7 research outputs found

    The Performance of a Disk Plow Combined with a Rotary Blade in Wet Clay Soil

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    An investigation was initiated to obtain some understanding on the behavior of wet clay soil and to explore the potential of combined operation of disk plow and rotary blade to reduce travelling of machine in paddy field. Tests were conducted in a soil tank 20 m long, 3 wide, and .75 m deep, the Munchong soil was used and soil condition was controlled. A 25 HP tractor was modified as the prime mover. Frame to put disk plow and rotary blade was designed. An extended octagonal ring dynamometer was used to draft measuring and torque transducer to torque measuring. Based on the existing information about disk plow-soil parameters, the effects of forward speed, disk angle, tilt angle and width of cutting were explored. Results between soil-disk parameter design were compared and the flow of soil slice on disk surface was determined. This would give some indication of the effect of soil-disk parameter and its initial wet soil flow on disk surface. The result of plowing wet soil shows that tilt angle had no statistically significant effect on draft. The forward speed has main effect of design parameter on force requirement. Studies on soil flow on disk surface had shown that upward soil flow was more prominent causing soil clogging as the forward speed increased. Increasing of disk angle and tilt angle increased soil clogging on disk surface. Based on the experiments flow on wet soil furrow slice on disk surface, the location of rotary blade was determined. The effects of forward speed, rotary speed, disk angle, tilt angle and width of cutting were explored. Results between soil-combined disk plow and rotary blade parameter design were compared and the flow of soil slice on disk surface determined. The forward speed and rotary speed have the main effect of design parameter on torque requirement. Increasing of rotary speed will decrease force requirement of disk plow. The use of a rotary blade with reversed rotation is an effective method to reduce force requirement. Distance of soil furrow slice on disk surface increases when the rotary speed increases. The combination of forward speed and rotary speed determined the length of soil slice

    Energy prediction model for disk plow combined with a rotary blade in wet clay soil

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    A mathematical model was developed to predict the energy requirement for the combined effect of a disk plow and a rotary blade in clay soil suitable for wet rice cultivation in Malaysia. The developed equations can be used to predict the energy requirements for disk and rotary blade using mathCAD PLUS 6.0 software. The validity of the model was checked via experiments conducted in an indoor soil tank with the usage of an octagonal ring transducer for the disk and a torquemeter for the rotary blade. The variations between experimental and predicted values range from -1.4% to 3.3%


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan maksud dan tujuan adalah untuk menganalisa dan merencanakan suatu plat beton bertulang baik lantai maupun atap pada Gedung Kantor Sekolah Keberbakatan Olah Raga Kota Metro yang nantinya hasil dari analisa ini dapat menghasilkan suatu perencanaan plat beton yang aman (kuat secara teknis) dan ekonomis (murah secara finansial). Hasil penelitian/analisa struktur yang dilakukan pada gedung Kantor Sekolah Keberbakatan Olah Raga Kota Metro menghasilkan rencana/design plat beton untuk plat lantai dan plat atap gedung dengan rincian Tulangan yang digunakan yaitu tulangan Ø10-300 untuk plat atap dan tulangan Ø10-250 untuk plat lantai

    Design Consideration For Design A Flat And Ring Plastics Part Using Solidworks Software

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    Various considerations on design of plastic injection moulded parts were applied in initial stage to prevent any defects of end products. Therefore, the objective of this project is to design the plastic injection moulded part by taking consideration on several factors such as draft angle, corner radius and location of gate. In this project, flat plastic part, ring plastic part, core inserts for flat and ring plastic part were designed using SolidWorks software. The plastic part was drawn in sketching mode then the 3D modeling of solid part was generated using various commands. Considerations of plastic part such as draft angle and corner radius with location of gate was considered in the design stage. Finally, it was successfully designed the two plastic parts with their respectively insert by using SolidWorks software. The flat plastic part and ring plastic part were designed for the purpose for future researches for study the weld lines, meld lines, air trapped and geometrical size of the product. Thus, by designing the flat plastic part and ring plastic part having core insert on each part, the completed mould design of two plate mould can be considered. This is because, plastic injection parts are needed to be designed properly in order to neglect any defect when the mould was made

    Repetitive strain injuries diagnostic of agricultural workers

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    Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) present an increasingly common challenge to clinicians. They consist of a variety of musculoskeletal disorders, as well as some common periphe-ral-nerve entrapment and vascular syndromes. These injuries result from repetitive and forceful motion, awkward postures, and other work-related condition and ergonomic hazards. Epidemiological data on the quantitative association between RSI and excessive risk of agricultural workers are incomplete. The symptomatic diagnosis of RSI is still mainly based on anamnestic information. Separate models for risk evaluation of vascular and neurological disorder related to work with different tools and process will have to be established

    Reducing tillage operations using combination disk plow and rotary blade on paddy soil

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    The investigating was initiated to explore the potential of combined operation of disk plow and rotary blade to reduce traveling of machine in the paddy soil that change relies on our ability to manage the effective of agricultural process at large scale. The work involved in the design a machine to anterior portion of prime mover. The design was evaluated under standard paddy field condition

    Application of NDVI Transformation on Sentinel 2A Imagery for mapping mangrove conditions in Makassar City

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    Mangrove ecosystems consist of tropical plants that have adapted to the salinity, tidal fluctuations, and loose soil condition. Identification of mangrove ecosystems can be carried out by direct survey methods or by utilizing remote sensing technology. This study aims to map the area, percent cover, and density of mangroves in Makassar City using Sentinel 2A Imagery. The method used is the NDVI transformation, followed by Unsupervised-ISODATA classification, ground check with the 10 x 10-meter plotting method, and hemispherical photography. The results showed that the existence of mangroves in Makassar City was still found in the Tallo and Biringkanaya districts, with 68.81 ha of mangrove ecosystem cover area in the range of 84.36 - 91.89% (dense category). Likewise, the vegetation index based on NDVI analysis ranged from 0.73 - 0.81 (dense category), and the species density was in the range of 2700 - 6400 trees/Ha (dense category). Sentinel-2A imagery transformed with NDVI can be used to track mangrove areas and their density. The wide distribution of mangrove ecosystems in Makassar is relatively small but has good conditions