21 research outputs found

    The accreted stellar halo as a window on halo assembly in L* galaxies

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    Theory and observations agree that the accreted stellar halos (ASHs) of Milky Way-like galaxies display significant scatter. I take advantage of this stochasticity to invert the link between halo assembly history (HAH) and ASH, using mock ASHs corresponding to 750 Λ\LambdaCDM HAHs, sharing a final virial mass of Mh(z=0)=1012.25MM_{h}(z=0)=10^{12.25}M_\odot. Hosts with poor/rich ASHs assemble following orthogonal growth-patterns. Hosts with rich ASHs experience accretion events (AEs) with high virial mass ratios (HVMRs, Ms/Mh0.1M_s/M_h\gtrsim 0.1) at 0.5zinfall1.50.5\lesssim z_{infall}\lesssim1.5, in a phase of fast growth. This maximizes the accreted stellar mass under the condition these satellites are disrupted by z=0z=0. At similar times, hosts with poor ASHs grow slowly through minor mergers, with only very recent HVMR AEs: this results in a globally more abundant satellite population and in distinctive surviving massive satellites (stellar mass logMs,/M9\log M_{s,*}/M_\odot\gtrsim 9). Several properties of the Milky Way are in agreement with the predictions of this framework for hosts with poor, concentrated ASHs, including: i) the recent infall of Sagittarius and Magellanic Clouds, ii) the likely higher-than-average concentration of its dark halo, iii) the signatures of fast chemical enrichment of a sizable fraction of its halo stellar populations.Comment: accepted version, minor change

    Giant cold satellites from low-concentration haloes

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    The dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way Crater II and Antlia II have uncommonly low dynamical mass densities, due to their large size and low velocity dispersion. Previous work have failed to identify formation scenarios within the Λ\LambdaCDM framework and have invoked cored dark matter haloes, processed by tides. I show that the tidal evolution of Λ\LambdaCDM NFW haloes is richer than previously recognised: tidal heating causes the innermost regions of haloes that fall short of the mass-concentration relation to expand significantly, resulting in the formation of giant, kinematically cold satellites like Crater II and Antlia II. Furthermore, while the satellite is reaching apocenter, extra-tidal material can cause an even more inflated appearance. When present, as likely for the larger Antlia II, nominally unbound material can be recognised thanks to its somewhat hotter kinematics and line-of-sight velocity gradient. Contrary to other formation scenarios, Crater II and Antlia II may well have experienced very little mass loss, as in fact hinted by their observed metallicity. If indeed a satellite of NGC1052, tidal evolution of a low-concentration halo may similarly have led to the formation of NGC1052-DF2.Comment: MNRAS Letters submitted, comments welcom

    Deadly dark matter cusps vs faint and extended star clusters: Eridanus II and Andromeda XXV

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    The recent detection of two faint and extended star clusters in the central regions of two Local Group dwarf galaxies, Eridanus II and Andromeda XXV, raises the question of whether clusters with such low densities can survive the tidal field of cold dark matter haloes with central density cusps. Using both analytic arguments and a suite of collisionless N-body simulations, I show that these clusters are extremely fragile and quickly disrupted in the presence of central cusps ρrα\rho\sim r^{-\alpha} with α0.2\alpha\gtrsim 0.2. Furthermore, the scenario in which the clusters where originally more massive and sank to the center of the halo requires extreme fine tuning and does not naturally reproduce the observed systems. In turn, these clusters are long lived in cored haloes, whose central regions are safe shelters for α0.2\alpha\lesssim 0.2. The only viable scenario for hosts that have preserved their primoridal cusp to the present time is that the clusters formed at rest at the bottom of the potential, which is easily tested by measurement of the clusters proper velocity within the host. This offers means to readily probe the central density profile of two dwarf galaxies as faint as LV5×105LL_V\sim5\times 10^5 L_\odot and LV6×104LL_V\sim6\times10^4 L_\odot, in which stellar feedback is unlikely to be effective.Comment: accepted versio

    The virial mass distribution of ultra-diffuse galaxies in clusters and groups

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    We use the observed abundances of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) in clusters and groups and \Lambda CDM subhalo mass functions to put constraints on the distribution {of present-day halo masses of satellite} UDGs. If all of the most massive subhaloes in the cluster host a UDG, UDGs occupy all subhaloes with \log M_{sub}/M_\odot\gtrsim11. For a model in which the efficiency of UDG formation is higher around some characteristic halo mass, higher fractions of massive UDGs require larger spreads in the UDG mass distribution. In a cluster with a virial mass of 10^{15}M_\odot, the 90% upper limit for the fraction of UDGs with \log M_{sub}/M_\odot>12 is 7%, occupying 70% of all cluster subhaloes above the same mass. To reproduce the observed abundances, however, the mass distribution of satellite UDGs has to be broad, with >30% having \log M_{sub}/M_\odot<10.9. This strongly supports that UDGs are part of a continuous distribution in which a majority are hosted by low mass haloes. The abundance of satellite UDGs may fall short of the linear relation with the cluster/group mass M_{host} in low-mass hosts, \log M_{host}/M_\odot\sim 12. Characterising these deviations -- or the lack thereof -- will allow for stringent constraints on the UDG virial mass distribution.Comment: matches accepted versio

    Galaxies with Shells in the Illustris Simulation: Metallicity Signatures

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    Stellar shells are low surface brightness arcs of overdense stellar regions, extending to large galactocentric distances. In a companion study, we identified 39 shell galaxies in a sample of 220 massive ellipticals (M200crit>6×1012M\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{200crit}}>6\times10^{12}\,\mathrm{M}_\odot) from the Illustris cosmological simulation. We used stellar history catalogs to trace the history of each individual star particle inside the shell substructures, and we found that shells in high-mass galaxies form through mergers with massive satellites (stellar mass ratios μstars1:10\mu_{\mathrm{stars}}\gtrsim1:10). Using the same sample of shell galaxies, the current study extends the stellar history catalogs in order to investigate the metallicity of stellar shells around massive galaxies. Our results indicate that outer shells are often times more metal-rich than the surrounding stellar material in a galaxy's halo. For a galaxy with two different satellites forming z=0z=0 shells, we find a significant difference in the metallicity of the shells produced by each progenitor. We also find that shell galaxies have higher mass-weighted logarithmic metallicities ([Z/H]) at 22-4Reff4\,\mathrm{R}_{\mathrm{eff}} compared to galaxies without shells. Our results indicate that observations comparing the metallicities of stars in tidal features, such as shells, to the average metallicities in the stellar halo can provide information about the assembly histories of galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. Article published in a special issue of MDPI Galaxies after the conference "On the Origin (and Evolution) of Baryonic Galaxy Halos", Galapagos Islands, 201

    Formation and Incidence of Shell Galaxies in the Illustris Simulation

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    Shells are low surface brightness tidal debris that appear as interleaved caustics with large opening angles, often situated on both sides of the galaxy center. In this paper, we study the incidence and formation processes of shell galaxies in the cosmological gravity+hydrodynamics Illustris simulation. We identify shells at redshift z=0 using stellar surface density maps, and we use stellar history catalogs to trace the birth, trajectory and progenitors of each individual star particle contributing to the tidal feature. Out of a sample of the 220 most massive galaxies in Illustris (M200crit>6×1012M\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{200crit}}>6\times10^{12}\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}), 18%±3%18\%\pm3\% of the galaxies exhibit shells. This fraction increases with increasing mass cut: higher mass galaxies are more likely to have stellar shells. Furthermore, the fraction of massive galaxies that exhibit shells decreases with increasing redshift. We find that shell galaxies observed at redshift z=0z=0 form preferentially through relatively major mergers (\gtrsim1:10 in stellar mass ratio). Progenitors are accreted on low angular momentum orbits, in a preferred time-window between \sim4 and 8 Gyrs ago. Our study indicates that, due to dynamical friction, more massive satellites are allowed to probe a wider range of impact parameters at accretion time, while small companions need almost purely radial infall trajectories in order to produce shells. We also find a number of special cases, as a consequence of the additional complexity introduced by the cosmological setting. These include galaxies with multiple shell-forming progenitors, satellite-of-satellites also forming shells, or satellites that fail to produce shells due to multiple major mergers happening in quick succession.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS (new figures 3 and D1 + additional minor changes to match accepted version

    Dark matter cores in the Fornax and Sculptor dwarf galaxies: joining halo assembly and detailed star formation histories

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    We combine the detailed Star Formation Histories of the Fornax and Sculptor dwarf Spheroidals with the Mass Assembly History of their dark matter (DM) halo progenitors to estimate if the energy deposited by Supernova type II (SNeII) is sufficient to create a substantial DM core. Assuming the efficiency of energy injection of the SNeII into DM particles is ϵgc=0.05\epsilon_{\rm gc}=0.05, we find that a single early episode, zzinfallz \gtrsim z_{\rm infall}, that combines the energy of all SNeII due to explode over 0.5 Gyr, is sufficient to create a core of several hundred parsecs in both Sculptor and Fornax. Therefore, our results suggest that it is energetically plausible to form cores in Cold Dark Matter (CDM) halos via early episodic gas outflows triggered by SNeII. Furthermore, based on CDM merger rates and phase-space density considerations, we argue that the probability of a subsequent complete regeneration of the cusp is small for a substantial fraction of dwarf-size haloes.Comment: ApJL accepted versio

    Formation and Incidence of Shell Galaxies in the Illustris Simulation

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    Shells are low surface brightness tidal debris that appear as interleaved caustics with large opening angles, often situated on both sides of the galaxy center. In this paper, we study the incidence and formation processes of shell galaxies in the cosmological gravity+hydrodynamics Illustris simulation. We identify shells at redshift z=0 using stellar surface density maps, and we use stellar history catalogs to trace the birth, trajectory and progenitors of each individual star particle contributing to the tidal feature. Out of a sample of the 220 most massive galaxies in Illustris (M200crit>6×1012M\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{200crit}}>6\times10^{12}\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}), 18%±3%18\%\pm3\% of the galaxies exhibit shells. This fraction increases with increasing mass cut: higher mass galaxies are more likely to have stellar shells. Furthermore, the fraction of massive galaxies that exhibit shells decreases with increasing redshift. We find that shell galaxies observed at redshift z=0z=0 form preferentially through relatively major mergers (\gtrsim1:10 in stellar mass ratio). Progenitors are accreted on low angular momentum orbits, in a preferred time-window between \sim4 and 8 Gyrs ago. Our study indicates that, due to dynamical friction, more massive satellites are allowed to probe a wider range of impact parameters at accretion time, while small companions need almost purely radial infall trajectories in order to produce shells. We also find a number of special cases, as a consequence of the additional complexity introduced by the cosmological setting. These include galaxies with multiple shell-forming progenitors, satellite-of-satellites also forming shells, or satellites that fail to produce shells due to multiple major mergers happening in quick succession.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS (new figures 3 and D1 + additional minor changes to match accepted version