47 research outputs found

    Government expenditure on education, economic growth and long waves: the case of Portugal

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    Recent case studies on European economies have analysed the evolution of aggregate series for government expenditure on education and its relation to cyclical economic growth in the long run. These studies have depicted two different patterns in that relationship. In the case of highly developed economies, namely France, Germany and Great Britain, the evolution of public expenditure on education shows a counter-cyclical behaviour until the Second World War and a pro-cyclical movement thereafter. However, in the case of Spain, a different pattern seems apparent since the expansion phase occurring after the Second World War did not change the counter-cyclical evolution of the Spanish government's efforts to improve the level of education in Spain. In this preliminary approach, the Portuguese case seems to fit the Spanish pattern, once again leaving room for defending the possible existence of an Iberian (or Mediterranean) pattern as opposed to a Northern European pattern

    Globalisation in historical perspective: what is new about the globalisation process?

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    Control and regulation in the portuguese economy (1945-1973)

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    As políticas económicas implementadas em Portugal no período 1945-1973 foram condicionadas pelo enquadramento institucional criado pelo Estado Novo a partir do início dos anos 30, pela conjuntura económica da guerra e pela evolução e meios de integração da economia portuguesa na ordem económica internacional do período. Em comparação com outras economias da Europa Ocidental, as políticas económicas conjunturais foram receosas, as políticas de crescimento, os meios e os resultados foram idênticos e a implementação do estado de bem-estar muito lenta.The economic policies implemented in Portugal during the period 1945-1973 were conditioned by the institutional framework created by the Estado Novo since the beginning of 1930s, by the economic environment of the Second World War, and by the evolution of the integration of the Portuguese economy in the international economic order of the period. Short-term macroeconomic policies were mild in comparison with other Western Europe experiences. Structural policies, in terms of growth, the means to achieve it and its performance, followed the Western European trend. In what concerns the schemes for welfare-state, their incidence was slow to spread

    Education and economic growth in Portugal: a simple regression approach

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    Tomás Cabreira: um economista político num país de finanças avariadas

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    Tomás António da Guarda Cabreira (1865-1918) stood out as an economist and politician, thanks to a large and diverse set of publications on economic and financial issues, in addition to his short political activity as member of parliament and senator after 1911 and as Minister of Finance from February to June 1914. The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the major aspects of his political economic thought, especially concerning his views on Portugal’s financial problems. Tomás Cabreira reveals himself as an economist who is liberal, pragmatic and eclectic from a doctrinal and theoretical perspective.

    UEFA : a successful pan-European organization during the cold war

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the formation of the Union Européenne de Football / European Football Association (UEFA) in the mid-1950s and its evolution during the period of the cold war. Post-World War II Europe was characterized for its division into two zones from an economic and political point of view. Countries from the two zones met in international organizations at the world level and created separate specifically European organizations for cooperation in several economic, political and cultural fields. However, there was an almost complete absence of specifically pan-European organizations bringing together countries from the two zones. The only significant exception was UEFA, which, from the mid-1950s onwards, succeeded in organizing regular football competitions between national and club teams from the whole continent without any significant problems, regardless of the different economic and political systems. This paper will discuss the reasons for such a remarkable achievement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Explaining the economic crisis : Portuguese perspectives on Marxist theory

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    The aim of this paper is to acknowledge the reflections of Portuguese Marxist economists on the theory of economic crisis. Although references to Marx in Portugal date back to the 1850s, both the theoretical approaches adopted and the applied studies undertaken from this perspective were fairly superficial and belated in their appearance in this country. The relative backwardness of the Portuguese economy and other specificities of Portuguese society at that time were detrimental to an intellectual interest in the theory of economic crisis. Nonetheless, the approach adopted to this subject by some economists reveals the existence of a Marxist theoretical tradition in this semi-peripheral country especially in three main types of theories: the theory of crises in the business cycle, addressed from three different perspectives (underconsumption theories, disproportionality theories and theories based on the fall of the rate of profit); the theory of the crisis over the long cycle; and the theory of the systemic crisis. Only after World War II did the first relevant studies begin to emerge, and only after the 1970s did the academic world appear to become sensitive to the subject. Meanwhile, the context of the most recent economic and financial crisis, which began to set in after 2007–08, has revived the topicality of the theory of economic crisis, also viewed from this heterodox perspective.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As finanças da Casa da Moeda

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    Controlo e regulação na economia portugesa (1945-1973)

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    As políticas económicas implementadas em Portugal no período 1945-1973 foram condicionadas pelo enquadramento institucional criado pelo Estado Novo a partir do início dos anos 30, pela conjuntura económica de guerra e pela evolução e meios de integração da economia portuguesa na ordem económica internacional no período. Em comparação com outras economias da Europa Ocidental, as políticas económicas conjunturais foram receosas, as políticas de crescimento, os meios e os resultados foram idênticos e a implementação do estado de bem-estar muito lenta.The economic policies implemented in Portugal during the pe¬riod 1945-1973 were determined by the institutional framework cre¬ated by the Estado Novo since the beginning of the 1930s, by the economic environment of the Second World War, and by the evolu¬tion of the Portuguese economy in the international economic order. Short-term macroeconomic policies were hesitant in comparison with other western European experiences. Structural policies, in terms of growth, the means to achive it and its outcome, followed the western European trends. In what concerns the schemes for welfare state, their incidence was slow to spread

    A globalização numa perspectiva histórica: o que há de novo no processo de globalização ?

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    As inúmeras e contraditórias análises que se têm debruçado sobre os processos de transformação sócio-económicos em curso, para os quais o termo globalização tem sido genericamente aceite, agrupam-se fundamentalmente em duas posições. A dos que procuram detectar naqueles processos uma nova época económica e os elementos característicos e distintivos dessa anunciada época e mesmo desenvolver uma teoria da sua dinâmica. A dos que, pelo contrário, entendem que a globalização, tal como os primeiros a procuram, é um mito. Esta comunicação visa contribuir para uma reflexão que sublinha a continuidade e a ruptura no processo histórico ao discutir e delinear possíveis respostas para a questão: O que há de novo no processo de globalização?The numerous and controversial analyses on the ongoing social, economic changes, for which the expression "globalization" has been widely accepted, can be gathered into two arguments. One tries to identify in those processes a new economic epoch, to go into its distinctive features and even to build a theory of its dynamics. The other, on the contrary, argues that globalization is actually a myth. This paper aims to improve on the analysis of continuity and disruption in historical process trying to answer to the question: What is new about the globalization process