30 research outputs found

    Double Relaxation via AdS/CFT

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    We exploit the AdS/CFT correspondence to investigate thermalization in an N=2 strongly coupled gauge theory including massless fundamental matter (quark). More precisely, we consider the response of a zero temperature state of the gauge theory under variation of an external electric field leading to a time-dependent current. The holographic dual of the above set-up is given by introducing a time-dependent electric field on the probe D7-brane embedded in an AdS_5 X S^5 background. In the dual gravity theory, due to a time-dependent electric field an apparent horizon forms on the brane which, according to AdS/CFT dictionary, is the counterpart of the thermalization process in the gauge theory. We classify different functions for time-dependent electric field and study their effect on the apparent horizon formation. In the case of pulse functions where the electric field varies from zero to zero, apart from non-equilibrium phase, we observe that two apparent horizons form on the brane. On the gauge theory side, it means that the state of the gauge theory experiences two different temperatures during the time evolution.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, published versio

    Sources of get information and related factors during pregnancy among Afghan migrant women in Iran

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    Aim: The present study aims to investigate the sources of information and its related factors among pregnant Afghan migrant women who reside in southeast Tehran Province, Iran. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: A total of 280 pregnant Afghan women who received care at the prenatal clinics of selected healthcare centres in southeast Tehran Province (Iran) in 2018 enrolled in this study. Data were collected by continuous sampling by a questionnaire that asked about demographic, obstetric and sources of information used during pregnancy. Results: The most important sources of information accessed by pregnant Afghan women were healthcare providers (65.1), family and friends (47.55), the Internet (32.1) and media (18.9). There was statistically a significant relationship between sources of information and education level, number of children, length of residence in Iran, place of birth and insurance status. © 2020 The Authors. School of Nursing and midwifery, Iran University of Medical Sciences. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Support in Clinical Settings as Perceived by Nursing Students in Iran: A Qualitative Study

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    Background: Although support is one of the most substantial needs of nursing students during clinical education, it is not clearly defined in the literature. Objectives: The current study aimed to explore the concept of support in clinical settings as perceived by nursing students. Materials and Methods: A qualitative content analysis was used to explore the meaning of student support in clinical settings. A purposive sampling with maximum variation was used to select the participants among bachelor nursing students in the nursing school of Babol University of Medical Sciences in the north of Iran. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather the perceptions and experiences of seventeen nursing students. Conventional content analysis was applied to analyze the data. Results: In the current study, the main theme, nurturance, was emerged with seven subthemes of humanistic behavior with the student, respectful communication with students, accepting the student in the clinical setting, sustaining confidence, need based supervision, accepting the profession in the society and empowerment. Conclusions: Nursing students support in the clinical education requires a nurturing care; a care that leads to the sense of worthiness and respectability in students and contributes to the improvement of their clinical abilities

    The relationship between health life style and spermogram Indicators among infertile men: preliminary data

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    OBJECTIVE: Inappropriate life style has destructive effects on sperm quality and, male fertility, so that lifestyle modification may improve spermogram indexes preliminary data. This study aimed to determine the relationship between health life style and spermogram Indicators among infertile men. This analytical descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 199 infertile men. The data were collected through the socio-demographic and Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile questionnaires Descriptive statistics independent t-test and Pearson correlation were used to analyze the data through SPSS. RESULTS: The mean (standard deviation) of total score of the health promoting lifestyle was (2.39�±�0.39). The highest mean score was in Health Responsibility subscale (2.51�±�0.52) and the lowest mean score was in the nutrition subscale (2.24�±�0.44). Stress management showed significantly correlated with sperm morphology (p�=�0.025). Also, spiritual growth with the Sperm concentration (p�<�0.001), and sperm motility (p�=�0.004) were statistically correlated, and health responsibility dimensions were statistically correlated with the Sperm concentration (p�=�0.003) and sperm motility (p�=�0.002). Considering that the mean of total score of the health promoting lifestyle and its correlation with some of spermogram indicators shows a need for improving lifestyle in infertile men who referred to infertility clinics

    Epistatic interaction between adiponectin and survivin gene polymorphisms in endometrial carcinoma

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    Adiponectin appears to play an important role in the development and progression of several obesity-related malignancies. Also, overexpression of survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis protein, is associated with increased risk of cancers. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between two polymorphisms in the adiponectin gene and endometrial cancer (EC) risk. We also investigated whether epistasis between surviving and adiponectin gene polymorphisms are associated with EC risk in an Iranian population.The samples comprised formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections obtained from the archive of the pathology department, Imam-Khomeini Hospital and Firouzgar hospital. After DNA extraction the genotyping was performed using PCR-RFLP technique.Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in adiponectin (rs1063539, rs2241766) and survivin (rs9904341) gene were evaluated in the study. The increased frequency of ADIPOQ rs1063539C allele (CC. +. CG genotype) was associated with decreased EC risk OR: 0.39(0.17-0.90). Survivin rs9904341C allele (CC. +. CG genotype) was associated with increased EC risk crude OR: 2.75(1.27-5.95), adjusted OR: 2.93(1.27-6.76). We observed an epistatic interaction between survivin rs9904341 CC. +. CG genotype and ADIPOQ rs1063539 GG genotype increasing the risk of EC compared to those with other genotypes OR: 4.86(1.88-12.54), P=0.001.Our findings indicate that adiponectin might have a modulatory effect on survivin role and function in EC, which requires further investigation. © 2014 Elsevier GmbH

    Trends in daily temperature and precipitation extremes over Georgia, 1971–2010

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    Annual changes to climate extreme indices in Georgia (Southern Caucasus) from 1971 to 2010 are studied using homogenized daily minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation series. Fourteen extreme temperature and 11 extreme precipitation indices are selected from the list of core climate extreme indices recommended by the World Meteorological Organization – Commission for Climatology (WMO-CCL) and the research project on Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). Trends in the extreme indices are studied for 10 minimum and 11 maximum temperature and 24 precipitation series for the period 1971–2010. Between 1971 and 2010 most of the temperature extremes show significant warming trends. In 2010 there are 13.3 fewer frost days than in 1971. Within the same time frame there are 13.6 more summer days and 7.0 more tropical nights. A large number of stations show significant warming trends for monthly minimum and maximum temperature as well as for cold and warm days and nights throughout the study area, whereas warm extremes and night-time based temperature indices show greater trends than cold extremes and daytime indices. Additionally, the warm spell duration indicator indicates a significant increase in the frequency of warm spells between 1971 and 2010. Cold spells show an insignificant increase with low spatial coherence. Maximum 1-day and 5-day precipitation, the number of very heavy precipitation days, very wet and extremely wet days as well as the simple daily intensity index all show an increase in Georgia, although all trends manifest a low spatial coherence. The contribution of very heavy and extremely heavy precipitation to total precipitation increased between 1971 and 2010, whereas the number of wet days decreases

    Psychological well-being of infertile women and its relationship with demographic factors and fertility history: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Infertility leads to a wide range of psychological injuries that may reduce psychological well-being. This study aimed to determine the psychological well-being of infertile women and its relation with demographic factors and fertility history. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 300 infertile women referred to three infertility centres, Tehran, Iran. The sampling was continuous. We collected data from a self-generated demographic and fertility questionnaire and Ryff's Psychological Well-being Scale (PWB). Data analysis was done by independent t-test, one way ANOVA. The significance level was set at P < 0.05. Results: The results showed that there was no significant relationship between demographic variables including age, occupation of each couple, spousal�s education, economic status and place of residence with PWB, but the mean score of PWB was significantly different in women's educational levels (P = 0.03). There was also a significant difference between the mean score of PWB among different groups in the duration of marriage (P = 0.01). Fertility characteristics variables include the duration of infertility, duration of treatment of infertility, and current treatment were not the relation with PWB. However, the mean score of PWB in the number of IVF (P = 0.003) and the failed IVF pregnancies (P = 0.01) had a significant statistical difference. Conclusion: The results showed that PWB related to several variables. Paying attention to these variables can help in the preparation and development of counseling or educational programs. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Modelowanie występowania wód gruntowych pochodzenia krasowego w regionie Tepal w Iranie metodą badania sekwencyjnego dla potrzeb prac poszukiwawczych

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    The purpose of this study is water prospectivity modeling (WPM) for recognizing karstic water-bearing zones by using analyses of geo-exploration data in Kal-Qorno valley, located in Tepal area, north of Iran. For this, a sequential exploration method applied on geo-evidential data to delineate target areas for further exploration. In this regard, two major exploration phases including regional and local scales were performed. In the first phase, indicator geological features, structures and lithological units, were used to model groundwater prospectivity as a regional scale. In this phase, for karstic WPM, fuzzy lithological and structural evidence layers were generated and combined using fuzzy operators. After generating target areas using WPM, in the second phase geophysical surveys including gravimetry and geoelectrical resistivity were carried out on the recognized high potential zones as a local scale exploration. Finally the results of geophysical analyses in the second phase were used to select suitable drilling locations to access and extract karstic groundwater in the study area.W pracy modelowano przepływy wód gruntowych w celu rozpoznania warstw wodonośnych wód pochodzenia krasowego dla potrzeb prac poszukiwawczych, poprzez analizę danych geologicznych i poszukiwawczych z rejonu doliny Kal-Qorno w regionie Tepal, w północnej części Iranu. W oparciu o analizę sekwencyjną danych geologicznych wytyczono granice obszarów do dalszych badań poszukiwawczych. Analiza obejmuje dwa zasadnicze etapy, z uwzględnieniem skali regionalnej oraz lokalnej. W pierwszym etapie w oparciu o dane o strukturach geologicznych i właściwościach skał modelowano możliwości występowania wód w aspekcie skali regionalnej. Na tym etapie w ramach poszukiwań warstw wodonośnych pochodzenia krasowego zamodelowano warstwy struktur skalnych dowodzące występowania wód w oparciu o podejście logiki rozmytej. Po wytyczeniu obszarów docelowych, w drugim etapie badań przeprowadzono szczegółowe analizy geofizyczne z wykorzystanie grawimetrii i badań oporności geo-elektrycznej w strefach potencjalnego występowania wód, w aspekcie badania w skali lokalnej. W końcowym etapie, wyniki analiz geofizycznych otrzymane w drugim etapie procedury wykorzystane zostały do wyznaczenia miejsc wykonania odwiertów do uzyskania wód gruntowych pochodzenia krasowego w badanym terenie