13 research outputs found

    Tecnologías medioambientales y empresa: Dos décadas de investigación científica

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    A través de una revisión sistemática, este trabajo muestra el alcance y la evolución del concepto de Tecnologías Medioambientales en las diferentes áreas de conocimiento para concluir que ha sido en las áreas de conocimiento cercanas a la empresa en las que el término ha tenido mayor repercusión

    Propuesta metodológica para el seguimiento de los trabajos fin de grado: un enfoque orientado hacia la calidad

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    Se presenta una metodología que mediante el estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo y con la ayuda de encuestas, está orientada a analizar la elaboración y tutorización de los Trabajos de Fin de Grado (TFG) y que integra la perspectiva de alumnos y tutores. De forma adicional se incorpora al proyecto una perspectiva interfacultativa, que además de buscar la mejora de los TFG sirve para potenciar las sinergias entre diversos centros en lo que a esta materia se refiere. Así, en el trabajo se muestra un análisis evolutivo de las respuestas de los alumnos desde el año 2012-2013 (primer año en el que los alumnos entregaron el TFG) hasta el curso actual y al mismo tiempo se vislumbran futuras colaboraciones intercentros e interfacultades en esta materia

    Walking the talk, but above all, talking the walk: Looking green for market stakeholder engagement

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    International audienceIn recent years, corporate environmental commitment is showing different postures going from greenwashing to undue modesty and from environmental excellence to environmental inaction. In this paper, we go a step beyond the most recent research work on the dichotomy greenwashing-brownwashing and develop a more comprehensive model that reflect more subtly four main corporate environmental strategic positions based on both firm's environmental performance and disclosure achievements. Jointly with their characterization, and adopting a question-driven approach we add to the literature on environmental disclosure-firm performance proposing an explorative research question that consider cluster membership on market firm performance under the general assumption that, at least theoretically, each of the four main corporate environmental strategic positions under analysis can result in market performance improvements. Our empirical results from a panel data of international industrial companies show very interesting and novel insights, highlighting the fact that being green is good, but above all, it is good to look green

    Intellectual capital and radical innovation: Exploring the quadratic effects in technology-based manufacturing firms

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    After two decades of research, the complex question of the link between intellectual capital and radical innovation remains unsolved. With the aim of shedding new light on the accumulation patterns of intellectual capital in its relationship with radical innovation, this paper develops a novel theoretical and empirical exploration of the quadratic effects of intellectual capital, both individually and collectively and internal and external to the firm, on radical innovations, from the perspective of the Intellectual Capital-Based View. Three main hypotheses considering the quadratic effects of human, technological and vertical social capital on radical innovation are presented. The results from a sample of 251 Spanish high and medium high-tech manufacturing firms show different accumulation patterns of technological and vertical social capital on radical innovation. While the technological capital-radical innovation link loses intensity once a certain endowment of technological capital is reached, the relationship between vertical social capital and radical innovation increases exponentially and grows more intensively once a certain endowment of vertical social capital is attained. Conversely, the relationship between human capital and radical innovation is linear and positive. In addition, firms belonging to the chemical industry also have a positive influence on radical innovation, revealing the importance of this industry regarding innovations and technical changes. This study contributes to the intellectual capital literature by providing new evidence that helps to clarify the curvilinear intellectual capital-radical innovation relationship and the different role that the three types of intellectual capital play in that relationship

    Framing the evolution of the “environmental strategy” concept: Exploring a key construct for the environmental policy agenda

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    In this paper, we develop a quantitative review of the evolution of the concept of environmental strategy. We show how it has formed the backbone of the development of firm strategy and the natural environment as a research tradition and how consensus regarding it has evolved in the academic community during the stages of its historical evolution. We us co-word analyses to address changes in the structure of its definitional landscape and how it has evolved through the analysis of centrality of its core and periphery keywords. Furthermore, we develop, by the first time, a cluster analysis to identify the main definitional factors behind definitions along the two periods analyzed. Finally, four propositions for future development and a consensual definition of environmental strategy are proposed

    The importance of the complementarity between environmental management systems and environmental innovation capabilities: A firm level approach to environmental and business performance benefits

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    Using a firm-level approach to environmental innovation and drawing on the notion of firm environmental capabilities' complementarities as the potential advantages derived from the connection between the different environmental practices of the firm, we heed the call of environmental management scholars to analyze environmental management systems' potential moderating and indirect effects. More specifically, this work analyzes the existing complementarity between environmental management systems (EMSs) and environmental innovation capabilities and the effect of this relationship on firm performance. In order to reach that goal, we test empirically a novel measure of environmental management systems that takes into account not only the certification but also the degree of development of the distinctive elements that are part of these systems. Our results show that environmental management systems positively moderate the relationship between environmental product innovation and firmmarket performance. The proposed theoreticalmodel is tested on a sample of 157 firms that belong to the Spanish metal production and transformation industry (one of the most polluting) with 100 or more employees

    El paso del control a la prevención: ¿importan los estándares medioambientales?

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    The aim of this paper is to show the influence of certified environmental management systems in the transition from control to pollution prevention. Taking as a reference point the environmental innovation, a number of environmental control and prevention oriented practices are analyzed providing empirical evidence of their implementation over the firms in the Spanish metal industry. Our results show a significant decrease in the implementation of preventive innovations among not certified firms which stresses the importance of the certification when carrying out this kind of environmental innovations.El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar la influencia de los sistemas de gestión medioambiental certificados en el tránsito del control a la prevención de la contaminación. Tomando como punto de referencia la innovación medioambiental, se analizan una serie de medidas representativas de las innovaciones orientadas al control y a la prevención y se contrasta su influencia sobre las empresas del sector del metal en España. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un descenso notable en la aplicación de innovaciones preventivas entre las empresas no certificadas, lo que da cuenta de la relevancia de los sistemas de gestión medioambiental certificados a la hora de llevar a cabo esta clase de innovaciones

    Exploring the nature, antecedents and consequences of symbolic corporate environmental certification

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    Voluntary environmental certifications can be considered as firms’ strategic responses to institutional market and non-market pressures to reduce the impact of business activities on natural environment, and also as a means to legitimate the firm in the eyes of the society and the stakeholders in general, by fitting environmental behaviour to competitive dynamics and strategic choices. Among these certifications, the ISO 14001 is considered as the most widespread environmental management system (EMS) certification. Nevertheless, ISO 14001 cannot disguise the fact that these certifications could be used as a symbolic environmental commitment. In our research, we examine the potential existence of symbolic corporate environmental certification phenomenon, as well as its key antecedents and consequences on firm performance. The proposed hypotheses are tested through a logistic regression and a multiple linear regression on a sample of 157 firms that belong to the Spanish metal production and transformation industry with 100 or more employees. As a result, we found four unexplored antecedents of symbolic corporate environmental certification. While industry technological dynamism and lead cost competitive strategy are negatively related to symbolic corporate environmental certification, certification maturity and product differentiation competitive strategy are positively linked. In addition, contrary to our expectations, the relationship between symbolic corporate certification and firm performance, although present, is not statistically significant. In sum, our research contributes to shed light to the scarcely explored phenomenon of Symbolic Corporate Environmental Certification highlighting its importance in terms of industrial analysis, competitive strategy and timing of adoption, as well as its consequences on firm performance