396 research outputs found

    Evolving Social Networks via Friend Recommendations

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    A social network grows over a period of time with the formation of new connections and relations. In recent years we have witnessed a massive growth of online social networks like Facebook, Twitter etc. So it has become a problem of extreme importance to know the destiny of these networks. Thus predicting the evolution of a social network is a question of extreme importance. A good model for evolution of a social network can help in understanding the properties responsible for the changes occurring in a network structure. In this paper we propose such a model for evolution of social networks. We model the social network as an undirected graph where nodes represent people and edges represent the friendship between them. We define the evolution process as a set of rules which resembles very closely to how a social network grows in real life. We simulate the evolution process and show, how starting from an initial network, a network evolves using this model. We also discuss how our model can be used to model various complex social networks other than online social networks like political networks, various organizations etc..Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, 2 algorithm


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    This paper aims to investigate the present status of open access (OA) scholarly communication from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) countries from 2011 to 2020 and compare their performance in terms of scholarly communication. Articles contributed by the scholars of BRICS countries, the data collected from Scopus database. The retrieved results are limited to the “all open access, Publisher full Gold OA, Publisher Hybrid Gold OA, Publisher Free to read Bronze OA and repository Green OA”, “articles” published in the “English language” from 2011 to 2020. Total 13,943,979 papers published from BRICS countries, out of which 1578902 articles published in Open Access sources. Brazil has published the highest number of OA publications (21%) regarding its total Publications. China has the highest contribution (65%) in OA publications in comparison to other BRICS countries. Although, there has been a constant growth in OA publications in BRICS countries from 66,481 in 2011 to 280,150 in 2020. China has the highest publications in all open access models. Brazil, India and South Africa have contributed more OA publications in Medicine discipline than other disciplines. The PLOS One open access scientific journal is at the top with 43,532 OA publications from Brazil, China and South Africa. This paper also includes the ranking of institutions of BRICS countries based on their OA publications from 2016 to 2019, i.e. CWTS Leiden Ranking 2021. The study is limited to BRICS countries and may increase the awareness of OA publications from BRICS countries

    Filogenetska analiza izolata pasjeg parvovirusa izdvojenih u Mathuri u Indiji.

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    Canine parvovirus (CPV) is an important pathogen causing acute hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs and myocarditis in pups. The present study deals with an analysis of partial nucleotide sequences of the VP1/VP2 gene of CPV isolates from Mathura, India to establish their phylogenetic relationship with other CPV isolates. Out of 100 samples from dogs showing the clinical signs of gastroenteritis viz., vomiting, diarrhea and dysentery, 63 were found positive for CPV-2 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Among the 63 positive samples, eight samples were processed further for nucleotide sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the CPV variants were not only closely related among themselves but also showed minimum divergence from their ancestors, such as MEV, indicating very little divergence since their origin. From the study, it may be concluded that canine parvovirus-2 variants may represent a potential threat to canine populations. Thus more efforts is required to increase epidemiological monitoring and surveillance, along with the measures necessary to control this disease in the canine population, and to assess the efficacy of the current vaccines.Pasji parvovirus važan je uzročnik hemoragijskog gastroenteritisa u odraslih pasa i miokarditisa u štenadi. U ovom su istraživanju djelomično analizirane nukleotidne sekvencije gena VP1/VP2 izolata pasjeg parvovirusa iz Mathure u Indiji sa svrhom da se njihova filogenetska svojstva usporede s drugim izolatima toga virusa. Od 100 uzoraka izdvojenih iz pasa s gastroenteritisom odnosno s povraćanjem i proljevom, 63 su bila pozitivna na pasji parvovirus 2 upotrebom lančane reakcije polimerazom. Od toga je osam uzoraka uzeto za određivanje njihova nukleotidnog slijeda. Filogenetska analiza je pokazala da varijante pasjeg parvovirusa nisu bile samo međusobno usko srodne, već su s neznatnim skretanjem bile srodne i sa svojim predcima, kao što je virus enteritisa američke vidrice, što upućuje na njihove neznatne razlike od njihova nastanka. Može se zaključiti da varijante pasjeg parvovirusa 2 predstavljaju moguću prijetnju za populaciju pasa. Potrebno je uložiti više napora u smjeru epizootioloških istraživanja i donošenja mjera nadzora te kontrole ove zarazne bolesti zajedno s naporima za procjenu učinkovitosti postojećih cjepiva

    PLA Microparticles for Pulmonary Delivery of AntiTB drugs: Biodistribution study

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    A dry powder inhalable (DPI) microparticles comprising anti-tuberculosis drugs incorporated in biodegradable polymers was developed for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (P. Muttil _et al_. 2007). Poly L-lactic acid (PLA) microparticles incorporating a high payload of rifabutin and isoniazid were fabricated by spray drying (Buchi 190). Microparticles were composed of PLA and the drugs (rifabutin and isoniazid) at a 2:1:1 weight ratio. Microparticles of desired high encapsulation efficiency and sustained release characteristics were produced having a diameter range of 2-10 µm (Malvern Mastersizer 2000). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was carried out to study drug polymer interaction. The time course of tissue biodistribution following a single inhalation dose of microparticles was evaluated. 
Thirty-two BALB/c mice were divided into groups of four and administered the DPI using an in-house (nose only) apparatus (Kaur _et al_. 2008; Verma _et al_. 2008). A validated HPLC method was used for determination of rifabutin and isoniazid in the lungs (target organ), liver and kidneys (major sites of toxicity) at different time-points after inhalation. A comparison was made with mice receiving free drugs (intravenous) at equivalent doses. Deposition of microparticles in lungs of mice following aerosolization was also evaluated. Pharmacokinetic parameters in different organs were calculated using WinNonlin software version 5.2. Area under the concentration-time curve observed (AUC~obs~), C~max~, half-life (t~½~) and clearance (CL) in lungs following inhalation /intravenous administration were:
*Rifabutin*: AUC~obs~-96h= 1697.39 ±154.67 (187.63 ±23.93) µg/ml^-1^hr^-1^; C~max~ = 33.42±3.80 (4.17±0.31) µg.ml^-1^; t~½~= 78.08±9.42 (34.00 ±3.31) and Cl= 1.16±.22 (0.68 ±0.45) ml.h^-1^.
*Isoniazid*: AUC~obs~-24h= 566.31±123.96 (99.85 ±14.24) µg/ml^-1^hr^-1^; Cmax= 24.02±1.71 (8.16±0.93) µg.ml^-1^; t~½~= 25.88±12.16 (6.45±3.24) h; and Cl= 5.47±1.30 (0.96±0.14) ml.h^-1^.
The relative bioavailability of both drugs incorporated in microparticles was significantly higher compared with free drugs. Peak levels of isoniazid and rifabutin in lungs (target organ) were much higher than those in the liver and kidney of mice in case of inhalation as compared to intravenous administration. Inhalation of microparticles resulted in targeting both drugs to the lungs, with the effect being more pronounced in the case of rifabutin than isoniazid. High and prolonged drug concentrations and increased AUC values (~9-fold and ~6 fold increase of rifabutin and isoniazid in case of lungs) with respect to free drugs were observed. Significant decrease in drug concentration was found in the liver and kidneys. Drug levels were maintained above the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) in organs through out the study after administration of encapsulated drugs. Based on favorable biodistribution kinetics, these microparticles hold great potential in reducing dosing frequency and toxicity of antituberculosis drugs.

    The Anxiety of COVID-19 Outbreak and its Impact on Students’ Academic Activity: a Case Study of NIT Durgapur, India

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    Central Library National Institute of Technology (NIT) Durgapur, West Bengal, India conducted study after the announcement of nationwide lockdown in India to know the students’ awareness about COVID-19, anxiety caused, if any, due to the Pandemic and its impact over their academic activities. Central Library also tries to find out the user satisfaction and expectations during the lockdown. Authors opted Google form as a questionnaire which contains the questions of general perception and distributed via Institute email Ids. Responses were analysed using Microsoft Excel. Two hundred fifty research scholars and postgraduate students were selected randomly for the study and 135 (54%) responses received. 107 (77%) were male and 31 (23%) were female respondents. It was found that 133 (99%) of students were aware of the Coronavirus and its impact. 60 (44%) students have no impact over their normal routine at home whereas 22(16%) were afraid of the situation, 14 (10%) were worrying constantly. 47 (35%) were experiencing anxiety and stress. 89 (66%) students believed their lifestyle is changed, the majority of the students 46 (34%) were spending 2-4 hours in the study even more. 109 (81%) students were accessing e-resources through id/passwords and 96 (71%) students agreed that the library plays an inevitable role in their study.With the commencement of online teaching learning Central Library started extending its services beyond the campus and initiated to collect id/passwords so that e-resources can be made accessible off-campus. Simultaneously library started setting up remote access tool to integrate the subscribed e-resources at a single platform

    The Anxiety of COVID-19 Outbreak and its Impact on Students’ Academic Activity: a Case Study of NIT Durgapur, India

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    Central Library National Institute of Technology (NIT) Durgapur, West Bengal, India conducted study after the announcement of nationwide lockdown in India to know the students’ awareness about COVID-19, anxiety caused, if any, due to the Pandemic and its impact over their academic activities. Central Library also tries to find out the user satisfaction and expectations during the lockdown. Authors opted Google form as a questionnaire which contains the questions of general perception and distributed via Institute email Ids. Responses were analysed using Microsoft Excel. Two hundred fifty research scholars and postgraduate students were selected randomly for the study and 135 (54%) responses received. 107 (77%) were male and 31 (23%) were female respondents. It was found that 133 (99%) of students were aware of the Coronavirus and its impact. 60 (44%) students have no impact over their normal routine at home whereas 22(16%) were afraid of the situation, 14 (10%) were worrying constantly. 47 (35%) were experiencing anxiety and stress. 89 (66%) students believed their lifestyle is changed, the majority of the students 46 (34%) were spending 2-4 hours in the study even more. 109 (81%) students were accessing e-resources through id/passwords and 96 (71%) students agreed that the library plays an inevitable role in their study.With the commencement of online teaching learning Central Library started extending its services beyond the campus and initiated to collect id/passwords so that e-resources can be made accessible off-campus. Simultaneously library started setting up remote access tool to integrate the subscribed e-resources at a single platform
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