5 research outputs found

    Status of the AFP Project in ATLAS

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    Status of the AFP project in the ATLAS experiment is given. In 2016 one arm of the AFP detector was installed and first data have been taken. In parallel with integration of the AFP subdetector into the ATLAS TDAQ nad DCS, beam tests and preparations for the installation of the 2nd arm are performed

    Additional file 5: of Phylogenetic analysis of the SINA/SIAH ubiquitin E3 ligase family in Metazoa

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    Original alignment for SIAH1 subtree. 19 vertebrate SIAH1 sequences, no trimmed positions. (FASTA 6 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Phylogenetic analysis of the SINA/SIAH ubiquitin E3 ligase family in Metazoa

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    Each SINA/SIAH sequence is linked with online accession by one click. List of SINA/SIAH protein sequences (n = 70) that were utilized in the phylogenetic analyses as presented in this study. Taxonomic designation for representative species (n = 39) is listed to the left of its name. With the exception of the sequence from Petromyzon marinus, which was acquired from UniProtKB, all amino acid sequence identifiers presented in this table refer to their NCBI Genbank accession numbers. Additional file 2: Table S1 is identical to Table 1, except that the online accession version of these SINA/SIAH sequences was included in the Additional file 2: Table S1. (DOCX 24 kb