23 research outputs found

    A century of trends in adult human height

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    Avaliação ultra-sonográfica do sistema urinário, figado e útero do macaco-prego, Cebus apella

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    O macaco-prego, Cebus apella, é muito difundido no norte e sul da Amazônia Legal Brasileira e no Cerrado. Estes animais encontram-se rotineiramente submetidos à caça predatória, aumentando assim a necessidade de preservação desta espécie silvestre. Realizou-se um estudo ultra-sonográfico de 10 macacos-prego como forma de descrever a anatomia ultra-sonográfica normal de sua cavidade abdominal. A vesícula urinária apresentou parede com espessura média 0,2cm e em posição anatômica cuja topografia permitiu contato com as paredes do corpo do útero e cólon descendente. À varredura abdominal caudal foi visualizada a aorta, veia cava caudal e veia ilíaca direita. O fígado foi visto em varredura sagital e transversal, possibilitando a observação da vesícula biliar e vasos hepáticos. A varredura renal demonstrou com precisão a pelve, seio renal e relação cortico-medular. O comprimento médio de ambos os rins foi de 6,24±0,31cm, não existindo diferença estatística entre o rim direito e esquerdo (Teste t de Student e ANOVA). O volume renal foi 2,37±0,18cm³. Os coeficientes de Correlação de Pearson entre os comprimentos renais direito e esquerdo e entre volumes renais direito e esquerdo foram dispostos como r = 0,74 e 0,51. As espessuras médias para a região cortical e medular foram 0,75±0,11cm e 0,39±0,06cm, respectivamente. O coeficiente de correlação para a relação cortico-medular entre os rins direito e esquerdo foi de r = 0,19. O exame ultrasonográfico mostrou-se como uma técnica eficiente, nãoinvasiva, rápida e reprodutível, que provê dados importantes aos profissionais da área de clínica e cirurgia de animais silvestres.The Brown Capuchin, Cebus apella, has a wide distribution in the northern and southern Brazilian Amazon region and in the Cerrado (savanna). These monkeys are usually submitted to predatory chase, increasing the need for preservation of this wild animal species. An ultrasonographic examination of 10 Brown Capuchins was made in order to describe the normal ultrasonographic anatomy of their abdominal cavity. The urinary bladder revealed its wall thickness with an average of 0.2cm, the topographic situation of which allowed close relation with the wall of uterus and descendent colon. Using caudal abdominal scan, images of aorta, caudal vena cava and right iliac vein were obtained. Liver was accessible for examination by sagittal and cross-section ultrasound, allowing visualization of gallbladder and hepatic vessels. Renal scan allowed accuracy to evidence the echogenicity differences between pelvis, renal sinus, as well as the cortical-medullary relationship. The mean length of the kidneys was 6.24±0.31cm, and no significant differences were observed between left and right kidney length (Student's t-test and ANOVA). The renal volume obtained was 2.37±0.18cm³. Correlation Coefficients of Pearson between right and left renal length and between right and left renal volume were r = 0.74 and 0.51. Mean thickness for cortical and medullar regions was 0.75±0.11 and 0.39±0.06cm, respectively. Correlation Coefficient of corticomedullar relation between right and left renal was r = 0.19. Examination by ultrasound was considered an efficient, noninvasive, fast and repeatable technique which provides useful data for clinicians and surgeons engaged in wild animal medicine

    Ultrasonographic and radiographic determination of egg development of jurarás (Kinosternon scorpioides) in captivity

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    Kinosternon scorpioides (Linnaeus, 1766), with its common name of jurará, is a quite variable species of turtles, and many different names have been applied to populations throughout its range. Currently, however, four subspecies are considered valid as K. scorpioides arises from southern Panama over most of northern South America and is found in Ecuador, northern Peru, southern Bolivia, northern Argentina, eastern Guyana and Brazil. Thus, an ultrasonographic and radiographic study was performed in order to describe the morphology and development of eggs of 20 female jurará mud turtles K. scorpioides, from September 2005 to August 2006. In the first month, the ovarian cycle was characterized by absence of vitellogenic follicles, atresic follicles or oviduct eggs. From October 2005 to March 2006 on, ultrasonographic scanning allowed to establish the growing vitellogenic follicles. Vitellogenic follicles were observed with spherical to ovoid shapes, with a surrounding echogenic yolk, a nonechogenic albumin layer, and a high echogenic shell. The oviduct eggs were identified by radiography just 180 days after beginning the experiment, when the shell became enough mineralized to impress the radiographic film. This experiment allowed to obtain by means of the 7.5 MHz linear probe images with adequate resolution and penetration for visualization of follicles. Successive ultrasonographic examinations of 20 K. scorpioides females allowed to access initial stages of vitellogenic follicles and oviduct eggs, and radiographic examination revealed to be an easy technique to assess oviduct eggs and to allow evaluation of egg development in jurarás, from 6 months on

    Sperm morphological and morphometric evaluation in captive collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu)

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    The aim of this study was to compare different staining methods for the evaluation of sperm morphology by light microscopy and also to describe the morphometry of the entire sperm in collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu). Semen from 10 males was obtained by electroejaculation and evaluated for sperm motility, vigor, and concentration. Semen smears were prepared through three different staining methods: Bengal rose, brome-phenol blue, and eosin-nigrosin. Smears were evaluated under light microscopy and sperm morphologic alterations were determined in percentage. In addition, sperm morphometric analysis was conducted by light microscopy coupled to image analyzer software. The smears stained with Bengal Rose provide the best results for the visualization of the sperm tail, midpiece, and head. The use of eosin-nigrosin stain did not allow an adequate impregnation, and some sperm presented a few contrasts with the background. A higher incidence of bent coiled tails was verified in the use of brome-phenol blue staining (P<0.05). Through morphometric evaluation, it was observed that the tail occupies the greatest proportion (89%) of the sperm which presents a discretely elongated head. According to the results, the use of the Bengal Rose stain is recommended for the morphologic evaluation of the collared peccary sperm