1 research outputs found

    Cyberbullying detection: Current trends and future directions

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    As we see the rapid growth of Web 2.0; online social networks-OSNs and online communications which provides platforms to connect each other all over the world and express the opinion and interests. Online users are generating big amount of data every day. As result, OSNs are providing opportunities for cybercrime and cyberbullying activities. Cyberbullying is online harassing, humiliating or insulting an online user through sending text messages of threatening or harassing using online tool of communication. This research paper provides the comprehensive overview of cyberbullying that occurs usually on OSNs websites and provides current approaches to tackle cyberbullying on OSNs. It also highlights the issues and challenges in cyberbullying detection system and outline the future direction for research in this area. The topic discussed in this paper start with introduction of OSNs, cyberbullying, types of cyberbullying, and data accessibility is reviewed. Lastly, issues and challenges concerning cyberbullying detection are highlighted