4 research outputs found

    Attainment vs Exposure: Ozone Metric Responses to Source-Specific NO<i><sub>x</sub></i> Controls Using Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis

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    We establish linkages between sources of NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emissions and two types of national ozone metrics in Canada and the U.S. using the adjoint of an air quality model. We define an attainment-based metric using probabilistic design values (PDVs) exceeding 65 ppb to represent polluted regions and define an exposure-based metric as the premature mortality count related to short-term ozone exposure, both in Canada and the U.S. Our results reveal differences in both temporally averaged and day-specific influences of NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emission controls across source locations. We find NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emission reductions in California and the eastern U.S. to be most effective for reducing attainment- and exposure-based metrics, amounting to a total reduction of 6500 ppb in PDVs and 613 deaths/season nationally from a 10% reduction in NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emissions from those source locations. While source controls in the remainder of the western U.S. are beneficial at reducing nonattainment, these reductions are less influential on ozone mortality. We also find that while exposure-based metrics are sensitive to daily emission reductions, much of the reduction in PDVs arises from controlling emissions on only a fraction of simulation days. We further illustrate the dependency of adjoint estimates of emission influences on the choice of averaging period as a follow-up to previous work

    Optimal Ozone Control with Inclusion of Spatiotemporal Marginal Damages and Electricity Demand

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    Marginal damage (MD), or damage per ton of emission, is a policy metric used for effective pollution control and reducing the corresponding adverse health impacts. However, for a pollutant such as NO<sub><i>x</i></sub>, the MD varies by the time and location of the emissions, a complication that is not adequately accounted for in the currently implemented economic instruments. Policies accounting for MD information would aim to encourage emitters with large MDs to reduce their emissions. An optimization framework is implemented to account for NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> spatiotemporal MDs calculated through adjoint sensitivity analysis and to simulate power plants’ behavior under emission and simplified electricity constraints. The results from a case study of U.S. power plants indicate that time-specific MDs are high around noon and low in the evening. Furthermore, an emissions reduction of about 40% and a net benefit of about $1200 million can be gained for this subset of power plants if a larger fraction of the electricity demand is supplied by power plants at low-damage times and in low-damage locations. The results also indicate that the consideration of temporal effects in NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> control policies results in a comparable net benefit to the consideration of spatial or spatiotemporal effects, thus providing a promising option for policy development

    Optimal Ozone Reduction Policy Design Using Adjoint-Based NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> Marginal Damage Information

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    Despite substantial reductions in nitrogen oxide (NO<sub><i>x</i></sub>) emissions in the United States, the success of emission control programs in optimal ozone reduction is disputable because they do not consider the spatial and temporal differences in health and environmental damages caused by NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emissions. This shortcoming in the current U.S. NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> control policy is explored, and various methodologies for identifying optimal NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> emission control strategies are evaluated. The proposed approach combines an optimization platform with an adjoint (or backward) sensitivity analysis model and is able to examine the environmental performance of the current cap-and-trade policy and two damage-based emissions-differentiated policies. Using the proposed methodology, a 2007 case study of 218 U.S. electricity generation units participating in the NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> trading program is examined. The results indicate that inclusion of damage information can significantly enhance public health performance of an economic instrument. The net benefit under the policy that minimizes the social cost (i.e., health costs plus abatement costs) is six times larger than that of an exchange rate cap-and-trade policy

    Differences Between Magnitudes and Health Impacts of BC Emissions Across the United States Using 12 km Scale Seasonal Source Apportionment

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    Recent assessments have analyzed the health impacts of PM<sub>2.5</sub> from emissions from different locations and sectors using simplified or reduced-form air quality models. Here we present an alternative approach using the adjoint of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, which provides source–receptor relationships at highly resolved sectoral, spatial, and temporal scales. While damage resulting from anthropogenic emissions of BC is strongly correlated with population and premature death, we found little correlation between damage and emission magnitude, suggesting that controls on the largest emissions may not be the most efficient means of reducing damage resulting from anthropogenic BC emissions. Rather, the best proxy for locations with damaging BC emissions is locations where premature deaths occur. Onroad diesel and nonroad vehicle emissions are the largest contributors to premature deaths attributed to exposure to BC, while onroad gasoline emissions cause the highest deaths per amount emitted. Emissions in fall and winter contribute to more premature deaths (and more per amount emitted) than emissions in spring and summer. Overall, these results show the value of the high-resolution source attribution for determining the locations, seasons, and sectors for which BC emission controls have the most effective health benefits