231 research outputs found

    Manajemen Konflik Pertanahan : Alih Fungsi Hutan Adat Desa Sungai Ekok Kecamatan Rakit Kulim Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Tahun 2010

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    Indonesia is a country with so many ethnic and indigenous therein, where it is estimated there are approximately 30 million people among them who live around the forest like the Talang Mamak tribe in Riau Province. Deforestation rate is so high and many alihfungsi forest to plantations or mining is an oppression against those who maintain forests for generations that became a local wisdom for them.This research was conducted in the village of River Raft Ekok Kulim District of Indragiri Hulu, which is the case in this thesis is the switch function Talang Mamak tribe indigenous forests into oil palm plantations aeral managed by a private company that is PT.Selantai Agro Lestari (SAL). Indigenous forest is actually set by the Government Indragiri Hulu along with the Regional Representatives Council Indragiri Hulu through SKB 31/SKB/II/2007 Number and Number 180/HK/II/2007 of 1800 hectares, thus causing conflict between communities and companies that establish oil palm plantations in the absence of land use permits (HGU) from the Ministry of Forestry. The study also looked at the efforts in the resolution of the conflict.This study used qualitative methods to conduct interviews and make observations to the study site in order to obtain data that would be material in this thesis.In the end, some conclusions can be drawn from the results of this study, namely, the establishment of oil palm plantations by private companies without any land use permits from the Ministry of Forestry, the presence of the sale and purchase of land by the public Talang Mamak, regional autonomy as the sustainability of forest destruction because, with facilitate the implementation of regional autonomy permits the release of such forestry Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI), Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) Mining License and others. Efforts in resolving this conflict is to report the conqueror fungsian indigenous forests to the Legislative Council Indragiri Hulu, through consultation and mediation through the National Land Agency.Keywords: Indigenous Forests, Transfer Functio

    Perilaku Pemilih dalam Pemilihan Wali Nagari di Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor, Gunung Tuleh, Pasaman Barat, Sumatera Barat Tahun 2014

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    Choosing is an autonomous activity, in the sense of non-pressure and coercion from others. The sociological approach tends to place voting in relation to the social context. The concrete of one's choice in elections is influenced by demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds, such as gender, residence (city-village), occupation, education, class, income and religion. The sociological approach explains, social characteristics and groupings are factors that influence voter behavior.The research method used in this research is descriptive research with qualitative analysis method. This study aims to see how the behavior of voters in the election Wali Nagari in Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor, Mount Tuleh, West Pasaman, West Sumatra Year 2014 that affect the election of one candidate in Pilwana. This study is also to find out how the shift in voter behavior in the context of the social structure of society in Rabi Jonggor kenagarian previously held by other elite groups. So that the influence of various social factors greatly influence voter behavior in determining the choice that make an elite group in government is shifted by other elite group in Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor.The selection of Wali Nagari in Rabi Jonggor Kenagarian Year 2014 shows that the main factor of voters in determining their choice based on sociological approach can be seen from education side, family background or kinship and social class. These three sides determine the voter's behavior in determining the choice because the other side of the sociological approach is not very influential in determining voter behavior, so that the three sides of voter behavior becomes a reference in determining how voters behavior in the election of Wali Nagari Year 2014

    Peranan Bp4kkp dalam Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Sektor Beras di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Tahun 2010-2014

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    Symptoms of the highlights of this study is the low rice production area as well as food insecurity levels are high enough in Indragiri Hulu. Food security means food security conditions of both quantity and quality, safe, nutritious, diverse, equitable and affordable by the peoples purchasing power. In addition to the threat of land conversion that continue to occur, the level of food insecurity is also due to the low price of rubber and palm oil have an impact on peoples purchasing power. This study applies the theory of the role and implementation of policies with particular emphasis on programs conducted by BP4KKP in improving food security in Indragiri Hulu. Furthermore, this study used qualitative methods, implemented in particular in BP4KKP. The data obtained through the interview and literature study that supports extracting comprehensive information to further analyzed through descriptive analysis techniques. These results indicate that the Executive Agency of Agricultural Extension, Fisheries and Food Security Godhead (BP4KKP) in efforts to improve food security in the rice sector have carried out the planning and implementation of activities in accordance with the duties and functions given to BP4KKP. Despite the fact that efforts to increase food security in the rice sector faced constraints land conversion of agricultural land into plantations. The findings of subsequent studies is that the factors that affect BP4KKP in improving food security is the coordination does not go smoothly between the provincial government and district / city, the diversity of food and balanced nutrition for the consumption of the population Riau that still need to be improved, the prevalence of potential areas of food insecurity, lack of resources manpower and limited funds the implementation of activities.Keywords: Food Security, Roles, Polici

    Pelayanan Perizinan dalam Pengurusan Surat Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (Imb) di Dinas Tata Ruang dan Bangunan Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2012-2014

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    Service is an implementation of the rights of the people or consumers within the life of the state and society, in the organization of such services as mandated in Decision Regulation No. 24 of 2006 on public services is expected to service the fast, precise, easy, accurate, inexpensive and affordable by the community as consumer. But in reality it is still within the contextual concept that did not move away from long bureaucratic structure, which takes a lot of time and higher costs. Besides, there are factors that affect service delivery as well as in theory Edwards III, Communications, Resources, Attitudes and Structures Bureaucracy.In the implementation of the licensing service on Spatial Planning and Building Pekanbaru not run optimally, there are still shortcomings in its implementation so that people do not get the best services from the Agency. Among these problems is a process, time and cost penyelenggaraaan. And in the provision of services on the disclosure of information that is needed by the community is not available as expected, causing society finds it difficult to get public information services.In response to this problem, the researchers conducted a study on the creation of Licensing Services Building Permit (IMB) at the Department of Spatial Planning and Building Pekanbaru City in 2012 - 2014. The research is a qualitative research with descriptive approach. The population in this study is the apparatus as a community service providers and consumers. Data was collected by means of literature review, observation and direct observation of the object of study, as well as interviews with respondents and informants.Based on the results of this research is expected Spatial Planning and City Buildings Pekanbarudapat run licensing services are excellent and professional, with information that is easily accessed by the public Yag entitled to the provision of services licensing quality, and to optimize service resources in order to be empowered in accordance with the management capabilities and organization of the agency. So that the implementation is in accordance with good governance (good governance)

    Kapasitas Pemerintah Desa dalam Mengelola Dana Desa di Desa Dompas Kecamatan Bukit Batu Kabupaten Bengkalis Tahun 2015

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    Availability of village finances is one of the main components in the implementation of rural development. It is necessary ability of government finances rural villages to manage effectively and efficiently. In supporting the success of development in the village of the central government provides financial assistance directly called by the village fund as it is regulated in Government Regulation No. 60 of 2014 which the village fund is prioritized for rural development and empowerment of rural communities. Village government capacity to manage the funds of this country need to be considered to see that new funds this village was held for the first time in the year 2015. This study aims to determine the capacity of governments to manage funds rural village in the village of Bukit Batu sub-district Dompas Bengkalis year 2015. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive research, which can be interpreted as a problem-solving process was investigated by describing the state of the research subjects were based on the facts that appear during the study were then followed by the popularity of existing theories. From these results, it can be concluded Dompas village government's ability to manage the funds so far only a recipient country budgets and implementing activities. The village government or the media just as responsible actors in using the budget but has not been able to design a government management in managing finances effectively and efficiently village. Policies manage village funds issued by the central government in 2015 as a forum to support the welfare of people in developing Dompas village is more simply done by providing facilities for rural development whose impact is not so perceived by society. It can be said that the village fund as governments are still not optimal and have not been implemented as the purpose of the village fund in Government Regulation No. 60 of 2014 on the village fund
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