4 research outputs found

    Analisa Bakteri pada Karang Scleractinia Berkaitan dengan Fenomena La-nina di Kawasan Taman Nasional Bunaken

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    Research about Scleractinian Coral with bacteria contamination are relatively new explore in Indonesia. The research study was located in Bunaken National Park in period May 2010 and August 2011. Research focused on gram positive ( +) and gram negative (-) bacteria. For sampling procedure by using SCUBA equipment with time swim at depth 5 - 10 meters at least 30 minutes and collected randomly coral mucus. In the Laboratory sample anlayzed by Isolate bactery process. For the result we noticed that on May 2010 gram positive bacteria are dominant, otherwise in August 2011 gram negative bacteria more dominant. Were indicated influence by La-Nina phenomenon during 2010 until earlier 2011 that seasonal transition I (May) and Monsoon II (August) is sigfnificantly different. For the future need to be explore especially to determine species of bactery and seasonal sampling

    Status Terumbu Karang dan Ikan Karang di Gili Matra, Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    This study aims to identify the status of reef fishes and coral reefs in Gili Meno, Air, and Trawangan or Gili Matra waters. This area is part of the North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Field observation was conducted on September 2011 at 11 (eleven) diving points. The video-transect method was used for observing the coral reef condition, while reef fishes abundance was observed by using visual-census method. The parameter that used to determine the condition of coral reef in study location are the percentage of live hard coral cover and index of coral mortality. In general, the result shows that percentage of live hard coral cover in each diving point ranged from 4.4% - 37.2% and the Coral Mortality Index (IMK) ranged form 0.40-0.92. The values describe that the condition of coral reef at eleven diving points vary from fair until poor condition. Current status of coral reef condition showed an insignificant increase from bad to moderate during the period 2011 -2018. There were 23 families of reef fishes from 46 genera were found during the study consisting of 16 genera of target fish groups, 5 genera of indicator fish group, and 25 genera of major fish group. The water quality is still within the limits of environmental quality standards.   Keywords: Reef fish, coral reef, Mortality Index, water quality, Gili Matr

    Study of Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Does IT Affect Coral Reefs?

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    HighlightEffect of sea surface temperature on coral reefsCorrelation with NOAA and AQUA MODIS satellite imagery dataSea water quality analysisThe adaptability of coral reefsAbstractThis research aims to identify the influence of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) to coral disease and bleaching using MODIS-Aqua data from 2003-2009 and NOAA Coral Reef Watch data. Field-data collection on coral disease and bleaching was carried out in Bunaken National Park, Wakatobi National Park, and Raja Ampat, in August, October, and November 2009, respectively. The presence of coral disease and bleaching was observed by using time-swim method. A prevalence formula was used to calculate the percentage of coral disease and bleaching colonies. The range of mean SST value from each location: Bunaken from 26.84-31.45oC, Wakatobi from 26.09-31.95oC and Raja Ampat from 27.72-31.36oC. There is an influence of SST anomaly on the presence of dis- ease and coral bleaching. During 2003-2019, the highest SST anomaly that could increase the risk of the coral bleaching phenomenon was found in 2010. Coral disease and bleaching were found at locations with high SST anomaly, low nitrate and available phosphate. However, high SST anomalies were not a main cause of coral disease and bleaching. In many locations in Indonesia, mass-bleaching has occurred and the ability of coral adaptation is the main key in dealing with this phenomenon