3 research outputs found
Physiological changes due to inflammation in patients with (COPD) significantly led to a decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood. It can trigger physiological changes in the form of anxiety to depression. This study aimed to identify the level of anxiety in patients with stable COPD. The study was using quantitative descriptive design, sample of 70 patient, questionnaire STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). The majority of respondents are male (85.2%), aged> 65 years (35.5%) had quit smoking (97.5%) with duration of smoking cessation> 2 years (49.0%), and the majority COPD patients had> 2 years (60.0%). Most of the patients had a moderate level of anxiety (42.8%), and mild (30.0%), or severe (27.2%). Anxiety is not treated immediately will risk causing disturbances in various aspects of life of patients. Thus, it is important for patients detection and treatment of anxiety quickly and precisely along with the medical treatment of COPD.Physiological changes due to inflammation in patients with (COPD) significantly led to a decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood. It can trigger physiological changes in the form of anxiety to depression. This study aimed to identify the level of anxiety in patients with stable COPD. The study was using quantitative descriptive design, sample of 70 patient, questionnaire STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). The majority of respondents are male (85.2%), aged> 65 years (35.5%) had quit smoking (97.5%) with duration of smoking cessation> 2 years (49.0%), and the majority COPD patients had> 2 years (60.0%). Most of the patients had a moderate level of anxiety (42.8%), and mild (30.0%), or severe (27.2%). Anxiety is not treated immediately will risk causing disturbances in various aspects of life of patients. Thus, it is important for patients detection and treatment of anxiety quickly and precisely along with the medical treatment of COPD
Introduction: ACS patients are at risk of experiencing psychological complications, particularly depression. Knowledge of the factors that contribute to the incidence of depression is needed so that the incidence of depression can be prevented as early as possible. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of depression in ACS patients. Methods: This literature study was made by analyzing scientific articles published from 2009 to 2019 and in English. Data obtained from the PubMed, DOAJ, and Proquest databases. Results: Analisis terhadap 18 artikel ditemukan bahwa depresi pada pasien SKA dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, yaitu faktor demografi (usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, dan status perkawinan), status sosial ekonomi (jaminan kesehatan dan pendapatan), komorbiditas, masa rawat inap. , Episode ACS, keparahan penyakit, dukungan sosial, nyeri, indeks massa tubuh, perilaku kesehatan, riwayat depresi keluarga, dan riwayat gangguan depresi mayor sebelumnya. Kesimpulan: Tinjauan pustaka ini dapat menjadi dasar untuk mengelola faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi depresi pada pasien SKA sehingga depresi dapat dicegah sedini mungkin.Pendahuluan: Pasien SKA mengalami komplikasi psikologis, khususnya depresi. Pengetahuan akan faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap kejadian depresi sangat diperlukan, sehingga kejadian depresi dapat dicegah sedini mungkin. Penelitian bertujuan untuk melihat faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian depresi pada SKA pasien. Metode: Studi literatur ini dibuat dengan melakukan analisis terhadap artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasi tahun 2009 sampai 2019 dan berbahasa Inggris. Data didapatkan dari database PubMed, DOAJ, dan Proquest. Hasil:Analisis terhadap 16 artikel, didapatkan bahwa berbagai depresi pada SKA pasien ditemukan oleh faktor, yaitu faktor demografi (usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, dan status perkawinan), status sosial ekonomi, kesehatan dan tahap, penyakit penyerta, periode rawat inap, episode SKA, tingkat keparahan penyakit, dukungan sosial, nyeri, indeks tubuh, perilaku kesehatan, riwayat keluarga dengan depresi, dan riwayat gangguan depresi mayor sebelumnya. Kesimpulan: Telaah literatur ini dapat menjadi dasar dalam penanganan faktor yang mempengaruhi depresi pada pasien SKA, sehingga depresi dapat mencegah sedini mungkin
Relationship between Self-Management Behavior on the Severity of Artery Coronary Disease
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a non-communicable disease that is the main cause of death and loss of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) globally. Patients can experience various complications that affect the severity of the disease. Various factors, especially self-management behavior, can influence the severity of CAD patients. This study aimed to determine the relationship between self-management behavior and the severity of CAD in Dr. Zainoel Abidin Regional General Hospital Banda Aceh. This study used a cross-sectional design from March 28 to May 19, 2023. The sample consisted of 221 CHD patients who had undergone coronary angiography, were selected using purposive sampling, and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected through guided interviews using the self-management scale (CSMS) and syntax score. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Data analysis showed a significant relationship between self-management behavior and the severity of CAD. Daily life management (p=0.000, OR=5.334), disease management (p=0.000, OR=2.633), and emotional management (p=0.000, OR=2.047) were associated with the severity of CAD. Logistic regression indicated that daily life management was the most dominant factor associated with the severity of CAD (OR=5.334). Good daily life, disease, and emotional management can help reduce the risk of complications and improve the prognosis of CAD patients. Self-management behavior, particularly daily life management, is significantly related to the severity of CAD in Dr. Zainoel Abidin Regional General Hospital patients