2 research outputs found

    Modeling Nanosilver Transformations in Freshwater Sediments

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), an effective antibacterial agent, are a significant and fast-growing application of nanotechnology in consumer goods. The toxicity of AgNPs released to surface waters during the use or disposal of AgNP-containing products will depend on the chemical transformations the nanoparticles undergo in the environment. We present a simple one-dimensional diagenetic model for predicting AgNP distribution and silver speciation in freshwater sediments. The model is calibrated to data collected from AgNP-dosed large-scale freshwater wetland mesocosms. The model predicts that AgNP sulfidation will retard nanoparticle oxidation and ion release. The resultant Ag<sub>2</sub>S-coated AgNPs are expected to persist and accumulate in sediment downstream from sources of AgNPs. Silver speciation and persistence in the sediment depend on the seasonally variable availability of organic carbon and dissolved oxygen. The half-life of typical sulfidized (85% Ag<sub>2</sub>S) AgNPs may vary from less than 10 years to over a century depending on redox conditions. No significant difference in silver speciation and distribution is observed between ≥50% Ag<sub>2</sub>S and 100% Ag<sub>2</sub>S AgNPs. Formation and efflux of toxic silver ion is reduced in eutrophic systems and maximized in oligotrophic systems

    Stream Dynamics and Chemical Transformations Control the Environmental Fate of Silver and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in a Watershed-Scale Model

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    Mathematical models are needed to estimate environmental concentrations of engineered nanoparticles (NPs), which enter the environment upon the use and disposal of consumer goods and other products. We present a spatially resolved environmental fate model for the James River Basin, Virginia, that explores the influence of daily variation in streamflow, sediment transport, and stream loads from point and nonpoint sources on water column and sediment concentrations of zinc oxide (ZnO) and silver (Ag) NPs and their reaction byproducts over 20 simulation years. Spatial and temporal variability in sediment transport rates led to high NP transport such that less than 6% of NP-derived metals were retained in the river and sediments. Chemical transformations entirely eliminated ZnO NPs and doubled Zn mobility in the stream relative to Ag. Agricultural runoff accounted for 23% of total metal stream loads from NPs. Average NP-derived metal concentrations in the sediment varied spatially up to 9 orders of magnitude, highlighting the need for high-resolution models. Overall, our results suggest that “first generation” NP risk models have probably misrepresented NP fate in freshwater rivers due to low model resolutions and the simplification of NP chemistry and sediment transport