JZ4; Q128E<sub>M</sub>, chain A red and B clear red, PDB code 4OMO) with that solved by NMR (PDB code 1SRL) (grey).</p

    Intertwined dimer structures of the c-Src-SH3 domain.

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    <p>(A) Structure of the intertwined dimer of the c-Src-SH3 domain. Open chain of the WT c-Src-SH3 domain is shown in cartoon (blue). Chain B, which generates the dimer, was obtained by symmetry (light-blue). (B) Superposition of the intertwined structures of the WT<sub>D</sub> (blue) and Q128E<sub>D</sub> (red), Q128K<sub>D</sub> (yellow), Q128R<sub>D</sub> (green) mutants. (C) Superposition of the open chain of the intertwined dimer structure of the WT c-Src-SH3 domain (blue) (PDB code 4JZ3) to chain A of the monomeric structure of the WT (PDB code 4JZ4): the overlay of the N- and C-terminal regions is shown in cyan and white, respectively.</p