64 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK PERBEDAAN KECERDASAN EMOSI SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR DITINJAU DARI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SEKOLAH REGULER, SEKOLAH ALAM, DAN HOMESCHOOLING An Nisaa Nur Citra Dien Prodi Psikologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta Perkembangan kecerdasan emosi selain dipengaruhi kondisi fisik juga dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman emosi dalam konteks sosial kehidupannya. Pada masa anak tengah dan akhir, anak mulai berkembang dalam lingkungan sosial yang lebih luas, yaitu sekolah sehingga sekolah menjadi salah satu lingkungan yang banyak memberikan peran dalam proses perkembangan kecerdasan emosi anak. Pada saat ini banyak model pembelajaran yang berkembang selain bentuk sekolah reguler pada umumnya, antara lain sekolah alam dan homeschooling. Perbedaan model pembelajaran yang mencakup lingkungan dan aktivitas pembelajaran di sekolah reguler, sekolah alam, dan homeschooling ini mengarahkan pada pembentukan kecerdasan emosi yang berbeda di masingmasing model pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kecerdasan emosi pada siswa sekolah dasar ditinjau dari model pembelajaran di sekolah reguler, sekolah alam dan homeschooling. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa sekolah dasar (9-11 tahun) pada sekolah reguler, sekolah alam, dan homeschooling di Bogor dan telah menjalani model pembelajaran tersebut selama 3 tahun dengan jumlah 30 orang pada masing-masing model pembelajaran. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan skala kecerdasan emosi, observasi, dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis One Way Anova. Hasil uji One way anova untuk kecerdasan emosi ditinjau dari model pembelajaran di sekolah reguler, sekolah alam, dan homeschooling diperoleh F hitung > F tabel (3,480 > 3,101) dengan probabilitas p-value< 0,05 (0,035 < 0,05). Hal ini berarti hipotesis diterima, terdapat perbedaan kecerdasan emosi ditinjau dari model pembelajaran di sekolah reguler, sekolah alam, dan homeschooling. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan perbedaan rata-rata kecerdasan emosi yang signifikan terdapat pada kelompok model pembelajaran sekolah reguler dan homeschooling Kata kunci : kecerdasan emosi, model pembelajaran, sekolah reguler, sekolah alam, homeschooling ABSTRACT THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE DIFFERENCES OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS SEEN FROM LEARNING MODELS OF REGULAR SCHOOLS, NATURE SCHOOLS, AND HOMESCHOOLING An Nisaa Nur Citra Dien Department of Psychology Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University Surakarta The development of emotional intelligence is not only influenced by physical condition, but also emotional experiences in social life contexts. In the middle and late childhood, children start growing in a wider social context, that is a school institution, so that the school becomes an environment that plays an important role in the process of the children’s emotional intelligence development. Nowadays, there are many learning models developed besides regular schools, such as nature schools and homeschooling. The differences of learning models including learning environments and learning activities among regular schools, nature schools, and homeschooling bring different emotional intelligence development in each model. This is a quantitative research which is aimed to know the emotional intelligence differences of elementary school students seen from learning models in regular schools, nature schools, and homeschooling. The subjects of this research were elementary school students (9-11 years old) of regular schools, nature schools, and homeschooling which were located in Bogor, East Java and have been running the learning models for 3 years with the amount of students 30 in each model. The technique of sampling was purposive sampling. The technique of data collection used emotional intelligence scale, observation, and interview. The data were analyzed by using One Way Anova analysis technique. The result of One way anova test for emotional intelligence seen from learning models in regular schools, nature schools, and homeschooling showed F count > F table (3,480 > 3,101) with probability p-value< 0,05 (0,035 < 0,05). It meant that the hypothesis was accepted that there are emotional intelligence differences seen from learning models in regular schools, nature schools, and homeschooling. The result of descriptive analysis showed a significant average emotional intelligence in the group of regular school and homeschooling. Key words : emotional intelligence, learning models, regular school, nature school, homeschoolin

    Improving R&D Project Collaboration: A Concurrent Knowledge Learning Model

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    The collaboration issues on research and development (R&D) projects are getting critical. Shorten time-to-market (TTM) of new product is crucial competency of high-tech industries. However, lacks of post-project review, real-time communication and information sharing make barriers to reduce TTM. This would lead to downcast competition in the globalization. In this research, a concurrent knowledge learning (CKL) model is proposed to enhance R&D project collaboration. With the CKL model, R&D collaboration could be improved via the concurrent knowledge reusability and the collaboration mechanism among partners

    Examining the Part-of-speech Features in Assessing the Readability of Vietnamese Texts

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    The readability of the text plays a very important role in selecting appropriate materials for the level of the reader. Text readability in Vietnamese language has received a lot of attention in recent years, however, studies have mainly been limited to simple statistics at the level of a sentence length, word length, etc. In this article, we investigate the role of word-level grammatical characteristics in assessing the difficulty of texts in Vietnamese textbooks. We have used machine learning models (for instance, Decision Tree, K-nearest neighbor, Support Vector Machines, etc.) to evaluate the accuracy of classifying texts according to readability, using grammatical features in word level along with other statistical characteristics. Empirical results show that the presence of POS-level characteristics increases the accuracy of the classification by 2-4%

    Inflammasome Activation Induces Pyroptosis in the Retina Exposed to Ocular Hypertension Injury

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    Mechanical stress and hypoxia during episodes of ocular hypertension (OHT) trigger glial activation and neuroinflammation in the retina. Glial activation and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-1β, complement, and other danger factors was shown to facilitate injury and loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) that send visual information to the brain. However, cellular events linking neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity remain poorly characterized. Several pro-inflammatory and danger signaling pathways, including P2X7 receptors and Pannexin1 (Panx1) channels, are known to activate inflammasome caspases that proteolytically activate gasdermin D channel-formation to export IL-1 cytokines and/or induce pyroptosis. In this work, we used molecular and genetic approaches to map and characterize inflammasome complexes and detect pyroptosis in the OHT-injured retina. Acute activation of distinct inflammasome complexes containing NLRP1, NLRP3 and Aim2 sensor proteins was detected in RGCs, retinal astrocytes and Muller glia of the OHT-challenged retina. Inflammasome-mediated activation of caspases-1 and release of mature IL-1β were detected within 6 h and peaked at 12–24 h after OHT injury. These coincided with the induction of pyroptotic pore protein gasdermin D in neurons and glia in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and inner nuclear layer (INL). The OHT-induced release of cytokines and RGC death were significantly decreased in the retinas of Casp1−/−Casp4(11)del, Panx1−/− and in Wild-type (WT) mice treated with the Panx1 inhibitor probenecid. Our results showed a complex spatio-temporal pattern of innate immune responses in the retina. Furthermore, they indicate an active contribution of neuronal NLRP1/NLRP3 inflammasomes and the pro-pyroptotic gasdermin D pathway to pathophysiology of the OHT injury. These results support the feasibility of inflammasome modulation for neuroprotection in OHT-injured retinas

    Perspectives on the use of transcriptomics to advance biofuels

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    As a field within the energy research sector, bioenergy is continuously expanding. Although much has been achieved and the yields of both ethanol and butanol have been improved, many avenues of research to further increase these yields still remain. This review covers current research related with transcriptomics and the application of this high-throughput analytical tool to engineer both microbes and plants with the penultimate goal being better biofuel production and yields. The initial focus is given to the responses of fermentative microbes during the fermentative production of acids, such as butyric acid, and solvents, including ethanol and butanol. As plants offer the greatest natural renewable source of fermentable sugars within the form of lignocellulose, the second focus area is the transcriptional responses of microbes when exposed to plant hydrolysates and lignin-related compounds. This is of particular importance as the acid/base hydrolysis methods commonly employed to make the plant-based cellulose available for enzymatic hydrolysis to sugars also generates significant amounts of lignin-derivatives that are inhibitory to fermentative bacteria and microbes. The article then transitions to transcriptional analyses of lignin-degrading organisms, such as Phanerochaete chrysosporium, as an alternative to acid/base hydrolysis. The final portion of this article will discuss recent transcriptome analyses of plants and, in particular, the genes involved in lignin production. The rationale behind these studies is to eventually reduce the lignin content present within these plants and, consequently, the amount of inhibitors generated during the acid/base hydrolysis of the lignocelluloses. All four of these topics represent key areas where transcriptomic research is currently being conducted to identify microbial genes and their responses to products and inhibitors as well as those related with lignin degradation/formation.clos

    Adapting Cross-lingual Model To Improve Vietnamese Dependency Parsing

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    Dependency parsing is the task of analyzing the syntax of a sentence into a direct binary relational graph. Many languages have had the state-of-the-art model in this task and used it as a knowledge base to solve more complex problems. However, to achieve high accuracy in a dependency parsing model, it takes significant time and labor to build a large amount of annotated treebanks. For languages with little or no annotated treebanks, some approaches have been studied to induce a dependency parser from treebanks of high-resource languages to solve this problem. In this paper, we propose an approach to building a cross-lingual model to parse Vietnamese as a low-resource target language. The model uses English as a supportive high-resource source language to induce a Vietnamese parser. To remove the differences in syntaxes and lexicons of English and Vietnamese when training the model, the approach uses a filtering algorithm to choose English sentences having syntaxes as same as Vietnamese sentences based on Euclidean distance. The result shows that the proposed model significantly improves accuracy compared with models using only supervised mono-lingual treebanks.</p

    Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation to Improve the Physiology and Psychology Response, Response-Ability, and Sleep Efficiency in Athletes with Poor Sleep Quality

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    Athletes often have poor sleep quality before a competition. Sleep quality can stabilize mood and improve sports performance. The randomized controlled study explored the effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) on the physiology, psychology, response-ability, and sleep quality of athletes who had poor sleep quality before a competition. Athletes who had poor sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Scale score &gt; 5) and had a competition in less than 2 months were recruited. The athletes were grouped into the CES group, which received a 2-week CES treatment (n = 20, age = 21.55 &plusmn; 2.26 years), and a placebo group (n = 20, age = 21.05 &plusmn; 1.46 years), which received a 2-week sham CES treatment. We performed biochemical analysis, a simple reaction time test, choice reaction time tests, the Profile of Mood States, heart rate variability (HRV), and an Actigraphy activity recorder to measure outcomes before and after the interventions. Our results revealed no significant differences in blood urea nitrogen, creatine phosphate, testosterone, cortisol, and saliva pH between and within groups (p &gt; 0.05). Significant decreases in negative mood states (i.e., anger, tension, and depression) and choice reaction time in the CES group were noted (p &lt; 0.05), moreover, the anger, tension, and depression mood decreased from 0.36 &plusmn; 0.45 (95% CI = 0.16&ndash;0.55), 1.62 &plusmn; 0.97 (95% CI = 1.19&ndash;2.04), and 1.67 &plusmn; 1.06 (95% CI = 1.20&ndash;2.13) to 0.11 &plusmn; 0.20 (95% CI = 0.02&ndash;0.19, p = 0.03), 1.12 &plusmn; 0.74 (95% CI = 0.79&ndash;1.44, p = 0.04), and 0.81 &plusmn; 0.75 (95% CI = 0.48&ndash;1.13, p = 0.001), respectively. Additionally, choice reaction time was decreased from 420.85 &plusmn; 41.22 ms (95% CI = 402.78&ndash;438.91) to 399.90 &plusmn; 36.71 ms (95% CI = 383.81&ndash;415.98, p = 0.04) and was also noted in the CES group. For HRV, and Actigraphy activity for sleep measure, the low-frequency (LF)/high-frequency (HF) ratios changed from 1.80 &plusmn; 1.39 (95% CI = 1.19&ndash;2.40) to 1.21 &plusmn; 0.73 (95% CI = 0.89&ndash;1.53, p = 0.10), and sleep efficiency decreased from 87.94 &plusmn; 6.76% (95% CI = 84.97&ndash;90.90) to 81.75 &plusmn; 9.62% (95% CI = 77.53&ndash;85.96, p = 0.02) in the CES group. The change in LF/HF after the trial were found between CES and placebo groups (p &lt; 0.05). Yet, the decrease in sleep efficiency in the placebo group were noted (p &lt; 0.05). However, we found that the regression line for sleep efficiency was decreased less during the study while using CES. The CES intervention could reduce negative emotions, improve choice reaction times, enhance the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve activity imbalances, and slow sleep efficiency deterioration. Regardless, small effect sizes of the application of CES on psychology response, response-ability, and sleep efficiency were concluded in athletes with poor sleep quality before a competition

    Projekt techniki strzelniczej w kamieniołomie Nr 1 w Tan Cang nr 1 w Wietnamie

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    Nowadays, construction material quarries in Dong Nai Province are exploiting with large quarrying depth, and the annual output could reach to tens of million cubic meters. The blasting frequency could be reached to hundreds of times, so the frequency is the major reason decreasing the cohesion of rock mass. Therefore, the surrounding area of blasting holes is broken, especially the area next to the final border where bench slope angle is not implemented as that of design stage, as well as the back break, also causes fractures on the bench slope, resulting in instability and unsafety due to falling rock. In this paper, the author also wants to introduce the pre blasting and the method to define blasting parameters to increase the stabilization of Slopes in Tan Cang quarry NO.1 in Vietnam.Obecnie kamieniołom litych surowców skalnych w prowincji Dong Nai prowadzi eksploatację na dużej głębokości. Roczne wydobycie materiałów budowlanych dochodzi do kilkudziesięciu milionów metrów sześciennych. Duża ilość wybuchów powtarzających się rocznie jest główną przyczyną osłabienia więzi skalnej w masie wraz z rozprzestrzenianiem się fal sejsmicznych z wybuchów powodują więc drgania i niszczenie warstwy, osuwisko kopalniane i różne deformacje nieciągłe. W artykule, przedstawiono metody wyznaczenia granicznych parametrów robót strzałowych oraz diagram wybuchów w celu zwiększenia stabilności zbocza w kamieniołomie nr 1 -Tan Cang 1 w Wietnamie