30 research outputs found

    Genetički resursi gajenog i samoniklog povrća u Srbiji

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    Number of plant species and populations in the diet and agriculture, and knowledge about them, their cultivation and use, represent the biological, cultural and social heritage of the humankind. Due to favourable geographic, soil, and climate conditions, and large diversity of flora in Serbia, there is a rich tradition of vegetable use in the diet, cultivated and volunteer, autochthonous. More than 70 botanical vegetable species that are accepted for long-term preservation are mentioned nowadays in Serbia. Besides that, some plant species that are classified as industrial, medicinal and aromatic plants are being used as vegetables. Vegetables include legumes used as stewing vegetables. Serbia has three vegetable regions: lowlands (along the rivers Danube, Tisa and Sava), Moravian (along three Morava Rivers and their tributaries) and mountainous (Eastern, South-eastern and Western areas, Kosovo and Metohija). In these regions, genetic resources of vegetables should be looked for in cultivated and volunteering flora of different domestic and domesticated populations developed due to adaptation to the specific abiotic and biotic factors, including breeders' selection. International and national projects have been organised in the field of preserving genetic resources of vegetables in the past, as well as nowadays in Serbia. Collected samples are stored in Plant Gene Bank of Serbia and in gene banks all over the world. Significant part is located in the collections of national institutes and faculties. Samples are described with passport data, while those in collections even in more detail. However, none of this is sufficient. In the last decades in Serbia, many populations and vegetable species have threatened to disappear. Many villages are disappearing, there are few growers of vegetables, and extinction of numerous valuable genotypes is accelerated by unfavourable weather conditions. Large number of cultivars and vegetable species that were traditionally grown in our country was removed from the Serbian list of cultivars. Species and cultivars that have ceased to be cultivated on larger areas can still be found mostly in gardens. Collecting expedition of eventually remained genetic resources is insufficient; they are unsystematically organised and without clearly directed funding.Brojnost vrsta i populacija biljaka u ishrani i poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kao i znanje o načinu gajenja i upotrebi u ishrani čine biološko, kulturalno i sociološko nasleđe čovečanstva. Zahvaljujući povoljnim geografskim, zemljišnim, klimatskim uslovima i velikom diverzitetu biljnog sveta u Srbiji postoji bogata tradicija upotrebe povrća u ishrani, gajenog i samoniklog, autohtonog i donešenog u mnogobrojnim migracijama stanovništva i trgovačkim poslovima. Povrtarstvo se razvijalo u dolinama reka i u blizini velikih potrošačkih centara. U Srbiji se danas pominje preko 70 botaničkih vrsta povrća. Izdvajaju se tri važna povrtarska reona, Ravničarski (duž reka Dunava, Tise i Save), Moravski (uz tri Morave i njihove pritoke) i Brdsko-planinski (istočna, jugoistočna i zapadna područja, Kosovo i Metohija). U tim regionima, u gajenoj i spontanoj flori, treba tražiti i genetske resurse povrća, raznolike domaće i odomaćene populacije nastale zahvaljujući prilagođavanju specifičnim abiotičkim i biotičkim faktorima, uključujući tu i izbor uzgajivača. U Srbiji je organizovan rad, u prošlosti i danas, na projektima, međunarodnim i domaćim, sa ciljem očuvanja genetskih resursa povrća. Prikupljeni uzorci se čuvaju u Banci Biljnih Gena Srbije i u bankama gena širom sveta, a značajan deo u kolekcijama naših instituta. Uzorci su opisani na pasoškom nivou, a oni u kolekcijama instituta i detaljnije. Međutim sve to je nedovoljno. Poslednjih decenija u Srbiji mnogim populacijama i biljnim vrstama povrća preti opasnost da nestanu. Mnoga sela zamiru, retko ko održava seme za sopstvene potrebe, a nestanak mnogobrojnih vrednih genotipova još više ubrzavaju nepovoljni vremenski uslovi. Sa državne sortne liste Srbije skinut je zadnjih godina veliki broj sorti i vrsta povrća koje su se tradicionalno gajile kod nas. Najčešće u baštama, eventualno se još mogu naći, vrste i sorte koje su gotovo prestale da se gaje na većim površinama. Ekspedicija za prikupljanje eventualno preostalih genetskih resursa je nedovoljno, nesistematično su organizovane i bez jasno usmerenog finansiranja

    Influence of winter savory (Satureja montana L.) aqueous extract on antioxidant properties of Jimson weed (Datura stramonium L.)

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    Due to an increase in the number of herbicide-resistant weeds and environmental concerns about the use of synthetic herbicides, a great effort is being made in designing alternative weed management strategies. The present study was carried out in order to examine the impact of winter savory (Satureja montana) aqueous extract in natural weed management. We evaluated the effect of two concentrations (0.1 and 0.2%) of S. montana aqueous extract on the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the lipid peroxidation process in Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) seedlings. Our results showed that S. montana aqueous extract induced lipid peroxidation in roots of Jimson weed seedlings 72 hours after the treatment

    Allelopathic effects and insecticidal activity of aqueous extracts of Satureja montana L.

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    Extensive use of synthetic insecticides, herbicides and other pesticides has negative effects on the environment and on human and animal health. Therefore, scientists are turning towards natural pesticides, such as active components of plant extracts. The effect of two concentrations (0.1 and 0.2 %) of a Satureja montana L. aqueous extract on the lipid peroxidation process, as well as on the activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), pyrogallol peroxidase (PPX) and catalase (CAT) in the leaves and roots of pepper and black nightshade seedlings were examined 24, 72 and 120 h after treatment. The results showed that the higher concentration of S. montana aqueous extract induced lipid peroxidation in black nightshade roots. Furthermore, significant increases of pyrogallol and guaiacol peroxidase were detected in black nightshade leaves treated with 0.2 % of the S. montana aqueous extract. The second aim was to evaluate effectiveness of the aqueous extract as a contact toxicant against whitefly. It was observed that the 0.2% aqueous extract exhibited a toxic effect with 68.33 % mortality after 96 h

    Distribution of economically important weed species in the riparian and roadside vegetation of Serbia

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    Transportation corridors such as waterways and road networks serve as an entranceway for invasive and economically important weed species. The unstable environment of riparian areas and nutrient enrichment of road verges promotes the establishment and spread of these species, which may have a negative effect on nearby arable land, leading to severe yield reductions. We aimed to register the presence and frequency of five selected weed species (Chenopodium album, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Cynodon dactylon, and Lactuca serriola) within these linear corridors. Sites along waterways were visited during 2013-2016, and road networks during 2018-2019. At each site, studied weed species were registered along 100 m transects, resulting in 250 localities along waterways and 180 near road networks. The most frequent species is C. arvensis, followed by L. serriola and C. album, while less prevalent species are C. arvense and C. dactylon. The main characteristic of studied species is their preference for roadside habitats, except for Chenopodium album, which is more common in riparian areas

    Hypericum perforatum

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    St. John’s wort is a widely used medicinal plant. The quality of herbal drug, which is in most of the cases collected from nature, varies. Therefore, the aim of the present study was detailed chemical characterization of Hypericum perforatum subsp. perforatum samples collected in close time intervals during flowering and fruitification with the purpose to state the phenological stage characterized by maximum levels of active principles. The antioxidant potential and potential to inhibit biologically important enzymes, as well as the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of the sample collected during the full flowering period, were evaluated. Data showed that the optimal period for the achieving of maximum level of active principles is the phenophase between floral budding and flowering stage. Significant antioxidant potential and the ability to inhibit biologically important enzymes (especially α-glucosidase) were recorded. The extract exhibited no genotoxicity in subcytotoxic concentrations, while increased cytotoxicity recorded in cotreatment with bleomycin on malignant cell lines was especially significant

    Rasprostranjenje vrsta roda Lathyrus L. 1753 (Fabales, Fabaceae) u Vojvodini

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    Most of the Lathyrus species of the Vojvodina Province arc cultivated for fodder. They are protein-containing herbs which easily recover after grazing. Some perennial species survive in grassland communities for ten years or more. Certain species are important melliferous plants. In the Vojvodina Province, they inhabit different habitats like forests and grasslands, dry and wet sites, thus showing a wide distribution range. Besides their floristic and vegetation aspects, their role as green and dry fodder crops should be emphasized.U radu je dato rasprostranjenje vrste roda Lathyrus u Vojvodini, na UTM kartama sa UTM kodovima i konkretnim lokalitetima. Podaci potiču iz literature koja obuhvata vremenski period od oko 140 godina, Herbarijuma Departmana za biologiju i ekologiju (BUNS) i sopstvenih terenskih istraživanja. Daje se njihov florni element, odnosno areal rasprostranjenja tipovi zemljišta i staništa na kojima rastu, njihov privredni značaj i broj hromozoma. S obzirom da su divlji graškovi značajne krmne biljke, mogle bi biti uključene u gajene ili korišćene u selekciji i oplemenjivanju. U flori Vojvodine raste 16 vrsta roda Lathyrus od kojih 11 njih ima privredni značaj a još dve bi mogle biti koršićene kao krma. U toku je njihovo anatomsko ispitivanje, što će ukazati na nivo ekološke adaptacije i upotrebljivosti u ishrani stoke. Takođe je u toku fiziološka analiza vrsta, analiza makroelemenata, koncentracija pigmenata i intenzitet disanja i fotosinteze od čega zavisi produkcija organske biljne mase

    Mатеријал за Kритичку листу врста васкуларне флоре Србије. Номенклатурни, таксономски и флористички прилози IV

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    This paper represents the fourth part of the inventory of the flora of Serbia (Niketić et al. 2018, 2020, 2021), which contains nomenclatural, taxonomic and floristic notes related to taxa from the Magnoliopsida group. At the same time, this contribution is the basis for publication of subsequent volumes of the An annotated checklist of vascular flora of Serbia in order to supplement the data on vascular plants in our country.У раду је предложено пет нових номенклатурних комбинација, а поред тога, представљено је 17 таксона (врста, подврста и хибрида) васкуларне флоре који су нови за флору Србије (од тога 12 аутохтоних и пет алохтоних биљак). Потврђени су стари или непоуздани наводи за две аутохтоне биљке у флори Србије. У последњем делу рада дате су информације о деветнаест таксона чије је присуство у Србији или у њеним територијалним јединицама оповргнуто.This paper represents the fourth part of the inventory of the flora of Serbia (Niketić et al. 2018, 2020, 2021), which contains nomenclatural, taxonomic and floristic notes related to taxa from the Magnoliopsida group. At the same time, this contribution is the basis for publication of subsequent volumes of the An annotated checklist of vascular flora of Serbia in order to supplement the data on vascular plants in our country

    Genetic resources of cultivated and volunteer vegetables in Serbia

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    Number of plant species and populations in the diet and agriculture, and knowledge about them, their cultivation and use, represent the biological, cultural and social heritage of the humankind. Due to favourable geographic, soil, and climate conditions, and large diversity of flora in Serbia, there is a rich tradition of vegetable use in the diet, cultivated and volunteer, autochthonous. More than 70 botanical vegetable species that are accepted for long-term preservation are mentioned nowadays in Serbia. Besides that, some plant species that are classified as industrial, medicinal and aromatic plants are being used as vegetables. Vegetables include legumes used as stewing vegetables. Serbia has three vegetable regions: lowlands (along the rivers Danube, Tisa and Sava), Moravian (along three Morava Rivers and their tributaries) and mountainous (Eastern, South-eastern and Western areas, Kosovo and Metohija). In these regions, genetic resources of vegetables should be looked for in cultivated and volunteering flora of different domestic and domesticated populations developed due to adaptation to the specific abiotic and biotic factors, including breeders' selection. International and national projects have been organised in the field of preserving genetic resources of vegetables in the past, as well as nowadays in Serbia. Collected samples are stored in Plant Gene Bank of Serbia and in gene banks all over the world. Significant part is located in the collections of national institutes and faculties. Samples are described with passport data, while those in collections even in more detail. However, none of this is sufficient. In the last decades in Serbia, many populations and vegetable species have threatened to disappear. Many villages are disappearing, there are few growers of vegetables, and extinction of numerous valuable genotypes is accelerated by unfavourable weather conditions. Large number of cultivars and vegetable species that were traditionally grown in our country was removed from the Serbian list of cultivars. Species and cultivars that have ceased to be cultivated on larger areas can still be found mostly in gardens. Collecting expedition of eventually remained genetic resources is insufficient; they are unsystematically organised and without clearly directed funding


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    Abstract In humid habitats in Vojvodina, only two species of Allium genus has been recorded -A. angulosum and A. vineale. Their distribution is consequence of their ecological adaptability and their origin. A. angulosum belongs to the primitive Rhizirideum section, and by that could be defined as an inhabitant of humid grasslands and ecosystems connected to the dictation of the higric factor. A. vineale is more developed representative of the Allium genus, and it is not limited to the humid habitats, but in Vojvodina it could be found on similar places, because of its wide ecological valence. Both species grow in vegetation of humid grasslands of classis Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Tx. 1937, as well as in classis of weed vegetation angulosum is frequent inhabitant of lowland flooded forest vegetation of order Populetalia albae Br.-Bl. 1931, classis Querco-Fagetea Br.-Bl. et Vlieg. 193

    Antioxidant potential of Clinopodium menthifolium, Satureja montana and Salvia sclarea (Lamiaceae) extracts

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    Plants which belong to Lamiaceae family are good potential sources of natural antioxidants useful for preventing oxidative stress-related diseases. The food industry is becoming increasingly interested in aromatic herbs, including plants from Lamiaceae family, because of their anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant activities, due to growing consumer demands for healthy foods of natural origin. In the present investigation, the comparative antioxidant potential of aqueous and acetone extracts of three Lamiaceae species are described: Clinopodium menthifolium (Host), Satureja montana L., and Salvia sclarea L., using three methods: 2,2-azinobis (3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical (ABTS) scavenging, 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) scavenging, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay and their correlations with total phenolic and flavonoid contents. Antioxidant capacity showed a positive relationship comparing three above mentioned tests. Antioxidant capacity detected by antioxidant ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP assays was positively correlated with total phenolics content. Aqueous extract of C. menthifolium showed greater antioxidant potential