3 research outputs found

    The Coronal Flap in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – A Case Report

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    The coronal scalp flap is a versatile and aesthetically pleasing approach for access to the cranial vault, cranial base, forehead, nose, upper and  middle third of the face, and orbits. In spite of its extensive nature, it is associated with few complications when properly planned. Despite, its versatility of the coronal flap, its use by oral and maxillofacial surgeons is limited especially in Nigeria. A case of surgical remodeling of fibrous dysplasia of the right supra orbital bone region using coronal approach is reported. This article highlighted surgical technique of coronal flap and indications for the use of coronal flap in maxillofacial surgery. Similarly, possible complications of the procedure, prevention and management of such complications were also emphasised. Additionally, it is meant to serve as a guide to young practising surgeons in Nigeria. It is our hope that this will embolden young surgeons in Nigeria to employ its use when indicated. Key words: Coronal; flap; maxillofacial; surgery

    A new La –Co –CE Mandibular Segmental Defect Classification System with a Surgical Reconstructive Difficulty Ladder

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    This paper reviewed the unique anatomy of the mandible in relation to reconstruction of segmental mandibular defects with non  vascularized bone grafts. The three distinct surgical - anatomic - reconstructive zones of the mandible and the etiology of the defects were briefly highlighted. A new La-Co-CE mandibular segmental defect classification system was proposed along with a surgical reconstructive difficulty ladder. The advantages and limitations of such a defect classification system were discussed. Further research will explore the relationship between the La-Co-CE defect classification, the surgical reconstructive difficulty ladder, and surgeon and patient reported outcomes

    Treatment of Skin Disorders with Aloe Materials

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