333 research outputs found

    Fitness consequences of occasional outcrossing in a functionally asexual plant (Oenothera biennis)

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    Many clonal organisms occasionally outcross, but the long?term consequences of such infrequent events are often unknown. During five years, representing three to five plant generations, we followed 16 experimental field populations of the forb, Oenothera biennis, originally planted with the same 18 original genotypes. Oenothera biennis usually self fertilizes, which, due to its genetic system (permanent translocation heterozygosity), results in seeds that are clones of the maternal plant. However, rare outcrossing produces genetically novel offspring (but without recombination or increased heterozygosity). We sought to understand whether novel genotypes produced through natural outcrossing had greater fecundity or different multigenerational dynamics compared to our original genotypes. We further assessed whether any differences in fitness or abundances through time between original and novel genotypes were exaggerated in the presence vs. absence of insect herbivores. Over the course of the experiment, we genotyped >12,500 plants using microsatellite DNA markers to identify and track the frequency of specific genotypes and estimated fecundity on a subset (>3,000) of plants. The effective outcrossing rate was 7.3% in the first year and ultimately 50% of the plants were of outcrossed origin by the final year of the experiment. Lifetime fruit production per plant was on average 32% higher across all novel genotypes produced via outcrossing compared to the original genotypes, and this fecundity advantage was significantly enhanced in populations lacking herbivores. Among 43 novel genotypes that were abundant enough to phenotype with replication, plants produced nearly 30% more fruits than the average of their specific two parental genotypes, and marginally more fruits (8%) than their most fecund parent. Mean per capita fecundity of novel genotypes predicted their relative frequencies at the end of the experiment. Novel genotypes increased more dramatically in herbivore?present compared to suppressed populations (45% vs. 27% of all plants), countering the increased competition from dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) that resulted from herbivore suppression. Increased interspecific competition likely also lead to the lower realized fitness of novel vs. original genotypes in herbivore?suppressed populations. These results demonstrate that rare outcrossing and the generation of novel genotypes can create high?fecundity progeny, with the biotic environment influencing the dynamical outcome of such advantages.This study was supported by a grant to A. A. Agrawal from NSF DEB-0950231. M. T. J. Johnson received funding from NSERC. J. L. Maron was supported by NSF DEB-1553518

    A Field Experiment Demonstrating Plant Life-History Evolution and its Eco-Evolutionary Feedback to Seed Predator Populations

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    The extent to which evolutionary change occurs in a predictable manner under field conditions and how evolutionary changes feed back to influence ecological dynamics are fundamental, yet unresolved, questions. To address these issues, we established eight replicate populations of native common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis). Each population was planted with 18 genotypes in identical frequency. By tracking genotype frequencies with microsatellite DNA markers over the subsequent three years (up to three generations, approximate to 5,000 genotyped plants), we show rapid and consistent evolution of two heritable plant life-history traits (shorter life span and later flowering time). This rapid evolution was only partially the result of differential seed production; genotypic variation in seed germination also contributed to the observed evolutionary response. Since evening primrose genotypes exhibited heritable variation for resistance to insect herbivores, which was related to flowering time, we predicted that evolutionary changes in genotype frequencies would feed back to influence populations of a seed predator moth that specializes on O. biennis. By the conclusion of the experiment, variation in the genotypic composition among our eight replicate field populations was highly predictive of moth abundance. These results demonstrate how rapid evolution in field populations of a native plant can influence ecological interactions

    A direct comparison of the consequences of plant genotypic and species diversity on communities and ecosystem function

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    Biodiversity loss is proceeding at an unprecedented rate, yet we lack a thorough understanding of the consequences of losing diversity at different scales. While species diversity is known to impact community and ecosystem processes, genotypic diversity is assumed to have relatively smaller effects. Nonetheless, a few recent studies suggest that genotypic diversity may have quantitatively similar ecological consequences compared to species diversity. Here we show that increasing either genotypic diversity of common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) or species diversity of old?field plant species resulted in nearly equivalent increases (?17%) in aboveground primary production. The predominant mechanism explaining this effect, niche complementarity, was similar for each type of diversity. Arthropod species richness also increased with both types of plant diversity, but the mechanisms leading to this effect differed: abundance?driven accumulation of arthropod species was important in plant genotypic polycultures, whereas resource specialization was important in plant species polycultures. Thus, similar increases in primary productivity differentially impacted higher trophic levels in response to each type of plant diversity. These results highlight important ecological similarities and differences between genotypic and species diversity and suggest that genotypic diversity may play a larger role in community and ecosystem processes than previously realized.The NSF (DEB- 0950231 to A. A. Agrawal and IGERT small grant in Biogeochemistry and Environmental Biocomplexity to S. H. McArt, S. C. Cook-Patton, and A. L. Parachnowitsch) and USDA-NRI (2006-35302-17431 to J. S. Thaler) supported this wor

    Ti-6Al-4V microstructural orientation at different length scales as a function of scanning strategies in Electron Beam Melting in additive manufacturing

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    Additive manufacturing has been around for many years, yet the underlying physics of thermal gradients, local pressure environment, and other non-steady state manufacturing conditions are not fully understood. A Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI) is currently ongoing to measure liquid/solid and solid/solid interface stabilities in AM Ti-6Al-4V. Samples were produced with different beamscanning strategies in order to study the role of thermal gradients on the resulting microstructure. The motivation is to determine which beam-scanning strategy leads to desired grain size and texture. Orientation at different length scales (from mm to nm) can be quantified and compared with a combination of techniques including Precession Electron Diffraction (PED), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and Neutron diffraction. This new information will help predict properties of additively manufactured parts

    Risk of intracranial meningioma in patients with acromegaly: a systematic review

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    Acromegaly is a rare endocrine disorder caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH) from a pituitary adenoma. Elevated GH levels stimulate excess production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which leads to the insidious onset of clinical manifestations. The most common primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors, meningiomas originate from the arachnoid layer of the meninges and are typically benign and slow-growing. Meningiomas are over twice as common in women as in men, with age-adjusted incidence (per 100,000 individuals) of 10.66 and 4.75, respectively. Several reports describe co-occurrence of meningiomas and acromegaly. We aimed to determine whether patients with acromegaly are at elevated risk for meningioma. Investigation of the literature showed that co-occurrence of a pituitary adenoma and a meningioma is a rare phenomenon, and the majority of cases involve GH-secreting adenomas. To the best of our knowledge, a systematic review examining the association between meningiomas and elevated GH levels (due to GH-secreting adenomas in acromegaly or exposure to exogenous GH) has never been conducted. The nature of the observed coexistence between acromegaly and meningioma -whether it reflects causation or mere co-association -is unclear, as is the pathophysiologic etiology.Systematic review registrationhttps://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/, identifier CRD42022376998

    A field experiment demonstrating plant life-history evolution and its eco-evolutionary feedback to seed predator populations

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    JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Submitted November 8, 2011; Accepted May 16, 2012; Electronically published July 31, 2012 abstract: The extent to which evolutionary change occurs in a predictable manner under field conditions and how evolutionary changes feed back to influence ecological dynamics are fundamental, yet unresolved, questions. To address these issues, we established eight replicate populations of native common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis). Each population was planted with 18 genotypes in identical frequency. By tracking genotype frequencies with microsatellite DNA markers over the subsequent three years (up to three generations, ≈5,000 genotyped plants), we show rapid and consistent evolution of two heritable plant life-history traits (shorter life span and later flowering time). This rapid evolution was only partially the result of differential seed production; genotypic variation in seed germination also contributed to the observed evolutionary response. Since evening primrose genotypes exhibited heritable variation for resistance to insect herbivores, which was related to flowering time, we predicted that evolutionary changes in genotype frequencies would feed back to influence populations of a seed predator moth that specializes on O. biennis. By the conclusion of the experiment, variation in the genotypic composition among our eight replicate field populations was highly predictive of moth abundance. These results demonstrate how rapid evolution in field populations of a native plant can influence ecological interactions

    Attenuation of the Jasmonate Burst, Plant Defensive Traits, and Resistance to Specialist Monarch Caterpillars on Shaded Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)

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    Abstract Plant responses to herbivory and light competition are often in opposing directions, posing a potential conflict for plants experiencing both stresses. For sunadapted species, growing in shade typically makes plants more constitutively susceptible to herbivores via reduced structural and chemical resistance traits. Nonetheless, the impact of light environment on induced resistance has been less well-studied, especially in field experiments that link physiological mechanisms to ecological outcomes. Accordingly, we studied induced resistance of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca, a sun-adapted plant), and linked hormonal responses, resistance traits, and performance of specialist monarch caterpillars (Danaus plexippus) in varying light environments. In natural populations, plants growing under forest-edge shade showed reduced levels of resistance traits (lower leaf toughness, cardenolides, and trichomes) and enhanced light-capture traits (higher specific leaf area, larger leaves, and lower carbon-to-nitrogen ratio) compared to paired plants in full sun. In a field experiment repeated over two years, only milkweeds growing in full sun exhibited induced resistance to monarchs, whereas plants growing in shade were constitutively more susceptible and did not induce resistance. In a more controlled field experiment, plant hormones were higher in the sun (jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, abscisic acid, indole acidic acid) and were induced by herbivory (jasmonic acid and abscisic acid). In particular, the jasmonate burst following herbivory was halved in plants raised in shaded habitats, and this correspondingly reduced latex induction (but not cardenolide induction). Thus, we provide a mechanistic basis for the attenuation of induced plant resistance in low resource environments. Additionally, there appears to be specificity in these interactions, with light-mediated impacts on jasmonate-induction being stronger for latex exudation than cardenolides

    Attenuation of the Jasmonate Burst, Plant Defensive Traits, and Resistance to Specialist Monarch Caterpillars on Shaded Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)

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    Abstract Plant responses to herbivory and light competition are often in opposing directions, posing a potential conflict for plants experiencing both stresses. For sunadapted species, growing in shade typically makes plants more constitutively susceptible to herbivores via reduced structural and chemical resistance traits. Nonetheless, the impact of light environment on induced resistance has been less well-studied, especially in field experiments that link physiological mechanisms to ecological outcomes. Accordingly, we studied induced resistance of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca, a sun-adapted plant), and linked hormonal responses, resistance traits, and performance of specialist monarch caterpillars (Danaus plexippus) in varying light environments. In natural populations, plants growing under forest-edge shade showed reduced levels of resistance traits (lower leaf toughness, cardenolides, and trichomes) and enhanced light-capture traits (higher specific leaf area, larger leaves, and lower carbon-to-nitrogen ratio) compared to paired plants in full sun. In a field experiment repeated over two years, only milkweeds growing in full sun exhibited induced resistance to monarchs, whereas plants growing in shade were constitutively more susceptible and did not induce resistance. In a more controlled field experiment, plant hormones were higher in the sun (jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, abscisic acid, indole acidic acid) and were induced by herbivory (jasmonic acid and abscisic acid). In particular, the jasmonate burst following herbivory was halved in plants raised in shaded habitats, and this correspondingly reduced latex induction (but not cardenolide induction). Thus, we provide a mechanistic basis for the attenuation of induced plant resistance in low resource environments. Additionally, there appears to be specificity in these interactions, with light-mediated impacts on jasmonate-induction being stronger for latex exudation than cardenolides
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