269 research outputs found

    (S)-Alanine–(S)-2-phen­oxy­propionic acid (1/1)

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    In the title co-crystal, C3H7NO2·C9H10O3, the (S)-alanine mol­ecule exists in the zwitterionic form stabilized by two pairs of N+—H⋯O− hydrogen bonds and an electrostatic inter­action between the ammonium center and the carboxyl­ate anion, forming a sheet along the ab plane. The carboxyl group of the (S)-2-phen­oxy­propionic acid mol­ecule is connected to the top and bottom of the sheet via N+—H⋯O=C and O—H⋯O− [R 2 2(7) graph set] hydrogen bonds, giving an (S,S)-homochiral layer, in which both methyl groups of (S)-alanine and the phenyl rings of (S)-2-phen­oxy­propionic acid are oriented in the same direction along the b axis

    Learning Context in Chemical Education Using “Water” in Chemical and Natural Events

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    This paper describes basic researches on learning contexts of “water” in chemical education. First, the features of “water” as teaching materials were discussed. Second, some previous efforts for the context-based learning of “water” in foreign and domestic cases were summarized. And third, two examples for the learning contexts of “water” were proposed on the basis of some lesson practices.本研究の一部は,平成25~27年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究C(課題番号:25350203,研究代表者:網本貴一)および平成25~28年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究A(課題番号:25242015,研究代表者:古賀信吉)の助成を受けて行ったものである

    Shared reflection activities for fostering academic emotion and attitude skills in information studies

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    In this study, we sought to clarify how activities for learning the content of peers’ self-reflections and self-assessments affect the development of Japanese high-school students’ academic emotion and attitude skills during a unit of Information I , a required course that explores information technology To that end, we proposed a cycle of reflection sharing and evaluation and practiced it throughout the unit. Learners in the experimental group participated in reflection-sharing activities with peers and learners in the control group did not share their reflections with peers . Their responses to LMS delivered pre- and post-practice questionnaires were read by instructors from quantitative, qualitative, and affective perspectives A comparison of the results suggests that shared self-reflection activities can effectively increase learners’ awareness of connection s between their learning and their lives, their interests, and their own improvements and transformations


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    The title compound, C18H30O2, was prepared by Friedel-Crafts alkylation of 1,4-dimethoxybenzene with 2-methyl-2-butanol. The complete molecule is generated by the application of a crystallographic centre of inversion. The two methoxy groups are oriented in the same plane of the aromatic ring [C-C-O-C torsion angle = 9.14 (16)degrees]. While one methyl group of the tert-pentyl substituent is coplanar with the benzene ring [C-C-C-C = 0.45 (15)degrees] and lies towards the less-hindered H atom, the other methyl and ethyl groups are directed to either side of the benzene ring [C-C-C-C torsion angles = 118.78 (12) and 59.11 (14)degrees, respectively]. In the crystal, the hydrophobic molecules pack to form a brick-wall-like architecture

    Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (TMS/tDCS) and Rehabilitation for Stroke and Parkinson’s

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    The aim of this study was to clarify and compare the efficacies of rehabilitation using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS), a form of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), in convalescing stroke and Parkinson’s disease patients. For both types of stimuli, kinetic analysis and performance analysis of upper limb motor paralysis and gait analysis showed an increase in speed of movement, and an improvement in performance was observed. Both stimuli resulted in significant improvement compared with a sham stimulus. Change in speed of movement and performance was observed with both tDCS and cTBS, but there was not a significantly large difference between the stimuli. Improved movement due to reduction of excessive tension caused by spasticity was observed. In patients with Parkinson’s disease, gait speed and step length were increased. It is suggested that performance was improved because movement became smoother. The efficacy of tDCS and cTBS in patients with motor disorders caused by stroke or Parkinson’s disease will probably be further improved when combined with physical therapy


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of simultaneous intervention with the kinesthetic illusion induced by visual stimulation (KiNvis) and voluntary exercise on ankle dorsiflexion dysfunction in a patient with right-sided stroke hemiparesis. Within an ABAB single-case design, we conducted two phases each lasting five days. Phase A represented the baseline during which only voluntary ankle dorsiflexion (VAD) was performed. Phase B involved simultaneous performance of VAD and KiNvis. We measured the angle of ankle joint dorsiflexion (AJD), and the 10 m maximum walking speed (10MWS). AJD and 10MWS were significantly improved in phase B.東京都立大学学位論文甲第1066号副論


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    Previously, it was difficult to detect mild neglect or a lack of stimulus-driven attention in patients using conventional assessments such as the Behavioral Inattention Test, usually performed on patients with unilateral spatial neglect. Here, we developed a method that randomly generates balloons in the left-right, up-down, and near-far spaces on a monitor using a head-mounted display. A head-mounted display can be used as an objective tool to evaluate and treat mild neglect symptoms by quantifying how quickly and accurately a patient can perceive the appearing balloons. In this study, we evaluated a lack of stimulus-driven attention case that was undetected by the paper and pencil test. We could identify mild neglect with our virtual reality method, as later confirmed using the Catherine Bergego scale. In addition to using virtual reality in a three-dimensional space to effectively detect mild neglect, this method can be used for treatment. After repeated practice under a tilted background space condition, the patient demonstrated a reduction in the time needed to perceive the appearing balloons, suggesting a therapeutic effect.東京都立大学学位論文甲第1160号 副論


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