329 research outputs found

    An Empirical Analysis of Security Issues in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud Computing is a flexible, cost-effective, and proven delivery platform for providing business or consumer IT services over the Internet. However, cloud Computing presents an added level of risk because essential services are often outsourced to a third party, which makes it harder to maintain data security and privacy, support data and service availability, and demonstrate compliance. Cloud Computing leverages many technologies (SOA, virtualization, Web 2.0); it also inherits their security issues, which we discuss here, identifying the main vulnerabilities in this kind of systems and the most important threats found in the literature related to Cloud Computing and its environment as well as to identify and relate vulnerabilities and threats with possible solutions

    Gene Expression Profiling and Network Analysis Reveals Lipid and Steroid Metabolism to Be the Most Favored by TNFα in HepG2 Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The proinflammatory cytokine, TNFalpha, is a crucial mediator of the pathogenesis of several diseases, more so in cases involving the liver wherein it is critical in maintaining liver homeostasis since it is a major determiner of hepatocyte life and death. Gene expression profiling serves as an appropriate strategy to unravel the underlying signatures to envisage such varied responses and considering this, gene transcription profiling was examined in control and TNFalpha treated HepG2 cells. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Microarray experiments between control and TNFalpha treated HepG2 cells indicated that TNFalpha could significantly alter the expression profiling of 140 genes; among those up-regulated, several GO (Gene Ontology) terms related to lipid and fat metabolism were significantly (p<0.01) overrepresented indicating a global preference of fat metabolism within the hepatocyte and those within the down-regulated dataset included genes involved in several aspects of the immune response like immunoglobulin receptor activity and IgE binding thereby indicating a compromise in the immune defense mechanism(s). Conserved transcription factor binding sites were identified in identically clustered genes within a common GO term and SREBP-1 and FOXJ2 depicted increased occupation of their respective binding elements in the presence of TNFalpha. The interacting network of "lipid metabolism, small molecule biochemistry" was derived to be significantly overrepresented that correlated well with the top canonical pathway of "biosynthesis of steroids". CONCLUSIONS: TNFalpha alters the transcriptome profiling within HepG2 cells with an interesting catalog of genes being affected and those involved in lipid and steroid metabolism to be the most favored. This study represents a composite analysis of the effects of TNFalpha in HepG2 cells that encompasses the altered transcriptome profiling, the functional analysis of the up- and down- regulated genes and the identification of conserved transcription factor binding sites. These could possibly determine TNFalpha mediated alterations mainly the phenotypes of hepatic steatosis and fatty liver associated with several hepatic pathological states

    Heat shock factor binding in Alu repeats expands its involvement in stress through an antisense mechanism

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    Background: Alu RNAs are present at elevated levels in stress conditions and, consequently, Alu repeats are increasingly being associated with the physiological stress response. Alu repeats are known to harbor transcription factor binding sites that modulate RNA pol II transcription and Alu RNAs act as transcriptional co-repressors through pol II binding in the promoter regions of heat shock responsive genes. An observation of a putative heat shock factor (HSF) binding site in Alu led us to explore whether, through HSF binding, these elements could further contribute to the heat shock response repertoire. Results: Alu density was significantly enriched in transcripts that are down-regulated following heat shock recovery in HeLa cells. ChIP analysis confirmed HSF binding to a consensus motif exhibiting positional conservation across various Alu subfamilies, and reporter constructs demonstrated a sequence-specific two-fold induction of these sites in response to heat shock. These motifs were over-represented in the genic regions of down-regulated transcripts in antisense oriented Alus. Affymetrix Exon arrays detected antisense signals in a significant fraction of the down-regulated transcripts, 50% of which harbored HSF sites within 5 kb. siRNA knockdown of the selected antisense transcripts led to the over-expression, following heat shock, of their corresponding down-regulated transcripts. The antisense transcripts were significantly enriched in processes related to RNA pol III transcription and the TFIIIC complex. Conclusions: We demonstrate a non-random presence of Alu repeats harboring HSF sites in heat shock responsive transcripts. This presence underlies an antisense-mediated mechanism that represents a novel component of Alu and HSF involvement in the heat shock response

    On a Constructive Approach for Derivative-Dependent Singular Boundary Value Problems

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    We present a constructive approach to establish existence and uniqueness of solution of singular boundary value problem -(p(x)y′(x))′=q(x)f(x,y,py′) for 00 on (0,b) allowing p(0)=0. Further q(x) may be allowed to have integrable discontinuity at x=0, so the problem may be doubly singular


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    Objectives: Recalcitrant macular disorders are those retinal conditions which, though treated by various medical and surgical modalities, but showedno improvement in symptoms or visual acuity or both. The present study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of intravitreal triamcinoloneacetonide (TA) injection in patients with these recalcitrant macular disorders.Methods: This prospective and interventional study included 40 patients (40 eyes) having recalcitrant macular disorders. Complete ophthalmicexamination such as measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP), visual acuity (log minimal angle of resolution [MAR] units), fundus photography withfluorescein angiography were carried out before and after intravitreal injection of TA. The patients received an intravitreal injection of TA (10 mg) fordiabetic macular edema (n=14), age-related macular degeneration (n=13), pars plana cystoid macular edema (CME) (n=5), vascular diseases (n=3),central chorioretinopathy (n=3), and idiopathic CME (n=2). The follow-up was done on day 1, day 7, 1 month, 2 month and 4-month intervals.Results: The mean visual acuity at 2 months (1.12±0.45 log MAR units), and 4 months (1.08±0.46 log MAR unit) after the injection were significantlybetter than baseline measurements (1.32±0.3 log MAR units). The mean baseline IOP was 12.5±2.9 mmHg. The IOP significantly increased after theinjection at day 1 and day 7; however, the change in IOP at 1 month, 2 months, and 4 months was not statistically significant.Conclusion: The results indicate that intravitreal injection of TA in patients with recalcitrant macular disorders caused significant improvement ofvisual acuity in 10 mg dose.Keywords: Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide, Macular edema, Visual acuity, Intraocular pressure

    Tale of GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp and GRB 171205A/SN 2017iuk: Magnetar origin?

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    We present late-time optical follow-up observations of GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp (zz = 0.33) and low-luminosity GRB 171205A/SN 2017iuk (zz = 0.037) acquired using the 4K×\times4K CCD Imager mounted at the 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope (3.6m DOT) along with the prompt emission data analysis of these two interesting bursts. The prompt characteristics (other than brightness) such as spectral hardness, T90_{90}, and minimum variability time-scale are comparable for both the bursts. The isotropic XX-ray and kinetic energies of the plateau phase of GRB 171205A are found to be less than the maximum energy budget of magnetars, supporting magnetar as a central engine powering source. The new optical data of SN 2017htp and SN 2017iuk presented here, along with published ones, indicate that SN 2017htp is one of the brightest and SN 21017iuk is among the faintest GRB associated SNe (GRB-SNe). Semi-analytical light-curve modelling of SN 2017htp, SN 2017iuk and only known GRB associated superluminous supernova (SLSN 2011kl) are performed using the MINIM\texttt{MINIM} code. The model with a spin-down millisecond magnetar as a central engine powering source nicely reproduced the bolometric light curves of all three GRB-SNe mentioned above. The magnetar central engines for SN 2017htp, SN 2017iuk, and SLSN 2011kl exhibit values of initial spin periods higher and magnetic fields closer to those observed for long GRBs and H-deficient SLSNe. Detection of these rare events at such late epochs also demonstrates the capabilities of the 3.6m DOT for deep imaging considering longitudinal advantage in the era of time-domain astronomy.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Astronomy; Received 21 April 2022, Revised 13 June 2022, Accepted 1 July 202

    Gorlin Goltz Syndrome: A Case Report and Discussion on Diagnosis and surgical management

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    Gorlin Goltz syndrome (GGS) is a rare syndrome caused due to inheritance of autosomal dominant gene with the exception of sporadic mutation cases. The tumor suppressor gene known as Patched (PTCH) present in the 9q chromosome have been identified as the cause of GGS. Gorlin Goltz presents with a wide range of developmental anomalies and predisposition to neoplasm. It is of significance to rule out GGS in patients with multiple odontogenic keratocysts (OKT/OKC). To date, very few cases of GGS has been reported in India. We hereby present a case of multiple keratocysts in the mandible and maxilla, which on further evaluation revealed, various skeletal, facial and cutaneous anomalies leading to diagnosis of the Gorlin Goltz syndrome. This case report discusses clinical and radiological presentation of GGS and management of its different clinically presenting manifestations with special emphasis on OKT

    Erosion Study of Tungsten Carbide films under 100 keV Kr+ ion irradiation

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    Tungsten carbide (WC) stands out as a crucial material for exploration in extreme environments due to its resistance to radiation and impressive mechanical strength. Widely utilized in cutting tools, high-wear components, and as a potential contender for plasma-facing material in nuclear reactors, WC's erosion behavior under surrogate irradiations is a subject of investigation. In the present work, WC films were synthesized at two different substrate temperatures of 400 K and 600 K using RF sputtering and were then irradiated with 100 keV Kr1+ ions at a fluence of 1x1017 ions/cm2. The crystalline phases of as deposited WC films were confirmed by glancing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) measurements. Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) was employed to determine the thicknesses of pristine samples and the sputtering rate by measuring the difference in the areal densities of the pristine and irradiated films. The erosion rate of both types of films was found to be ~ 1.6 atoms per incident Kr+ ion. These findings contribute to a foundational comprehension of the radiation tolerance behavior of WC thin films, crucial for their performance in the demanding conditions of extreme radiation.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure


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    ABSTRACT: In the present study attempts has been made to effect of two preservatives along with their chemical combination on gladiolus for western Uttar Pradesh. The lab of department of horticulture in RB (PG) College, Agra (UP) has been used for the experimentation in 2011. The CRD with four treatments and three replications has been used under the study. The preservatives has been taken AgNO 3 (25ppm), sucrose 2% AgNO 3 (25 ppm ) + sucrose 2% and distil water (control) denoted as T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively, for flower treatment. The result indicates that T1 taken minimum day for basal floret open followed by T3. Floret open (%) has been found maximum in T1 followed by T3.The T1 indicates as best preservatives in diameter of florets and fresh weight of flower. Our conclusion has been drawn that the T1 found as a best preservatives followed by T3 for the western U.P. during the season