9 research outputs found

    Buruli ulcer treatment:Rate of surgical intervention differs highly between treatment centers in West Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Antibiotic treatment proved itself as the mainstay of treatment for Buruli ulcer disease. This neglected tropical disease is caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. Surgery persists as an adjunct therapy intended to reduce the mycobacterial load. In an earlier clinical trial, patients benefited from delaying the decision to operate. Nevertheless, the rate of surgical interventions differs highly per clinic. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in six different Buruli ulcer (BU) treatment centers in Benin and Ghana. BU patients clinically diagnosed between January 2012 and December 2016 were included and surgical interventions during the follow-up period, at least one year after diagnosis, were recorded. Logistic regression analysis was carried out to estimate the effect of the treatment center on the decision to perform surgery, while controlling for interaction and confounders. RESULTS: A total of 1193 patients, 612 from Benin and 581 from Ghana, were included. In Benin, lesions were most frequently (42%) categorized as the most severe lesions (WHO criteria, category III), whereas in Ghana lesions were most frequently (44%) categorized as small lesions (WHO criteria, category I). In total 344 (29%) patients received surgical intervention. The percentage of patients receiving surgical intervention varied between hospitals from 1.5% to 72%. Patients treated in one of the centers in Benin were much more likely to have surgery compared to the clinic in Ghana with the lowest rate of surgical intervention (RR = 46.7 CI 95% [17.5-124.8]). Even after adjusting for confounders (severity of disease, age, sex, limitation of movement at joint at time of diagnosis, ulcer and critical sites), rates of surgical interventions varied highly. CONCLUSION: The decision to perform surgery to reduce the mycobacterial load in BU varies highly per clinic. Evidence based guidelines are needed to guide the role of surgery in the treatment of BU

    Does tuberculosis screening improve individual outcomes? A systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: To determine if tuberculosis (TB) screening improves patient outcomes, we conducted two systematic reviews to investigate the effect of TB screening on diagnosis, treatment outcomes, deaths (clinical review assessing 23 outcome indicators); and patient costs (economic review). METHODS: Pubmed, EMBASE, Scopus and the Cochrane Library were searched between 1/1/1980-13/4/2020 (clinical review) and 1/1/2010-14/8/2020 (economic review). As studies were heterogeneous, data synthesis was narrative. FINDINGS: Clinical review: of 27,270 articles, 18 (n=3 trials) were eligible. Nine involved general populations. Compared to passive case finding (PCF), studies showed lower smear grade (n=2/3) and time to diagnosis (n=2/3); higher pre-treatment losses to follow-up (screened 23% and 29% vs PCF 15% and 14%; n=2/2); and similar treatment success (range 68-81%; n=4) and case fatality (range 3-11%; n=5) in the screened group. Nine reported on risk groups. Compared to PCF, studies showed lower smear positivity among those culture-confirmed (n=3/4) and time to diagnosis (n=2/2); and similar (range 80-90%; n=2/2) treatment success in the screened group. Case fatality was lower in n=2/3 observational studies; both reported on established screening programmes. A neonatal trial and post-hoc analysis of a household contacts trial found screening was associated with lower all-cause mortality. Economic review: From 2841 articles, six observational studies were eligible. Total costs (n=6) and catastrophic cost prevalence (n=4; range screened 9-45% vs PCF 12-61%) was lower among those screened. INTERPRETATION: We found very limited patient outcome data. Collecting and reporting this data must be prioritised to inform policy and practice. FUNDING: WHO and EDCTP

    Towards a Framework for Understanding Fairtrade Purchase Intention in the Mainstream Environment of Supermarkets

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    © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. Despite growing interest in ethical consumer behaviour research, ambiguity remains regarding what motivates consumers to purchase ethical products. While researchers largely attribute the growth of ethical consumerism to an increase in ethical consumer concerns and motivations, widened distribution (mainstreaming) of ethical products, such as fairtrade, questions these assumptions. A model that integrates both individual and societal values into the theory of planned behaviour is presented and empirically tested to challenge the assumption that ethical consumption is driven by ethical considerations alone. Using data sourced from fairtrade shoppers across the UK, structural equation modelling suggests that fairtrade purchase intention is driven by both societal and self-interest values. This dual value pathway helps address conceptual limitations inherent in the underlying assumptions of existing ethical purchasing behaviour m odels and helps advance understanding of consumers’ motivation to purchase ethical products

    Repetition priming in individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The literature on repetition priming in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is inconsistent, with some findings supporting spared priming while others do not. Several factors may explain these inconsistencies, including AD severity (e.g., dementia vs. Mild Cognitive Impairment; MCI) and priming paradigm-related characteristics. This systematic review and meta-analysis provides a quantitative summary of repetition priming in AD. We examined the between-group standard mean difference comparing repetition priming in AD dementia or amnestic MCI (aMCI; presumably due to AD) to controls. Thirty-two studies were selected, including 590 individuals with AD dementia, 267 individuals with amnestic MCI, and 703 controls. Our results indicated that both individuals with aMCI and AD dementia perform worse on repetition priming tasks than cognitively older adults. Paradigm-related moderators suggested that the effect size between studies comparing the combined aMCI or AD dementia group to cognitively healthy older adults was the highest for paradigms that required participants to produce, rather than identify, primes during the test phase. Our results further suggested that priming in AD is impaired for both conceptual and perceptual priming tasks. Lastly, while our results suggested that priming in AD is impaired for priming tasks that require deep processing, we were unable to draw firm conclusions about whether priming is less impaired in aMCI or AD dementia for paradigms that require shallow processing

    Declarative learning, priming, and procedural learning performances comparing individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment, and cognitively unimpaired older adults

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    Objective: While declarative learning is dependent on the hippocampus, procedural learning and repetition priming can operate independently from the hippocampus, making them potential targets for behavioral interventions that utilize non-declarative memory systems to compensate for the declarative learning deficits associated with hippocampal insult. Few studies have assessed procedural learning and repetition priming in individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). Method: This study offers an overview across declarative, conceptual repetition priming, and procedural learning tasks by providing between-group effect sizes and Bayes Factors (BFs) comparing individuals with aMCI and controls. Seventy-six individuals with aMCI and 83 cognitively unimpaired controls were assessed. We hypothesized to see the largest differences between individuals with aMCI and controls on declarative learning, followed by conceptual repetition priming, with the smallest differences on procedural learning. Results: Consistent with our hypotheses, we found large differences between groups with supporting BFs on declarative learning. For conceptual repetition priming, we found a small-to-moderate between-group effect size and a non-conclusive BF somewhat in favor of a difference between groups. We found more variable but overall trivial differences on procedural learning tasks, with inconclusive BFs, in line with expectations. Conclusions: The current results suggest that conceptual repetition priming does not remain intact in individuals with aMCI while procedural learning may remain intact. While additional studies are needed, our results contribute to the evidence-base that suggests that procedural learning may remain spared in aMCI and helps inform behavioral interventions that aim to utilize procedural learning in this population

    Original Research by Young Twinkle Students (Orbyts): Ephemeris Refinement of Transiting Exoplanets II

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    We report follow-up observations of four transiting exoplanets, TRES-2b, HAT-P-22b, HAT-P-36b and XO-2b, as part of the Original Research By Young Twinkle Students (ORBYTS) programme. These observations were taken using the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network's (LCOGT) robotic 0.4 m telescopes and were analysed using the HOlomon Photometric Software (HOPS). Such observations are key for ensuring accurate transit times for upcoming telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), Twinkle and Ariel, which may seek to characterise the atmospheres of these planets. The data have been uploaded to ExoClock and a significant portion of this work has been completed by secondary school students in London