28 research outputs found

    Peak masses distinguishing uninfected and <i>R. c conorii</i>-infected <i>Rh. sanguineus</i> Ticks and the determination of the peak masses shared with a purified <i>R. c. conorii</i> strain based on statistical analysis with ClinProTools.

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    <p>Peak masses distinguishing uninfected and <i>R. c conorii</i>-infected <i>Rh. sanguineus</i> Ticks and the determination of the peak masses shared with a purified <i>R. c. conorii</i> strain based on statistical analysis with ClinProTools.</p

    Comparison of MALDI-TOF MS profiles of Ticks infected or not by <i>Rickettsia</i> spp.

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    <p>Representative spectra from biological replicates of <i>Rh. sanguineus</i> (A, B), <i>Rh. sanguineus</i> infected by <i>R. conorii conorii</i> (C, D), <i>D. marginatus</i> (E, F) and <i>D. marginatus</i> infected by <i>R. slovaca</i> (G, H) were aligned using Flex analysis 3.3 software. a.u., arbitrary units; m/z, mass-to-charge ratio.</p

    Tick species selected for blind tests against the arthropod MALDI-TOF MS reference databases.

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    <p>* Negative qPCR;</p><p><sup>a</sup> Database 1 is composed of 6 tick, 30 mosquito and 5 flea species and other arthropods such as a louse (<i>Pediculus humanus corporis</i>), triatomines (<i>Triatoma infestans</i>) and bedbugs (<i>Cimex lectularius</i>);</p><p><sup>b</sup> Database 2 is composed of Database 1 plus <i>Rickettsia</i> spp infected by <i>Rh. sanguineus</i> and <i>D. marginatus</i>; LSVs, log score values.</p><p>Tick species selected for blind tests against the arthropod MALDI-TOF MS reference databases.</p

    Location of discriminating peak masses shared between the spectra acquired from <i>Rickettsia</i>-infected specimens and the corresponding <i>Rickettsia</i> strain using Flex analysis software 3.3.

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    <p>The alignment spectra comparing the infected specimen and the corresponding strain spectra are shown in detail. (A) <i>R. conorii conorii</i> shared discriminating peak masses located on the MS profile of <i>Rh. sanguineus</i> infected by <i>R. conorii conorii</i>. (B) <i>R. slovaca</i> shared discriminating peak masses located on the MS profile of <i>D. marginatus</i> infected by <i>R. slovaca</i>.</p

    Alignment of MALDI-TOF MS profiles of <i>Rickettsia</i> strains and tick species infected or not by <i>Rickettsia</i> using Flex analysis 3.3 software.

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    <p>Representative spectra of a purified <i>R. conorii conorii</i> strain (A), <i>Rh. sanguineus</i> (B), <i>Rh. sanguineus</i> infected by <i>R. conorii conorii</i> (C), a purified <i>R. slovaca</i> strain (D), <i>D. marginatus</i> (E) and <i>D. marginatus</i> infected by <i>R. slovaca</i> (F) are presented. a.u., arbitrary units; m/z, mass-to-charge ratio.</p

    Peak masses distinguishing uninfected and <i>R.slovaca</i>-infected D. marginatus Ticks and the determination of the peak masses shared with a purified R. slovaca strain based on statistical analysis with ClinProTools.

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    <p>Peak masses distinguishing uninfected and <i>R.slovaca</i>-infected D. marginatus Ticks and the determination of the peak masses shared with a purified R. slovaca strain based on statistical analysis with ClinProTools.</p

    Comparison of MALDI-TOF MS spectra from <i>An</i>. <i>gambiae</i> Giles abdomen protein extracts engorged on vertebrate host bloods and then crushed on Whatman filters.

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    <p>The MS spectrum alignment was performed by Flex analysis 3.3 software. Intact <i>Ang</i> match the MS profiles from <i>Anopheles gambiae</i> Giles abdomens crushed on WFPs. The vertebrate host bloods used for mosquito blood meals were rabbit, dog, chicken and rat. All mosquitoes were collected 12 hours after feeding. a.u. arbitrary units; m/z mass-to-charge ratio.</p