24 research outputs found

    Association of <i>CYP1A1</i> rs2472297, <i>AHR</i> rs6968865 and combined SNP score with total caffeine consumption (mg).

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    <p>Caffeine consumption (mg) calculated as the sum of number of cups of tea and coffee, and drinks of cola, per day, weighted by approximate caffeine content. Time reflects data collected during pregnancy at 8, 18 and 32 weeks gestation and 2, 47, 85, 97 and 145 months after delivery. Beta reflects the number of drinks per day per T allele. Combined Score reflects the number of T alleles summed across SNPs rs2472297 and rs6968865.</p

    Association of <i>CYP1A1</i> rs2472297, <i>AHR</i> rs6968865 and combined SNP score with cola consumption.

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    <p>Cola consumption calculated as the number of drinks of cola per week. Time reflects data collected during pregnancy at 8, 18 and 32 weeks gestation and 2, 47, 85, 97 and 145 months after delivery. Beta reflects the number of drinks per week per T allele. Combined Score reflects the number of T alleles summed across SNPs rs2472297 and rs6968865.</p

    Study Participant Flow Diagram.

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    <p>Due to study attrition, data obtained when the cohort first started have a higher number of responses than variables collected later. Thus the number of participants on whom data are available is given as a range.</p

    Association of <i>CYP1A1</i> rs2472297, <i>AHR</i> rs6968865 and combined SNP score with coffee consumption.

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    <p>Coffee consumption calculated as the number of cups of coffee per day. Time reflects data collected during pregnancy at 8, 18 and 32 weeks gestation and 2, 47, 85, 97 and 145 months after delivery. Beta reflects the number of drinks per day per T allele. Combined Score reflects the number of T alleles summed across SNPs rs2472297 and rs6968865.</p

    Association of total caffeine consumption (mg) with potential confounders.

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    <p>Housing tenure was coded as: bought/mortgaged/owned with no mortgage to pay, rented from private landlord, rented from council/housing association. Crowding index was coded as number of people living in household divided by the number of rooms. Highest educational level was coded as the equivalent of: none, vocational, school to age 16, school to age 18, degree or higher. Alcohol consumption was measured in drinks per week. Tobacco consumption was measured in times per day. Linearity was imposed on the categorical variables (housing tenure, educational level). Measures of alcohol and tobacco consumption shown were taken at 18 weeks gestation, but results were similar at the other time points.</p

    Bias and 95% limits of agreement for DXA measures of L1L4 and L2L4 fat compared with MRI.

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    1<p>Geometric mean and 95% CI.</p>2<p>. Mean bias and 95% CI expressed as ratio of DXA:MRI values. Bias is the difference (DXA minus MRI) between log fat values from the two techniques.</p>3<p>. P value from paired t test of the difference.</p>4<p>. Correlation coefficient of the log difference between DXA and MRI against the average of DXA and MRI measures of fat mass (in grams).</p>5<p>. Significance of correlation coefficient.</p>6<p>. 95% Limits of agreement (mean difference ± 2SD) expressed as ratio of DXA:MRI values.</p>7<p>. Median average abdominal fat value (by MRI and DXA) was 2008 g for L1L4 and 1708 g for L2L4.</p

    Variables associated with the difference (DXA-MRI) between measures of abdominal fat in the L1L4 region.

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    <p>Outcomes are log transformed so coefficients represent ratio of geometric means. Outcome is the difference between abdominal fat measures (DXA-MRI).</p>1<p>Average amount of fat from DXA and MRI, log transformed.</p>2<p>FOV (Field of view) categories (≤360 mm, 380 mm, 400 mm, >420 mm).</p>3<p>Adjusted for amount of fat in region.</p>4<p>Adjusted for all other variables in the model.</p

    Bland Altman plots of DXA versus MRI measures of L1L4 and L2L4 fat.

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0051042#pone-0051042-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4A</a> shows L1L4 region. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0051042#pone-0051042-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4B</a> shows L2L4 region. Difference between measures represented as log values. The central dashed line represents the mean difference between measures. The upper and lower dashed lines represent the 95% limits of agreement (±2SDs of the mean difference). The solid line represents the line of best fit from linear regression.</p