123 research outputs found

    Using canopy greenness index to identify leaf ecophysiological traits during the foliar senescence in an oak forest

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Ecosphere 9 (2018): e02337, doi:10.1002/ecs2.2337.Camera‐based observation of forest canopies allows for low‐cost, continuous, high temporal‐spatial resolutions of plant phenology and seasonality of functional traits. In this study, we extracted canopy color index (green chromatic coordinate, Gcc) from the time‐series canopy images provided by a digital camera in a deciduous forest in Massachusetts, USA. We also measured leaf‐level photosynthetic activities and leaf area index (LAI) development in the field during the growing season, and corresponding leaf chlorophyll concentrations in the laboratory. We used the Bayesian change point (BCP) approach to analyze Gcc. Our results showed that (1) the date of starting decline of LAI (DOY 263), defined as the start of senescence, could be mathematically identified from the autumn Gcc pattern by analyzing change points of the Gcc curve, and Gcc is highly correlated with LAI after the first change point when LAI was decreasing (R2 = 0.88, LAI < 2.5 m2/m2); (2) the second change point of Gcc (DOY 289) started a more rapid decline of Gcc when chlorophyll concentration and photosynthesis rates were relatively low (13.4 ± 10.0% and 23.7 ± 13.4% of their maximum values, respectively) and continuously reducing; and (3) the third change point of Gcc (DOY 295) marked the end of growing season, defined by the termination of photosynthetic activities, two weeks earlier than the end of Gcc curve decline. Our results suggested that with the change point analysis, camera‐based phenology observation can effectively quantify the dynamic pattern of the start of senescence (with declining LAI) and the end of senescence (when photosynthetic activities terminated) in the deciduous forest.Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions in Discipline of Environmental Science and Engineer in Nanjing Forest University; China Scholarship Council Grant Number: 201506190095; Brown University Seed Funds for International Research Projects on the Environmen

    Comparison of phenology estimated from reflectance-based indices and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) observations in a temperate forest using GPP-based phenology as the standard

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Remote Sensing 10 (2018): 932, doi:10.3390/rs10060932.We assessed the performance of reflectance-based vegetation indices and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) datasets with various spatial and temporal resolutions in monitoring the Gross Primary Production (GPP)-based phenology in a temperate deciduous forest. The reflectance-based indices include the green chromatic coordinate (GCC), field measured and satellite remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI); and the SIF datasets include ground-based measurement and satellite-based products. We found that, if negative impacts due to coarse spatial and temporal resolutions are effectively reduced, all these data can serve as good indicators of phenological metrics for spring. However, the autumn phenological metrics derived from all reflectance-based datasets are later than the those derived from ground-based GPP estimates (flux sites). This is because the reflectance-based observations estimate phenology by tracking physiological properties including leaf area index (LAI) and leaf chlorophyll content (Chl), which does not reflect instantaneous changes in phenophase transitions, and thus the estimated fall phenological events may be later than GPP-based phenology. In contrast, we found that SIF has a good potential to track seasonal transition of photosynthetic activities in both spring and fall seasons. The advantage of SIF in estimating the GPP-based phenology lies in its inherent link to photosynthesis activities such that SIF can respond quickly to all factors regulating phenological events. Despite uncertainties in phenological metrics estimated from current spaceborne SIF observations due to their coarse spatial and temporal resolutions, dates in middle spring and autumn—the two most important metrics—can still be reasonably estimated from satellite SIF. Our study reveals that SIF provides a better way to monitor GPP-based phenological metrics.This research was supported by U. S. Department of Energy Office of Biological and Environmental Research Grant DE-SC0006951, National Science Foundation Grants DBI 959333 and AGS-1005663, and the University of Chicago and the MBL Lillie Research Innovation Award to Jianwu Tang and China Scholarship Council No. 201506190095 to Z. Liu. Xiaoliang Lu was also supported by the open project grant (LBKF201701) of Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    The Changshu Declaration On Wetlands

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    Light effects on seedling growth in simulated forest canopy gaps vary across species from different successional stages

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    Tropical forests continue to suffer from various kinds of disturbances in the Anthropocene. An immediate impact of disturbances on forest ecosystems is the creation of numerous large and small canopy gaps, which dramatically affect forest structure and function. Yet, we know little about the effect of canopy gaps on forest successional trajectory. More specifically, the responses of seedlings from different successional stages to increased light intensity under large and small canopy gaps in understory remain unclear. In this study, dominant tree seedlings from early-, mid-, and late-successional stages were selected, respectively from a tropical montane forest in Hainan Island, China to study their growth rate, biomass and traits. Our results showed that the light condition under small canopy gaps (SG, 10–15% of full sunlight) and large canopy gaps (LG, 40–50% of full sunlight) induced greater increment of relative growth rates for seedlings from early- and mid-successional stages relative to that in late-successional stage. Both SG and LG also significantly increased photosynthesis rate, leaf area (LA), light saturation point (LSP), root mass ratio (RMR) and root: shoot ratio, but decreased specific leaf area (SLA) of seedlings across successional stages. Tree seedlings from the earlysuccessional stage displayed the greatest decrease in leaf mass ratio, increase in LA, LSP, and RMR, in comparison to those from mid- and late- successional stages. Light condition and SLA were the most important factors for seedlings’ relative growth rate across successional stages. SLA connected the interaction between the light condition and successional stage on seedlings’ growth, thereby jointly explaining the 93% variation of seedlings’ growth, combining with area-based light saturated rate of CO2 assimilation. Our study highlights the distinct effect of disturbance-induced canopy gaps on seedling regeneration in the understory in tropical forest due to the variation of light intensity. We suspect that the seedlings from late-successional stage will recover relatively slow after disturbances causing canopy losses, which can have detrimental impacts on structure feature an

    Water isotope technology application for sustainable eco-environmental construction: Effects of landscape characteristics on water yield in the alpine headwater catchments of Tibetan Plateau for sustainable eco-environmental construction

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    Topography-climate-vegetation-runoff relationships are important issues in hydrological studies. In this paper, based on analyzing water isotope characteristics of river water, the influence of these variables on the relative contribution of rain to river water was investigated during one rain event in the Heishui Valley of the upper Yangtze River in China. During one rain event on August 19, 2005, a total number of 182 river water samples were collected at 13 sampling sites located along the principal river course and its tributaries. The analysis of water isotopes in the principal river course and its tributaries showed that new rain water and secondary evaporation precipitation caused great variation in values of delta D and high d-excess increased with altitude. Based on calculations of two-component hydrograph separation using delta O-18, the results showed that the biggest relative contribution of new rain to river water (43%) was found in tributary B, while the smallest contribution (less than 5%) was found in tributary I. According to stepwise linear regression analysis, topography (elevation and slope) was the most important factor affecting the contributions of new rain to river water. When only vegetation variables were considered in the regression model, alpine shrub coverage proved to be negatively correlated with the contributions of new rain to river water, while alpine meadow coverage was positively correlated with the contributions of new rain. This would imply that increasing the relative coverage of alpine shrubs in this mountainous region of China may decrease the risk of flooding. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Preface: wetland research in China

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    Artificial regulation of water level and its effect on aquatic macrophyte distribution in Taihu Lake.

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    Management of water levels for flood control, water quality, and water safety purposes has become a priority for many lakes worldwide. However, the effects of water level management on the distribution and composition of aquatic vegetation has received little attention. Relevant studies have used either limited short-term or discrete long-term data and thus are either narrowly applicable or easily confounded by the effects of other environmental factors. We developed classification tree models using ground surveys combined with 52 remotely sensed images (15-30 m resolution) to map the distributions of two groups of aquatic vegetation in Taihu Lake, China from 1989-2010. Type 1 vegetation included emergent, floating, and floating-leaf plants, whereas Type 2 consisted of submerged vegetation. We sought to identify both inter- and intra-annual dynamics of water level and corresponding dynamics in the aquatic vegetation. Water levels in the ten-year period from 2000-2010 were 0.06-0.21 m lower from July to September (wet season) and 0.22-0.27 m higher from December to March (dry season) than in the 1989-1999 period. Average intra-annual variation (CV(a)) decreased from 10.21% in 1989-1999 to 5.41% in 2000-2010. The areas of both Type 1 and Type 2 vegetation increased substantially in 2000-2010 relative to 1989-1999. Neither annual average water level nor CV(a) influenced aquatic vegetation area, but water level from January to March had significant positive and negative correlations, respectively, with areas of Type 1 and Type 2 vegetation. Our findings revealed problems with the current management of water levels in Taihu Lake. To restore Taihu Lake to its original state of submerged vegetation dominance, water levels in the dry season should be lowered to better approximate natural conditions and reinstate the high variability (i.e., greater extremes) that was present historically
