20 research outputs found
Urachal Cyst, a Rare Cyst with Multiple Complications
Urachal cysts are rare, can be one of the forgotten causes of abdominal pain, and can present as adenocarcinoma of the bladder, along with many other presentations. There is a real need for physicians, general surgeons, and urologists to be acquainted with the different presentations and management of this rare condition
Enterovesical Fistula: A Rare Complication of Urethral Catheterization
This report describes the case of an eighty-two-year old lady with an indwelling urethral catheter inserted eight years prior to her presentation to manage her urinary incontinence. She underwent radiotherapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer (stage T2b) in 1991 and had a laparotomy and drainage of an appendicular abscess in her early twenties. She presented with a short history of fecaluria, pneumaturia, and passage of urine per rectum. On laparotomy she was found to have an inflated catheter balloon that has eroded through the bladder wall into the lumen of a terminal ileal segment. To our knowledge this is the first reported case in literature of a patient developing an enterovesical fistula as a result of a urethral catheter eroding through the bladder wall into the bowel lumen. There are numerous known complications of long-term urethral catheterization. They include recurrent urinary tract infections, recurrent pyelonephritis, sepsis, urethral stricture, blocked and retained catheters, among many other reported complications. This case describes an unusual presentation secondary to an even more unusual complication. This should be considered when handling patients with indwelling urethral catheters inserted in unhealthy bladders
Evaluation of horizontal ridge augmentation using beta tricalcium phosphate and demineralized bone matrix: A comparative study
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of beta tricalcium phosphate (Beta-TCP) alone compared to Beta-TCP and Demineralized
Bone Matrix (DBM) in regenerating localized horizontal maxillary alveolar ridge deficiencies prior to
implant placement.
Study Design: The study included 20 patients with horizontal maxillary ridge deficiencies limited to one or more
neighbouring teeth and initial ridge width of . 5mmm. Patients were divided equally into two equal groups. Ridge
augmentation was performed using Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) principals. In group I GBR was performed
using Beta-TCP only, while in group II both Beta-TCP and DBM were used. Following a 6 months healing period, bone
cores from both groups were retrieved and implants were inserted. Specimens were examined histologically to calculate
percentage of mineralized bone. Apical and crestal changes in ridge dimensions were calculated by digital
subtraction using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) immediately after graft placement and six months
Results: There was a statistically significant difference between the mean area percentage of mineralized bone between
both groups where it was 40.1 % (range: 27.76-% 66.29 %) for group I and 68.96 % (range: 60.07 % - 87.33
%) for group II. Radiograpically, the mean ridge width in group I increased crestally to 4.66 mm (range:3.5-5mm)
and apically to 6.12 mm (range: 4.1-6.7 mm). In group II the mean ridge width increased crestally to 5.2 mm (range
4.9-5.4mm) and apically to 6.9 mm (range 6.0-7.8 mm). Group II showed more bone gain with a mean of 1.37 mm
crestally and 2.44 mm apically. This difference however was not statistically significant
Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study the combination of DBM and Beta-TCP can be used effectively in
cases exhibiting minimal alveolar ridge defects
Nursing Perspectives on the Association between Human Capital Development and the Work Engagement: A Cross-Sectional Study
This study examined the impact of human capital development on the nurses’ work engagement. A questionnaire was adapted and distributed to a nursing convenience sample in different types of hospitals. The sample size was 286 male and female nurses who completed it. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the research hypothesis. Results revealed that human capital development had a direct impact on the nursing work engagement. Nursing work engagement give managers ability to improve the work environment, increase the work professional and institutional loyalty. Supporting the human capital development tools is very important for any healthcare organization
Wortschöpfung: Die Memphitische Theologie und die Siegesstele des Pije - zwei Zeugen kultureller Repäsentation in der 25. Dynastie
Wie kann man eine Idee datieren? In Zeit und Raum einordnen, ohne dass ihre lebende Dynamik eingeschränkt wird? Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, mit alten, fremden Kulturen in Kontakt zu treten, ohne in Versuchung zu geraten nur sich selbst zu finden?
Dieses Buch nimmt sich zur Aufgabe exemplarisch anhand der Untersuchung des prominenten aber auch umstrittenen Denkmals Memphitischer Theologie auf theoretisch-methodischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Ebene sowie auf traditioneller ägyptologischer Basis die vor genannten Fragen angemessen zu beantworten.
Das Denkmal Memphitischer Theologie wurde zwar immer wieder Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen, niemals aber insgesamt dokumentiert und auf die Fragestellungen unseres heutigen Wissens hin bearbeitet. Ziel dieser "dichten Beschreibung" des in ägyptologischen und religionswissenschaftlichen Kreisen herausragenden Dokuments ist es, diese Lücke zu füllen.
Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Literaturwissenschaft, z. B. über das Text-Kontext Gefälle, werden angewandt, um zu einem erweiterten Blickwinkel zu gelangen. So wird die bekannte und umfangreichste Textquelle der kuschitischen Epoche, aus der gleichen Entstehungszeit der Memphitischen Theologie, die Siegesstele des Pije, erstmals als dessen vertexteter Kontext gleichfalls analysiert.
Herrschaft, Deutungsmacht und Repräsentationsprozesse jener kuschitischen Epoche werden dem Leser durch diese pluralistische Analyse in dynamischer Weise veranschaulicht
Osiris lives: Exalting the “drowned one” in Qubet el Hawa and at the modern Cemetery of “Gabanat Aswan”
In Fall 2015, the Bonner Qubbet el Hawa Survey found a strange tumulus during the cleaning of the riverbank searching for the quayside used in funerary processions from Elephantine to the ancient necropolis on the west bank. This mud-brick shrine was definitely built before the Aswan Dam (1898) and is dedicated to a certain Sheikh Youssef, the drowned one. This cenotaph is still in use to date and is the object of exaltation of folk’s natural fertility occult rites. To understand this non-Islamic cult in contemporary Aswan, I will compare this cult with the cult of Heqa-ib in his shrine in Elephantine from the Middle and New Kingdoms, and with the contemporary secret cult in the Gabanat Aswan, in which such practices take place every night. This extraordinary cemetery congregates hundreds of symbolic graves of all the key figures of Islamic sainthood (Al Hussein, Ahmad Al Refa’y, Saida Zeinab etc). This presentation will give an overview regarding the main characteristics of Osiris and Isis, as derived from Egyptian funerary and temple sources, as well as modern Egyptian cultural memories in folklore, art and literature. All these sources celebrate the resurrection of Osiris after the grooming of Isis and Nephthys, the “two great mourners,” with their long exaltation hymns. Finally, the living God Osiris ascends, the fertile soil becomes green, and Isis becomes pregnant. The young ladies exalting Sheikh Youssuf at Qubbet el Hawa are praying for the one with the “beautiful face” (nfr Hr) and the “beautiful being” (wn nfr), and waiting that he comes out from the Nile so that they become pregnant. This contribution will reconsider the origin of cenotaphs (darieh/maqam/mashhad) in contemporary use as an ancient Osirian tradition, and not, as posited by previous scholars, as a Shiite influence of the Fatimid reign in Egypt
Management of prostate abscess in the absence of guidelines
ABSTRACT In contemporary practice, the number of patients presenting with prostatic abscess have significantly declined due to the widespread use of antibiotics. However, when faced with the pathology, prostatic abscess tends to pose a challenge to clinicians due to the difficulty of diagnosis and lack of guidelines for treatment. Treatment consists of an array of measures including parenteral broad-spectrum antibiotic administration and abscess drainage