31 research outputs found

    The influence of soil types and fertilizers on growth parameters of three goatgrass species (Aegilops) from the coastal plains of Israel: A. sharonensis Eig, A. longissima Schwienf. et Muschl. and A. speltoides Tausch

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    Three species of goatgrass (Aegilops L.), the wild relative of wheat, grow naturally in the coastal plains of Israel. The distribution and ecological parameters of Aegilops sharonensis were determined by a field survey, while similar information on the other species was obtained from the BioGIS database. The distribution of plants was soil-specific. Sharon goatgrass (A. sharonensis Eig) is endemic to Israel and southern Lebanon's coastal plains, which have been stabilized with dunes and sandy soils. In contrast, slender goatgrass (A. longissima Schwienf. et Muschl.) grows mainly on sandy loam and the truncate goatgrass (A. speltoides Tausch) grows primarily on heavy alluvial soils. The present 4-month study evaluated the affinity between these 3 Aegilops species, the 3 different types of soils and fertilizer application, in buckets. Interestingly, a significant increase in the number and weight of the spikes were observed in fertilized buckets. We could also find that these 3 species preferred heavy alluvial soil over the sands, regardless of the fertilizer treatment. The data suggested that the population of A. sharonensis was limited to the sandy dunes by urbanization along the coastal plane and aggressive competition with the other species. Their more extended root system may adapt A. sharonensis to the deep and salty groundwater that characterizes dunes. It is suggested to keep representatives of the Israeli Aegilops populations in a nature reserve for protection from extinction

    Die εὐσέβεια des Théophraste

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    Als Epikur starb, war seine Schule fertig; Jahrhunderte hindurch blieb sie eine bedeutende und bedrohliche Macht, aber es ist nie etwas aus ihr geworden. Als Platon starb, war sein einziger grosser Schüler zu gross, um sein Leben lang Schüler zu bleiben, und so begann nach dem Hinscheiden des Meisters der Niedergang der Akademie. Anders war es beim Tod des Aristoteles. Sein Nachfolger Theophrast war ein hingebungsvoller Schüler, der es sich nicht verdriessen liess, mitunter in seinen Schrifte..

    The Size-Change Principle for Program Termination

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    The \size-change termination" principle for a rst-order functional language with well-founded data is: a program terminates on all inputs if every innite call sequence (following program control ow) would cause an innite descent in some data values. Size-change analysis is based only on local approximations to parameter size changes derivable from program syntax. The set of innite call sequences that follow program ow and can be recognized as causing innite descent is an !-regular set, representable by a B\u7fuchi automaton. Algorithms for such automata can be used to decide size-change termination. We also give a direct algorithm operating on \size-change graphs" (without the passage to automata). Compared to other results in the literature, termination analysis based on the size-change principle is surprisingly simple and general: lexical orders (also called lexicographic orders), indirect function calls and permuted arguments (descent that is not in-situ) are all handled auto..