25 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Kepemimpinan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada Karoseri Akai Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted at the Companys Autobody Akai Pekanbaru. This study aims to determine how Effect of Work Motivation and Leadership either simultaneously or partially on Employee Satisfaction Autobody Akai Pekanbaru.The population in this study were all full-time employees that exist in Pekanbaru Akai Autobody totaling 42 people, with a total sample of 42 employees. The method of analysis used in this study is the method Multiple Regression Analysis using SPSS version 17.00.Simultaneous regression test (F test) showed that the independent variables studied (Work Motivation and Leadership) simultaneously have a significant effect on the dependent variable (Employee Satisfaction). The magnitude of the effect that (R2) by the two independent variables together against the dependent variable 41.70%, while the remaining 58.30% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. The results of the testing that has been done, the partial regression test (t test) showed that each of the independent variables studied (Work Motivation and Leadership) has a significant effect on the dependentvariable (Employee Satisfaction).Keywords: Work Motivation, Leadership and Job Satisfactio

    Pengaruh Komitmen dan Disiplin terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan PT. Wahyuda Abadi Koto Baru

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    The study was conducted at PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto Jl. Southern District of New Logas Koto Regency Kuantan Singingi. With the aim to determine the effect of simultaneous commitment and discipline on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Eternal Wahyuda Koto Baru, next to determine the effect of commitment on job satisfaction PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto, and to determine the effect on employee job satisfaction discipline PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto. In this study population studied were employees of the office of PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto totaling 68 people. The sampling method used is the census of 68 employees of PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto. Multiple Linear Regression method is to determine the relationship between the dependent variable (Y) with the independent variable (X) is used as the data analysis necessary to first examine the validity and reliability of research data. The results showed that there was a significant effect of both simultaneously and significantly between the variables of commitment and discipline to the job satisfaction of employees of PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto. Variabel commitment and discipline is the dominant variable in affecting job satisfaction of employees of PT. Eternal Wahyuda New Koto.Keywords : Commitment , Discipline , Job Satisfactio

    Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Stres Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Marketing PT. Hoho Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted with descriptive and quantitative methods that use primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews/interview and questionnaire study. Respondents were drawn were 58 people. These samples are used for the purpose of collecting the necessary data in the descriptive analysis determined accidental random sampling. Descriptive analysis of the results it can be concluded that the results of the study are the results of the overall respondents about factors at work compensation of employees of PT. HOHO Pekanbaru in the category are not good, the results are the results of the overall respondents regarding employee discipline factor PT. HOHO Pekanbaru in quite well and the results of that research respondents overall results of the performance factors of employees of PT. HOHO Pekanbaru in a category quite well. Of both the independent variables are X1 (compensation) and X2 (work stress) are the most dominant influence on the performance of employees of PT. HOHO Pekanbaru is compensation (X1), it can be seen from the t value for X1 is equal to 8,276 while the t-table is (0.05, 55) = 1.672 because t (8276)> t table (1.672) then Ho significant. Therefore, the authors advise leaders should consider the issue of compensation to be received by the employee, because of the work that employees do a compensation factor can be determined motivation and employee morale in the work so that it can have an impact on labor discipline and employee performance.Keywords: Compensation, Job Stress and Performanc

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Efektivitas Komunikasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pdam Tirta Kampar

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    Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Kampar, which was established by Regulation Kampar District Regional Level II No. 02 of 1990 dated April 13, 1990 which authorized the governor of the Province of Riau with decision No. 02 of 1993, has the goal to serve the public interest in the field of provision of clean water in Kampar. While the function of the Regional Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Kampar is to seek the provision of clean water for the needs of people in Kampar. In an effort to improve employee performance PDAM Tirta Kampar, it would require a driving factor that can stimulate the spirit of the work in order to achieve company goals. The research was done in PDAM Tirta. While the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leadership style and effectiveness of communication to employee performance at PDAM Tirta Kampar. The analysis model is a linear analysis with independent variables that leadership style and effectiveness of communication and the dependent variable is the performance of employees. While the number of respondents in this study were 61 respondents and sampling using census techniques. Based on the results of this study concluded that the variables of leadership style and effectiveness of communication has a significant influence either partially or simultaneously to employee performance PDAM Tirta Kampar. Test the correlation coefficient (R) independent variable on the dependent variable 0.931, which means there is a very strong relationship closeness while the test coefficient of determination (R2) of the independent variables on the dependent variable is 86.6%, while the remaining 13.4% influenced by other variables.Keywords: Performance, Style Leadership, Communication Effectivenes

    Pengaruh Disiplin, Kompensasi dan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Perkebunan Wanna Jingga pada PT. Duta Palma Nusantara di Baserah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of compensation, Discipline, Education and Training on Productivity and Factory Employees at PT. Duta Palma Nusantara In Baserah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. And to know which is the most dominant factor influential Against Employee Productivity Perkebunan Wanna Jingga Pada PT. Duta Palma Nusantara di Baserah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi The population in this study were all employees of Perkebunan Wanna Jingga Pada PT. Duta Palma Nusantara, totaling 175 people. In the sampling, the author uses simple random sampling method, a total of 64 people. In this study, the data obtained will be processed by multiple linear regression model (multiple regression). Regression method can be used to show how the independent variables affect the dependent variable. From the research, the first hypothesis testing results show that the effect on Work Productivity discipline. The results of the two compensation effect hypothesis Against Employee Productivity. The results of testing the third hypothesis influential education and training Against Employee Productivity Perkebunan Wanna Jingga Pada PT. Duta Palma Nusantara di Baserah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. The most dominant and influential factors Against Employee Productivity Orange Factory and Plantation Want In Perkebunan Wanna Jingga Pada PT. Duta Palma Nusantara di Baserah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi is compensated