216 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric properties of dwarf planet Ceres from the VIR spectrometer on board the Dawn mission

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    We study the spectrophotometric properties of dwarf planet Ceres in the VIS-IR spectral range by means of hyper-spectral images acquired by the VIR imaging spectrometer on board the NASA Dawn mission. Disk-resolved observations with a phase angle within the 7<α<1327^{\circ}<\alpha<132^{\circ} interval were used to characterize Ceres' phase curve in the 0.465-4.05 μ\mum spectral range. Hapke's model was applied to perform the photometric correction of the dataset, allowing us to produce albedo and color maps of the surface. The VV-band magnitude phase function of Ceres was fitted with both the classical linear model and H-G formalism. The single-scattering albedo and the asymmetry parameter at 0.55μ\mum are w=0.14±0.02w=0.14\pm0.02 and ξ=0.11±0.08\xi=-0.11\pm0.08, respectively (two-lobe Henyey-Greenstein phase function); the modeled geometric albedo is 0.094±0.0070.094\pm0.007; the roughness parameter is θˉ=29±6\bar{\theta}=29^{\circ}\pm6^{\circ}. Albedo maps indicate small variability on a global scale with an average reflectance of 0.034±0.0030.034 \pm 0.003. Isolated areas such as the Occator bright spots, Haulani, and Oxo show an albedo much higher than average. We measure a significant spectral phase reddening, and the average spectral slope of Ceres' surface after photometric correction is 1.1%kA˚11.1\%k\AA^{-1} and 0.85%kA˚10.85\%k\AA^{-1} at VIS and IR wavelengths, respectively. Broadband color indices are VR=0.38±0.01V-R=0.38\pm0.01 and RI=0.33±0.02R-I=0.33\pm0.02. H-G modeling of the VV-band magnitude phase curve for α<30\alpha<30^{\circ} gives H=3.14±0.04H=3.14\pm0.04 and G=0.10±0.04G=0.10\pm0.04, while the classical linear model provides V(1,1,0)=3.48±0.03V(1,1,0^{\circ})=3.48\pm0.03 and β=0.036±0.002\beta=0.036\pm0.002. The comparison with spectrophotometric properties of other minor bodies indicates that Ceres has a less back-scattering phase function and a slightly higher albedo than comets and C-type objects. However, the latter represents the closest match in the usual asteroid taxonomy.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, published online on Astronomy and Astrophysics on 13 February 2017. Revised to reflect minor changes in text and figures made in proofs, updated value of V-R and R-

    Ambient and cold-temperature infrared spectra and XRD patterns of ammoniated phyllosilicates and carbonaceous chondrite meteorites relevant to Ceres and other solar system bodies

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    Mg‐phyllosilicate‐bearing, dark surface materials on the dwarf planet Ceres have NH_4‐bearing materials, indicated by a distinctive 3.06 μm absorption feature. To constrain the identity of the Ceres NH_4‐carrier phase(s), we ammoniated ground particulates of candidate materials to compare their spectral properties to infrared data acquired by Dawn's Visible and Infrared (VIR) imaging spectrometer. We treated Mg‐, Fe‐, and Al‐smectite clay minerals; Mg‐serpentines; Mg‐chlorite; and a suite of carbonaceous meteorites with NH_4‐acetate to exchange ammonium. Serpentines and chlorites showed no evidence for ammoniation, as expected due to their lack of exchangeable interlayer sites. Most smectites showed evidence for ammoniation by incorporation of NH_4^+ into their interlayers, resulting in the appearance of absorptions from 3.02 to 3.08 μm. Meteorite samples tested had weak absorptions between 3.0 and 3.1 μm but showed little clear evidence for enhancement upon ammoniation, likely due to the high proportion of serpentine and other minerals relative to expandable smectite phases or to NH_4^+ complexing with organics or other constituents. The wavelength position of the smectite NH4 absorption showed no variation between IR spectra acquired under dry‐air purge at 25 °C and under vacuum at 25 °C to −180 °C. Collectively, data from the smectite samples show that the precise center wavelength of the characteristic ~3.05 μm v_3 absorption in NH_4 is variable and is likely related to the degree of hydrogen bonding of NH_4‐H_2O complexes. Comparison with Dawn VIR spectra indicates that the hypothesis of Mg‐saponite as the ammonium carrier phase is the simplest explanation for observed data, and that Ceres dark materials may be like Cold Bokkeveld or Tagish Lake but with proportionally more Mg‐smectite

    Mesosiderites on Vesta: A Hyperspectral VIS-NIR Investigation

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    The discussion about the mesosiderite origin is an open issue since several years. Mesosiderites are mixtures of silicate mineral fragments or clasts, embedded in a FeNi metal matrix. Silicates are very similar in mineralogy and texture to howardites [1]. This led some scientists to conclude that mesosiderites could come from the same parent parent asteroid of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorites [2, 3]. Other studies found a number of differences between HEDs and mesosiderite silicates that could be explained only by separate parent asteroids [4]. Recently, high precision oxygen isotope measurements of m esosiderites silicate fraction were found to be isotopically identical to the HEDs, requiring common parent body, i.e. 4 Vesta [5]. Another important element in favor of a common origin was given by the identification of a centimeter-sized mesosiderite clast in a howardite (Dar al Gani 779): a metal-rich inclusion with fragments of olivine, anorthite, and orthopyroxene plus minor amounts of chromite, tridymite, and troilite [6]. The Dawn mission with its instruments, the Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIR) [7], the Framing Camera [8] and the Gamma-Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) [9] confirmed that Vesta has a composition fully compatible with HED meteorites [10]. We investigate here the possibility to discern mesosiderite rich locations on the surface of Vesta by means of hyperspectral IR images

    Mapping the mineralogical composition of the Pinaria region (Av-11) of Vesta

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    We present the mineralogical map of a quadrant of the southern hemisphere of Vesta spanning 0-90 degrees longitude, and -21 to -66 degrees latitude; a region named Pinaria. The region, named after the Roman vestal virgin (c. 600 B.C.), includes an approximately 37km diameter crater, also named Pinaria. Several additional large craters are in this region as is the western most region of the rim of Rhea Silvia, named Matronalia Rupes. Mineralogical maps are based on data acquired by the Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIR-MS) and the Framing Camera (FC) on the Dawn spacecraft that has been orbiting Vesta since July 2011. VIR-MS is sensitive to wavelengths from 0.25um to 5.1um with a spatial resolution that depends upon the mission phase: nominally from 2.5 up to 0.8 km/pixel during the approach, 0.8 km/pixel during survey, 0.2 km/pixel during the high altitude orbit (HAMO) and about 0.05 km/pixel during the low altitude orbit (LAMO). This spatial resolution does not include the effects of the spacecraft's nor Vesta's motion. FC data from Survey orbit with a spatial resolution of about 250 m/pixel have been mapped using filter band parameters selected to enhance the anticipated mineralogy of Vesta. Global color maps of Vesta's surface using these color differences and ratios are generated. VIR data show that Vesta's surface is dominated by pyroxenes, with no evidence for the presence of other minerals observed at the scale of the survey measurements. The spectral parameters of the two major pyroxene absorption bands including band centers, depths and band areas and their variation within the Pinaria region, suggest mineralogical variation representing different compositional and/or textural terrains. Matronalia Rupes has band parameters suggesting different composition or grain size possibly resulting from down slope motion of regolith revealing different material beneath. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Dawn Instrument, Operations, and Science Teams. This work is supported by an Italian Space Agency (ASI) grant, the DLR, MPI and by NASA through the Dawn project and the Dawn at Vesta Participating Scientist grant

    The Mineralogy of Ceres’ Nawish Quadrangle

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    Quadrangle Ac-H-08 Nawish is located in the equatorial region of Ceres (Lat 22°S-22°N, Lon 144°E- 216°E), and it has variable mineralogy and geology. Here, we report on the mineralogy using spectra from the Visible and InfraRed (VIR) mapping spectrometer onboard the NASA Dawn mission. This quadrangle has two generally different regions: the cratered highlands of the central and eastern sector, and the eastern lowlands. We find this dichotomy is also associated with differences in the NH_4-phyllosilicates distribution. The highlands, in the eastern part of the quadrangle, appear depleted in NH_4-phyllosilicates, conversely to the lowlands, in the north-western side. The Mg-phyllosilicates distribution is quite homogeneous across Nawish quadrangle, except for few areas. The 2.7 µm band depth is lower in the south-eastern part, e.g. in the Azacca ejecta and Consus crater ejecta, and the band depth is greatest for the Nawish crater ejecta, and indicates the highest content of Mg-phyllosilicates of the entire quadrangle. Our analysis finds an interesting relationship between geology, mineralogy, topography, and the age in this quadrangle. The cratered terrains in the highlands, poor in NH_4 phyllosilicates, are older (̴2 Ga). Conversely, the smooth terrain, such as with Vindimia Planitia, is richer in ammonia-bearing phyllosilicates and is younger (̴1 Ga). At the local scale, Ac-H-8 Nawish, displays several interesting mineralogical features, such as at Nawish crater, Consus crater, Dantu and Azzacca ejecta, which exhibit localized Na-carbonates deposits. This material is superimposed on the cratered terrains and smooth terrains and shows the typical depletion of phyllosilicates, already observed on Ceres in the presence of Na-carbonates

    First mineralogical maps of 4 Vesta

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    Before Dawn arrived at 4 Vesta only very low spatial resolution (~50 km) albedo and color maps were available from HST data. Also ground-based color and spectroscopic data were utilized as a first attempt to map Vesta’s mineralogical diversity [1-4]. The VIR spectrometer [5] onboard Dawn has ac-quired hyperspectral data while the FC camera [6] ob-tained multi-color data of the Vestan surface at very high spatial resolutions, allowing us to map complex geologic, morphologic units and features. We here re-port about the results obtained from a preliminary global mineralogical map of Vesta, based on data from the Survey orbit. This map is part of an iterative map-ping effort; the map is refined with each improvement in resolution

    Recent advances in asteroid polarimetry

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    Asteroid polarimetry has experienced important advancements in recent years. This includes the discovery of new classes of objects, a new assessment of the relation between geometric albedo and a variety of different polarimetric parameters, the first attempt to use in situ analyses of asteroid (4) Vesta to better understand the relation between local surface properties and disk-integrated polarimetric measurements, and the first applications of spectro-polarimetry to the physical characterization of the asteroids. The most recent results in the above topics are briefly summarized

    Thermal Stability of Water Ice on Ceres' Surface: The Juling Case

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    We study the ice stability on Ceres' surface, by performing numerical simulations in which we tested the effects of thermal inertia and albedo

    Thermal Analysis of Unusual Local-scale Features on the Surface of Vesta

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    At 525 km in mean diameter, Vesta is the second-most massive object in the main asteroid belt of our Solar System. At all scales, pyroxene absorptions are the most prominent spectral features on Vesta and overall, Vesta mineralogy indicates a complex magmatic evolution that led to a differentiated crust and mantle [1]. The thermal behavior of areas of unusual albedo seen on the surface at the local scale can be related to physical properties that can provide information about the origin of those materials. Dawn's Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIR) [2] hyperspectral images are routinely used, by means of temperature-retrieval algorithms, to compute surface temperatures along with spectral emissivities. Here we present temperature maps of several local-scale features of Vesta that were observed by Dawn under different illumination conditions and different local solar times