23 research outputs found

    A Dialectical Justification of Inclusion of Ignorance in the Definition of Education

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    This paper entertains the notion that without their opposites, things, and by extension, human thought would not exist. Without its opposite aspect, each thing or thought loses the condition for its existence. Without life, there would be no death; without death, there would be no life. Without "above", there would be no "below" without "below", there would be no "above". Without misfortune, there would be no fortune; without fortune, there would be no misfortune. Without facility, there would be no difficulty, without difficulty, there would be no facility. Without landlords, there would be no tenants; without tenants, there would be no landlords. A definition of a thing, entity or a concept necessarily implies its opposite. Reflected alongside this contradiction, education in which its definition bears transmission of knowledge cannot exclude ignorance, which implies the absence of knowledge. Without ignorance, there would be no knowledge, without knowledge, there would be no ignorance. It is the object of this paper to qualify ignorance as a dimension of education, hence its inclusion in the definition of education. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n5p


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    The examination is among the crucial processes of any university quality management system and as such, quality should be maintained at all levels. Several inefficiencies in post-examination services delivery have occurred in Kenyan public universities many of which were implementing ISO 9001: 2015 QMSs. Doubt arose on the extent to which adoption of ISO 9001 QMSs had translated to quality service delivery in these institutions. The study was guided by two objectives; to determine the extent to which Kenyan public universities pursue continual improvement as per ISO 9001:2015 QMS and to establish the relationship between continual improvement and post-examination services delivery in public universities in Kenya. A mixed methods research design was employed. The study targeted various examination process stakeholders in all 26 ISO 9001:2015 certified public universities in Kenya. Purposive sampling was used to sample 6 directors of quality assurance, 6 directors of QMS and PC and 6 deputy registrars (examinations) while 297 examination coordinators and 384 fourth-year students were sampled using a stratified sampling technique. Primary data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and interview schedules. The study established that generally, most public universities in Kenya to a large extent aspired for continual improvement in their core processes, functions and operations Regression analysis results revealed that continual improvement as per the ISO 9001: 2015 QMS requirements had a positive significant effect on post-examination services delivery in public universities in Kenya (β = 0.727, p = .000). The study concluded that it was crucial for these universities to optimize continual improvement in their key processes, operations and functions. Continuous analysis of data to assist in the identification of areas of service nonconformity for informed corrective measures to achieve continual improvement, in the long run, was recommended.  Article visualizations

    Internal quality auditing and post-examination services delivery in public universities in Kenya

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    Examination is a crucial process of a university’s quality management system thus, requires maintenance of quality. Several inefficiencies in post examination services delivery have occurred in Kenyan public universities that have implemented ISO 9001: 2015 QMSs. The study was guided by three objectives; to determine the frequency of internal quality audits in public universities in Kenya as per ISO 9001 2015 QMS, to establish the extent to which Kenyan public universities internal quality auditing adhere to ISO 9001:2015 QMS and to determine the relationship between internal quality audit as per ISO 9001:2015 QMS and post examination services delivery. A mixed methods research design was employed. Purposive sampling was used to sample 6 directors of quality assurance, 6 directors of QMS and PC and 6 deputy registrars (examinations) while 297 examination coordinators and 384 fourth year students were sampled using stratified sampling technique. The study found 43.6% of the institutions undertook internal quality audits on quarterly basis, 23.5% on semi-annually and 31.3% annually. Public universities had to a large extent implemented internal quality auditing as per ISO 9001:2015 QMS (M=3.873, SD=0.772). The study found that undertaking internal quality auditing had a positive significant effect on post-examination services delivery in Kenyan public universities. The study concludes that internal quality auditing significantly enhances post examination services delivery in Kenyan public universities and recommends regular and comprehensive internal audits to enhance timely identification of nonconformities along with constitution of independent audit teams to monitor execution of corrective measures laid out in audits reports


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    The study sought to underscore the influence of parental involvement in activities at school on learning outcomes among preschool learners. Its purpose was to determine the influence parental involvement in activities at school on learning outcomes among preschool learners in Mbooni Sub County, Makueni County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design that use structured interviews and questionnaire that intended to verify information, perceptions opinions and views of the respondents and an observation schedule for collecting data on the learning outcomes of the children. The dependent variable of the study was learning outcomes among preschool learners in Makueni County, Kenya, while independent variable was parental involvement in activities at school. The target population was teachers, parents and preschool learners in the County. Purposive sampling was used to select the teachers and parents whereas simple random sampling was used to select learners. A sample of 42 teachers, 33 parents and 72 ECDE learners were involved. Validity of the instruments was tested during piloting. Reliability of the instruments was ascertained through testing and re-testing to a sample that was not sampled for the actual study. Data was collected after acquiring permit from NACOSTI. Instructions and arrangements on how to collect the data was made with regard to dates agreed between the researcher and the respondents on when to deliver the questionnaire and observe the children during live lessons as well as conducting of the interviews. Data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically along the specific themes and presented in narrative forms whereas the quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using frequencies and percentages with the help of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 23). The data was presented using tables in order to get the findings. This study may inform teachers, parents and policy makers about the influence of parental involvement in activities at school on children’s learning outcomes in Mbooni East Sub County. The study highlighted the significance of parents- teachers meeting, parent teacher child association, school feeding programmes as well as parents being resource person in passing first-hand information to children as they discuss different roles they undertake in the community. The study thus recommends partnerships of all stakeholders through proper communication and feedback. The National and County Governments should ensure food security in the preschools to enhance school retention, attendance rates, and enrollment for better learning outcomes among other benefits.  Article visualizations