30 research outputs found

    Effect of Implant Diameter on its Survival Rate among a Group of Iranian Warfare Victims Presenting to QaziTabatabai Clinic Affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University during 2000-2010

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    Objective: At present, treatment of edentulous areas with implant-supported prosthesis has greatly increased. The aim of this study was to assess the survival rate of implants with different diameters. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted on 239 warfare victims presenting to Qazi Tabatabaie Clinic during 2000-2010. A total of 1,649 implants were placed. The success criteria included presence of osteointegrated implants with no sign of infection, mobility, or lucency around them. Data were extracted from patients’ records and recorded in questionnaires. Statistical analysis was carried out using Chi-square or Log-Rank test.Results: A total of 1,533 implants were evaluated out of which, 61 (4%) had failed. Survival rate of implants of different brands had a significant association with implant diameter as the highest failure rate was observed in implants with 5-6.5 mm diameter and the lowest failure rate belonged to 3-3.5 mm diameter implants.Conclusion: Study results demonstrated that the survival of implants may be affected by their diameter as the failure rate was higher in implants with greater diameters

    Survival Rate of Non-Epithelial Ovarian Tumors in Iran

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    Background: The aim of this study was to estimate the overall survival (OS) and relapse free survival (RFS) of the non-epithelial ovarian tumors (NEOTs) of ovarian germ cell tumors (OGCT) and ovarian sex cord tumors (OSCT) in Iranian women; we also evaluated the relative prognostic factors. Method: In this retrospective study, we screened the documents of all the women diagnosed with OGCTs and OSCTs from 2012 to 2019. We further assessed the OS, RFS, and different prognostic factors. Results: A statistically significant association existed between RFS and stage of the disease at diagnosis in OSCTs group by univariate analysis and multivariate analysis (HR: 0.25 (95% CI (0.08-0.78), P=0.01) and multivariate analysis (HR: 0.27 (95% CI (0.08-0.97), P=0.04), respectively. The kaplan-meier analysis and the Log Rrank (Mantel-Cox) showed a statistically significant relationship between the stage at diagnosis and RFS in OGCT group (P=0.042). RFS was 96% for OGCT patients, and 92.7% for OSCT patients. During the follow-up, only one patient passed away in the dysgerminoma group; the OS rate was 98% for OGCT patients, and 100% for OSCT patients. Conclusion: The OS and RFS obtained in this study confirmed that the ovarian germ cell and sex cord malignancies were among the highly treatable solid tumors. Stage can be proposed as the main prognostic factor; also, larger series of studies are needed for detecting the prognostic significance of serum markers

    Nodular Fasciitis of the Auricle: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Nodular fasciitis is described as a benign reactive proliferation of myofibroblasts. Due to its rapid-growing nature, a precise clinical diagnosis is difficult and the condition is frequently misdiagnosed as malignant lesions.   Case Report: In this study, we present the case of a young woman with an auricular nodular fasciitis as an example of one of the rarest sites of this tumor. The patient underwent an excision of the lesion under general anesthesia. The literature choices for treatment include complete excision, partial excision, or intralesional injection of steroids. Due to its associated local discomfort, and in order to exclude other differential diagnosis, we recommend a complete surgical excision.   Conclusion:  Auricular nodular fasciitis is a rare lesion. Due to its associated local discomfort, and in order to exclude other differential diagnosis, we recommend a complete surgical excision

    Total Phenolic Content & Antioxidant Activity of Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa l.) Calyces Extracts

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    Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity were determined in Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) calyces extracts. Dried Roselle calyces were collected from Fenooj Region in Systan & Baluchestan province of Iran. Liquid extracts of dried Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) calyces obtained using water, ethanol (50%), methanol (50%), ethanol-methanol (50-50%, v/v) to evaluate selected phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity using the β-carotene bleaching method, free-radical scavengering by DPPH. The phenolic compounds contents ranged from 24.36 (in water ) to 44.43 (in ethanol-methanol) mg of gallic acid 100 g -1 of dried calyces , and the antioxidant activity ranged from 39.45 % (in water ) to 60.43 % ( in ethanol-methanol) .Free radical scavengering capacity of extracts by DPPH were obtained in range of 43.85%(in water) to 91.77% ( in ethanol-methanol).The antioxidant properties of Roselle calyces make the extracts ideal for use in foods as a natural extract, concentrate, or powder

    Kindler Syndrome: A case Report from Iran

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    Kindler syndrome (KS) is a rare, autosomal recessive genodermatosis characterized by skin blistering and photosensitivity in infancy, progressive poikiloderma, and diffuse cutaneous atrophy. It affects the skin, mucous membranes, and oral cavity and is caused by mutations in the KIND1 gene on 20p12.3. The first case of KS associated with periodontitis was reported in 1996, and have been infrequently reported since. Here we present a case of KS with classic clinical presentations involving skin, mucous membranes, and the periodontium in a patient from Iran

    Laryngeal Leiomyosarcoma, A Case Report and Review of Articles

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    Laryngeal leiomysarcoma is an extremely rare malignancy originating from smooth muscle cells. Its rarity is due to the fact that only less than 50 cases of pure laryngeal leiomyosarcoma and less than 10 cases of hypopharyngeal leiomyosarcaoma have been reported in modern medical literature.  Even though the clinical presentation mimics that of a laryngeal carcinoma forming the major bulk of the laryngeal malignancies, the difference in management, warrants an accurate diagnosis. An accurate histological diagnosis may be difficult; but supplementing by electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining, the diagnosis can be reached certainly. We reported a case of this very rare malignancy presenting in the supraglottic region by highlighting the clinical features, histological and radiological diagnosis and management of this extremely rare malignant entity.

    Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor in the Maxilla: Report of a Rare Case

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    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) is a rare malignant tumor that develops either from a preexisting neurofibroma or de novo. The cell of origin is believed to be the Schwann cell and possibly other nerve sheath cells. In this report, we describe a rare case of MPNST that arise from the socket of second left maxillary molar that has been already extracted in a young man. He was referred to a dentist’s office with a tumor-like mass of soft tissue on his left maxillary gingiva. Biopsy and histopathologic examination was performed and based on histologic and immuno-histochemical findings, the diagnosis of MPNST was made. MPNST is a rare malignant tumor in the oral cavity. Dentists must be careful and conscious because this rare malignancy can occur in gingiva and can mimic the clinical feature of any benign gingival enlargements