66 research outputs found

    Chromosomal studies of the African dotted catfish Parauchenoglanis monkei (Keilhack 1910)

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    The chromosomal data within the genus Parauchenoglanis is scarce. The two main species of the genus identified in Nigeria are P. buttikoferi and P. monkei. The chromosome of P. monkei was assessed in this study to provide information on the diploid number and karyotype. Samples (n=40) were collected in Opa River, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. The chromosomes of the specimen were extracted using the Giemsa staining technique. The mitotic chromosome spread has a diploid chromosome number of 2n=50. The autosomal fundamental number was 55, while the karyotype formula was 2n=2M+ 8m+40T. The diploid chromosome number of 50 obtained for P. monkei is within the range for catfishes

    Expert System-Based Exploratory Approach to Cost Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Office Building

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    Expert system is a conventional method that is in use in cost modeling, considering its advantage over traditional regression method. It is based on this fact, that this study aimed at deploying neural network in cost modeling of reinforced concrete office building. One hundred (100) samples were selected at random and divided into two; one part was used to develop network algorithm while the second part was used for model validation. Neural network was used to generate the model algorithm; the model is divided into 3 modules: the data optimization module, criteria selection with initializing and terminating modules. Regression analysis was carried out and model validated with Jackknife re-sampling technique. The colinearity analysis indicates high level of tolerance and -0.07403 lowest variation prediction quotients to 0.66639 highest variation quotients. Also the Regression coefficient (R-square) value for determining the model fitness is 0.034 with standard error of 0.048 this attest to the fitness of the model generated. The model is flexible in accommodating new data and variables, thus, it allows for regular updating

    Cost Entropy and Expert System Approach to Modeling Cost Smoothing System in Reinforced Concrete Office Building Projects Procurement

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    The main aim of this research work is to develop an expert system approach to cost smoothing model in reinforced concrete office building project procurement. An econometric model which incorporates exigency escalator and inflation buffer, with entropy threshold for a typical reinforced concrete office building, useful at tendering and construction stages of building projects was developed in this study. As built and bill of quantity value of twenty (20) building projects initiated and completed within 2008 and 2009 were used at random. Elemental dichotomies within the context of early and late constructible elements with speculated prediction period was used, taken into consideration the present value of cost. This attributes would enable a builder or contactor load cost implication of an unseen circumstance even on occasion of deferred cost reimbursement with the aid of average entropy index developed for each project elements. The model was further validated with new samples and discovered to be of high Eigen and contingency coefficient values. The model could help in cost smoothing at different stages of reinforced concrete office building which could further aid cost overrun prevention

    Comparative Analysis Of Incentives Provision In Foreign And Indigenous Firm And Its Impact On Productivity

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    This paper presents the comparative analysis of means of enhancing productivity among construction workers with emphasis on financial and non financial incentives. The data were collected from respondent on 15 construction sites, which form nucleus of a stratified population chosen for the research. The questionnaire was designed using Likert rating scale on scale 1 to 4 and seventy questionnaire distributed, while the data were analyzed with the aid of mean item score, spearman correlation coefficient method, cross tabulation analysis was conducted on the incentives and work variables to determine relationship pattern. Also, Chi square analysis and product moment correlation was carried out to validate the existing relationship between incentives and productivity index. This study presents systematic approach through which available means of enhancing workers motivation in construction firms could be identified from the perspective of incentives with particular bias for financial and non-financial incentives. The study concluded with financial incentives like transport allowance, hospital allowance, cash awards, overtime-with-pay and accident insurance being found prevalent in the foreign firms while less of these are engaged at indigenous firms. Availability of Luncheon voucher, transport allowance and vehicle loan that are of financial incentive cadre was recorded at foreign firms relative to transport allowance, overtime-withpay and piece-rate among indigenous firms. Certain of the non-financial incentives could however be combined to reinforce the effect of financial based incentives, this tends to nullify the dis-satisfier factors that impedes productivity. To this end however, non-financial incentives the likes of: social security, conducive, accident free work environment, involvement in decision making and prompt payment of wages could be a potential high productivity inducer, if well administered and managed. This was based on the respondent’s preference for the administration of non-financial incentives. The presence of these as garnered from the respondent’s response accounts for the wide margin between foreign firms and indigenous firm’s productivit


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    Employee satisfaction plays a crucial role in organizational performance and survival. The present study assessed job satisfaction of female construction professionals in male dominated fields specifically, construction. The study adopted a cross sectional survey research design with the aid of questionnaires to elicit information purposively from 50 female construction professionals in Lagos, Nigeria. Data from the survey was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics like frequencies, means, cross tabs and inferential statistics like correlation. The major finding is that most of the respondents’ within the age bracket of 30 and 39 were dissatisfied with their salaries and fringe benefits. There was also a correlation between respondents’ age and level of satisfaction. The study recommends that construction organization should improve on their salaries and fringe benefits so that employees can be motivated to put in their best thereby increasing organizational performance

    Multivariate Approach to Benchmarking Quality Prediction Parameters in Building Maintenance Works

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    Observing quality etiquette on maintenance work is of essence when satisfying clients’ requirement is a priority. However, the quality etiquette comes in the form of framework and benchmarks. This study has therefore presented succinctly, multivariate approach to benchmarking quality prediction parameters in building maintenance works. The study used sixty-three (63) questionnaires retrieved which contains information on benchmarked parameters. The study used factor analysis to reduce the parameters to a sizeable number based on their coefficient and Eigen value. Resultant factors were used to dissect quality into quality dichotomies; the zero defect, medium quality and high quality work status. The model would assist building maintenance practitioners in quality monitoring on building maintenance work

    Sustainability Strategies in Engineering Infrastructure Maintenance in Developing Countries: Selected South Western Nigeria States Case Study

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    It is an undeniable fact that production of maintenance- free infrastructure is not feasible. The reality is that all the elements and components that make up an enginee ring infrastructure unavoidably, deteriorates with time due to inherent defects in design and construction, and the effects of environmental agents and users activities. All engineering infrastructures are subject to aging, wear and tear in the performance of their functions and deterioration by exposure to outside operating environment. Hence, left to themselves, engineering infrastructures will eventually become inefficient, unreliable and fail. The issue then is how the existing infrastructure can be sustained to the extent that the functions they are designed to perform will not be compromised. To this end, this study researched into sustainability strategies that can be adopted in engineering infrastructure maintenance. Data will be collected for purpose of extracting information on deployable strategies,including the use of Public engineering infrastructure in Southwestern part of Nigeria as case study. The study later recommended strategies than can be adopted to aid this present generation provide solution to their environmental needs without compromise ability of future generation to meet their needs, which concept of sustainability has birthe


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    This research was aimed at implementing sustainability principles in the building construction industry the objectives of this research is to examine the material used for dry construction in Nigeria, to identify the benefits that can be gotten from the application of dry construction into building construction in Nigeria. To attain this aim questionnaires were given out to different construction personnel in delta state, sixty questionnaires were successfully retrieved out of one hundred that were given out. The results from the questionnaire were analyzed and used to attain the above objectives

    The Disruptive Adaptations of Construction 4.0 and Industry 4.0 as a Pathway to a Sustainable Innovation and Inclusive Industrial Technological Development

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    Construction 4.0 (C4.0) has tremendously impacted construction activities worldwide in recent times. This effect was made possible on account of innovations brought about by Industry 4.0 (I4.0). Industry 4.0 has the potential to create Construction 4.0 through the integration of the design, construction and maintenance of infrastructure through useful component integration for industrial and technological development. Therefore, this study aimed to present a pathway for achieving sustainable innovations and inclusive technological and infrastructural developments. The following parameters were reviewed in this study as part of the goals and objectives set in the survey: identifying the adaptable areas of Construction 4.0 in design, planning, construction and maintenance as part of infrastructural innovation in order to study the industrial application drivers of I4.0 and C4.0 hindrances in achieving C4.0; achieving the automation dream through C4.0, benchmarking the social and economic implications of C4.0 and identifying the issues and challenges in achieving sustainable innovation through infrastructural development and documenting the disruptive tools of C4.0 in achieving a sustainable design through technological development and examining the critical factors influencing the effective adaptation of C4.0 in achieving growth. The authors utilised 200 construction firms for this study using the Cochran and Slovin’s formulas. In addition, the sample size of 150 respondents that constituted the study were construction professionals. The respondents used the simple percentage, relative index, Spearman’s rank, Mann–Whitney U test, Kendall’s Tau test, Student’s t‐test, ANOVA and chi‐square tools in the data processing. The study found out, among other things, the following as part of the parameters earlier proposed: the introduction of a circular economy by adopting intelligent innovation, engaging new tools, technological innovation diffusion and the vertical and horizontal integration of versatile tools like I4.0 and C4.0 for inclusive technological development. This study recommended the objective and effective adaptation of I4.0 tools to enhance C4.0 for technical development, circular economic integration and a framework for sustainable innovation and a system for the inclusive monitoring of innovations in the design and planning of construction maintenance


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    The Maintenance management sector in public section in Nigeria has suffered from lack of funds and negligence for a period of time. The education sector was not spare of the menace as well; huge amount of money is often invested in the provision of infrastructure in the sector while the aspect of maintenance is often neglected. Therefore in this study assessment of the effectiveness of maintenance practices in public schools was carried out using Kaduna state of Nigeria as case study. The sampling survey was limited to the existing institution. A total of eighty (80) questionnaires were administered. Eighty (80) copies of the drafted and approved questionnaires were administered with the aim of achieving the following: To assess the operational (physical-functional condition) of public schools in Kaduna state as carried out by the maintenance department. Mean item score and simple percentage was used to process the data. To examine the effectiveness of maintenance practices strategy used in maintaining the buildings. To determine the prevailing method of executing maintenance practices and study its efficiency either by direct labour or contract. To ascertain the factors that militates against. From data analysis. It was observed that lack of proper phasing of maintenance workload can give rise to uneconomical maintenance management practice. It was also observed from analysis, that some major variables lead to the inefficiency and in effectiveness of the maintenance projects includes: the occurrence of poor contract management, lack of availability of materials and the incidence of in accurate estimate. KEY WORDS: Maintenance, Practice, Effective, Assess
