15 research outputs found

    Parcela - uvod u planersko pismo

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    The purpose of this paper is to bring to life universal spatial planning rules whose marks are symbols reminiscent of letters for writing words, and are in practice pictures of drawings. The goal of the research is to determine general terms for the development of a hierarchy of use with four levels of land plots. The research methodology includes an analysis of the way spatial planning takes place at present in theory and in practice as well as experience in preparing and implementing spatial planning plans. The general terms in order from superior to subordinate units of use are: Planning area, Planning zone, Planning block and Planning parcel.Svrha ovog rada je oživotvoriti univerzalna pravila planiranja prostora čije su oznake simboli koji podsjećaju na slova za pisanje teksta, a praktično su slika crteža. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi opće termine za razradu hijerarhije namjene na četiri razine parcela. Metodologija istraživanja obuhvaća analizu dosadašnjeg načina planiranja prostora u teoriji i praksi, te iskustvo u izradi i provedbi planova prostornog uređenja. Opći termini od nadređene do podređene jedinice namjene su: Planersko područje, Planerska zona, Planerski blok i Planerska čestica

    Parcela - uvod u planersko pismo

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    The purpose of this paper is to bring to life universal spatial planning rules whose marks are symbols reminiscent of letters for writing words, and are in practice pictures of drawings. The goal of the research is to determine general terms for the development of a hierarchy of use with four levels of land plots. The research methodology includes an analysis of the way spatial planning takes place at present in theory and in practice as well as experience in preparing and implementing spatial planning plans. The general terms in order from superior to subordinate units of use are: Planning area, Planning zone, Planning block and Planning parcel.Svrha ovog rada je oživotvoriti univerzalna pravila planiranja prostora čije su oznake simboli koji podsjećaju na slova za pisanje teksta, a praktično su slika crteža. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi opće termine za razradu hijerarhije namjene na četiri razine parcela. Metodologija istraživanja obuhvaća analizu dosadašnjeg načina planiranja prostora u teoriji i praksi, te iskustvo u izradi i provedbi planova prostornog uređenja. Opći termini od nadređene do podređene jedinice namjene su: Planersko područje, Planerska zona, Planerski blok i Planerska čestica

    Optimization model for family house plot elements – the Istria case

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    Na današnjem stupnju prostornog razvoja, postavljeni su kriteriji optimalizacije elemenata parcele koji uključuju primjenu ambijentalnih značajki, strukturu parcele, formule prosjeka i jedinstvo parametara. Optimalno je najbolje iskorištena površina na parceli obiteljske kuće za život njenih ukućana. Istraživanja ukazuju da brojčani iskazi količina i površina pojedinih strukturnih elemenata, potrebnih za kompletiranje parcele obiteljske kuće, nisu jednaki. Prema kriterijima optimalizacije, utvrđene su srednje površine svih strukturnih elemenata unutar limitirane, minimalne i maksimalne površine parcele.At today’s level of spatial planning the criteria for the plot elements optimization are set including the ambient features’ application, the plot structure, formulas average and unity parameters. The optimal model refers to the best utilization of a family house plot from the aspect of the house inhabitants. Research indicates that numerical expressions of quantities and the surfaces of particular structural elements necessary to complete a family house plot are unequal. According to the optimization criteria, average surfaces for structural elements are determined within limited, minimal and maximal plot surfaces

    Wheat Productivity and Plough Land Inequality in Rural Croatia

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    The unequal distribution of plough land could be according to a prior naive theorizing be a source of inefficiency in wheat production. The paper investigates whether, plough land inequality due to specific less or more egalitarian land distribution, and is a source of possible inefficiency measured by wheat productivity within Croatia's counties. We analyze these issues by using cross-county data on inequality in operational holdings of plough land from Agricultural Survey in 2003. After constructing the Gini coefficient for plough land holdings, and other relevant exogenous variable which cover necessary inputs condition as a average holding size per ha, labor, capital (represented by alternative variables summed by number of combine harvester and tractor), among counties, an estimation of an production function, is done by OLS estimations of wheat output.Wheat Productivity, Production Function, Plough Land Inequality, Croatia

    Glossary of hospitality and tourism industry construction in the hierarchy, classification and shaping of units of purpose

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    Primijenjena je genetička i komparativna metoda razrade pojmovnika ugostiteljske i turističke gradnje kroz tri razine namjenskih parcela u hijerarhiji, klasifikaciji i oblikovanju jedinica namjene. Ostvareni rezultati su pojmovnik građevina ugostiteljske i turističke gradnje u hijerarhiji namjenskih parcela od najveće planerske zone, planerskog bloka do najmanje planerske čestice i njihove klasifikacije u identifikaciji pojmova bez ponavljanja i oblikovanja namjena u svojstvu radnog prostora, kreativnosti, funkcionalnosti i sklada. Pojmovnik jedinica namjene ugostiteljske i turističke gradnje je jedno strukturno pravilo prostornog planiranja i znanstveni je doprinos tehničkim znanostima u polju arhitekture i urbanizma.Genetic and comparative methods of elaboration of the glossary of hospitality and tourism industry construction is applied through three levels of dedicated plots in the hierarchy, classification and shaping of purpose units. The achieved results are a glossary of hospitality and tourism industry construction in the hierarchy of dedicated plots, from the largest planning zones, through planning blocks, to the smallest planning plots and their classification in the identification of terms without repetition and shaping of purposes in the capacity of work space, creativity, functionality and harmony. The glossary of purpose units of hospitality and tourism industry construction is a structural rule of spatial planning and scientific contribution to technical sciences in the fields of architecture and urbanism

    Planned building land consolidation in the context of land subdivision of a unique plot

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    Utvrđen je model planske komasacije građevinskog zemljišta, a predstavlja jedno strukturno pravilo prostornog planiranja i doprinos je tehničkih znanosti u polju arhitekture i urbanizma. Primijenjena je empirijska i matematička metoda. Rezultati planske komasacije su kombinirani postupak primjene izraza jednadžbi i dijelova dokumenta plana prostornog uređenja u načinu sređivanja vlasništva u obuhvatu jedinstvene parcele. Sređivanje vlasništva uključuje diobu površina građevinskog zemljišta privatnog i javnog interesa. Zemljišta privatnog interesa se dijele na isto-namjenske površine. Pojedine isto-namjenske površine, primjenom jednadžbi i brojčanih podataka iz spomenutog plana se ravnomjerno oblikuju, položajno i veličinom vlasničkih komada zemljišta za parcelaciju i uknjižbu. Plansko zemljište javnog interesa se ravnomjerno iz površina suvlasništva odvaja za komunalne parcele, parcelira i knjiži za nadležno tijelo vlasti.The model of planned building land consolidation has been determined, representing a structural rule of spatial planning and technical sciences contribution to the field of architecture and urbanism. Empirical and mathematical methods were applied. The planned land consolidation results represent a combined process of application of expression of equations and of the parts of the spatial planning document regarding the manner in which ownership is arranged in the scope of a unique plot. Ownership arrangement includes even subdivision of building land surface areas of both private and public interests. Private interest land is divided into surface areas intended for the same purpose. Some of them are shaped, both location-wise and according to their size, into pieces of land in private ownership. Public interest land is, in one piece, taken out for communal plots and for the competent government authority. Following the adoption of the said planning document, the defined ownership pieces of land and, in some cases, also co-ownership ones are subdivided and entered into the Land Register and Land books

    Optimization model for family house plot elements – the Istria case

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    Na današnjem stupnju prostornog razvoja, postavljeni su kriteriji optimalizacije elemenata parcele koji uključuju primjenu ambijentalnih značajki, strukturu parcele, formule prosjeka i jedinstvo parametara. Optimalno je najbolje iskorištena površina na parceli obiteljske kuće za život njenih ukućana. Istraživanja ukazuju da brojčani iskazi količina i površina pojedinih strukturnih elemenata, potrebnih za kompletiranje parcele obiteljske kuće, nisu jednaki. Prema kriterijima optimalizacije, utvrđene su srednje površine svih strukturnih elemenata unutar limitirane, minimalne i maksimalne površine parcele.At today’s level of spatial planning the criteria for the plot elements optimization are set including the ambient features’ application, the plot structure, formulas average and unity parameters. The optimal model refers to the best utilization of a family house plot from the aspect of the house inhabitants. Research indicates that numerical expressions of quantities and the surfaces of particular structural elements necessary to complete a family house plot are unequal. According to the optimization criteria, average surfaces for structural elements are determined within limited, minimal and maximal plot surfaces

    Family house courtyard in the context of sustainable arrangement

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    Ovaj članak je doprinos tehničkih znanosti u pojmovima prostornog planiranja i održivom građevnom i biljnom uređenju okućnice obiteljske kuće. Primijenjena je metoda analize, sinteze i empirije, a rezultati su znanstvena istraživanja naslovne teme. Odabran je slučajni uzorak za utvrđivanje veličine pejzažnih planova sa stražnjeg dijela okućnice, a njegove veličine su uspoređene sa optimalnim veličinama elemenata uređenja prometnog pristupa i odmora, radi njihova održiva uređenja. Otkriven je način detekcije nepovoljnog položaja biljaka na okućnici i njihovo izmicanje i tretman za pravilan i održivi rast. Utvrđeni sadržaji i odnosi građevnog i biljnog uređenja okućnice obiteljske kuće su interes i volja vlasnika za izbor i realizaciju mogućih pojmova unutar površine pripadajuće okućnice.This article is a contribution of technical sciences to the terms of spatial planning and sustainable building and landscape arrangements of a family house courtyard. The methods of analysis, synthesis, as well as the empirical method were applied, resulting in this scientific research. A random sample was chosen to determine the dimension of landscape plans for the rear part of a courtyard and its dimensions are compared to the optimal dimensions of the landscape elements of traffic access and leisure area for the purposes of their sustainable arrangements. A method of detection of unfavourable positions of plants in the courtyard has been discovered and their relocation and treatment for normal and sustainable growth. The determined contents and ratio between the building and landscape arrangements of a family house courtyard are the interest and the will of the owner to choose and realise possible terms within the surface area of his courtyard


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    This paper explores the relationship between unemployment (UR) and job vacancies rate (VR) on Croatia’s labor market during the observed period from January 1990 to December 2008 on the basis of empirical analysis using the framework of the UV Curve, also known as the Beveridge Curve. We estimated the natural rate of unemployment (in static and dynamic time varying equilibrium version) as a concept which follows from the Beveridge Curve theory that says that changes in vacancy rate push unemployment in the opposite direction.Rad istražuje odnos između nezaposlenosti (UR) i stope slobodnih radnih mjesta (VR ) u Hrvatskoj na tržištu rada u razdoblju od siječnja 1990 do prosinca 2008, na bazi empirijske analize koristeći okosnicu dane UV krivulje (poznatu još kao Beveridge krivulja). Procijenjena je prirodna stopa nezaposlenost (u statičnoj i dinamičnoj ravnotežnoj inačici) koja se kao koncept izvodi iz Beveridge krivulje, prema teoriji da promjena upražnjenih radnih mjesta potiskuje nezaposlenost u suprotnom smjeru

    Characteristics of Poreč Cemetery (1920. – 1993.)

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    SAŽETAK Groblje Poreč unutar ogradnog zida u cijelosti je popunjeno grobovima pa se komunalna služba Usluga iz Poreča suočila s velikim problemom gdje na površini postojećeg groblja vršiti sahranu pokojnika. Dokumentirali smo i elaborirali niz pitanja s područja zaštite okoliša obuhvaćenih cjelovitim rješenjem proširenja groblja Poreč, koje bi u dugoročnom vremenskom razdoblju osiguravalo dovoljno prostora za ukop pokojnika i potrebne infrastrukturne sadržaje od parkiranja vozila, park-površina, građevina, do novoplaniranih grobnih polja.The capacity of Poreč cemetery is completely filled inside its perimeter walls. This caused a huge problem for the municipal service USLUGA from Poreč since there is no place for new burials. We have documented and elaborated a series of questions in the area of environment protection included in the plan for the extension of Poreč cemetery, which would ensure enough space for new burials and the necessary infrastructure from a parking lot, park areas and buildings to newly planned burial lots