2 research outputs found

    Perceived Influence of Planning and Leading on Staff Performance in Colleges of Education Libraries in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    Planning and leading are important tools for the success of every organization, academic libraries inclusive. This study attempts to investigate the perceived influence of planning and leading on staff performance in colleges of education in Lagos State. The study had three research questions. The study population consisted of all the 49 library personnel professionals, Paraprofessionals and library assistants from the two colleges of education in Lagos state. A structured questionnaire was used to gather data from the respondents which were analyzed by inferential statistics. The study analysis revealed that planning has a positive influence on library staff performance and there is a positive relationship between leadership and staff performance in the libraries studied, and autocratic leadership style has a negative influence on staff performance. The study also revealed some factors that can influence staff performance; these include motivation work environment workload, regular training of staff, holding a general meeting. Based on the above findings, it was concluded that adequate planning and good leading style can influence libraries in colleges of education in achieving their set goals. The study recommended that librarian and managers should always make long-term planning and develop strategies for staff development as this will enable the library staffs to have a sense of belonging thereby contributing positively to the development of the organization. The librarians and management should ensure that there is a conducive environment, a motivation for staff, as these will affect the staff performance

    Job-related Stress and Job Performance among Librarians in University Libraries in Nigeria

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    This study investigated the incidence of job-related stress and how it affects job performance of librarians and library officers. Three universities in Lagos State, Nigeria were selected for the study. The study adopted a survey method and questionnaire was used to gather data from 86 librarians and library officers from the university libraries. The study revealed that job-related stress is prevalent among the librarians and library officers. It identified lack of opportunity for career development, low salary/compensation, work interference with family time, the absence of training, lack of motivation, lack of co-operation and lack of conducive working environment as factors responsible for job stress. The study further identified low productivity, increased absenteeism, hypertension, job dissatisfaction, frustration, depression and negative job attitude as effects of stress on the job performance of librarians and library officers as consequences of stress. The study concluded that librarians and library officers in Lagos state experienced the stress of exhaustion and burnout resulting from too many routines leading to tiredness and lack of enthusiasm, lack of motivation and frustration. They also experience time-related stresses which include a shortage of time to attend to students with different information needs almost at the same time and time to meet up with publications, The study recommends efficient and effective service delivery in the nation\u27s university libraries, parent institutions should help in reducing sources of stress among library staff in university libraries, among others