1,518 research outputs found

    The Initial Mass Functions in the Super-Star-Clusters NGC 1569A and NGC 1705-1

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    I use recent photometric and stellar velocity dispersion measurements of the super-star-clusters (SSCs) NGC 1569A and NGC 1705-1 to determine their present-day luminosity/mass (L_V/M) ratios. I then use the inferred L_V/M ratios, together with population synthesis models of evolving star-clusters, to constrain the initial-mass-functions (IMFs) in these objects. I find that (L_V/M)_solar=28.9 in 1569A, and (L_V/M)_solar=126 in 1705-1. It follows that in 1569A the IMF is steep with alpha~2.5 for m**(-alpha)dm IMFs which extend to 0.1 M_sun. This implies that most of the stellar mass in 1569A is contained in low-mass (< 1 M_sun) stars. However, in 1705-1 the IMF is either flat, with alpha<2$, or it is truncated at a lower mass-limit between 1 and 3 M_sun. I compare the inferred IMFs with the mass functions (MFs) of Galactic globular clusters. It appears that 1569A has a sufficient reservoir of low-mass stars for it to plausibly evolve into an object similar to Galactic globular clusters. However, the apparent deficiency of low-mass stars in 1705-1 may make it difficult for this SSC to become a globular cluster. If low-mass stars do dominate the cluster mass in 1705-1, the large L_V/M ratio in this SSC may be evidence that the most massive stars have formed close to the cluster cores.Comment: ApJ, in press. 19 Pages, Latex; [email protected]


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    Near-Infrared Microlensing of Stars by the Super-Massive Black Hole in the Galactic Center

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    We investigate microlensing amplification of faint stars in the dense stellar cluster in the Galactic Center (GC) by the super-massive black hole (BH). Such events would appear very close to the position of the radio source SgrA*, which is thought to coincide with the BH, and could be observed during the monitoring of stellar motions in the GC. We use the observed K-band (2.2 um) luminosity function (KLF) in the GC and in Baade's Window, as well as stellar population synthesis computations, to construct KLF models for the inner 300 pc of the Galaxy. These, and the observed dynamical properties of this region, are used to compute the rates of microlensing events, which amplify stars above specified detection thresholds. We present computations of the lensing rates and amplifications as functions of the event durations (weeks to years), for a range of detection thresholds. We find that short events dominate the total rate and that long events tend to have large amplifications. For the current detection limit of K=17 mag, the total microlensing rate is 0.003 1/yr, and the rate of events with durations >1 yr is 0.001 1/yr. Recent GC proper motion studies have revealed the possible presence of one or two variable K-band sources very close to SgrA* (Genzel et al 97; Ghez et al 98). These sources may have attained peak brightnesses of K~15 mag, about 1.5-2 mag above the observational detection limits, and appear to have varied on a timescale of ~1 yr. This behavior is consistent with long-duration microlensing of faint stars by the BH. However, we estimate that the probability that such an event could have been detected during the course of the recent proper motion studies is \~0.5%. A ten-fold improvement in the detection limit and 10 yr of monthly monitoring would increase the total detection probability to ~20%. (Abridged)Comment: 29 p. with 5 figs. To appear in ApJ. Changed to reflect published version. Short discussions of solar metallicity luminosity function and star-star microlensing adde

    Self-Focusing Dynamics of Coupled Optical Beams

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    We theoretically and experimentally investigate the mutual collapse dynamics of two spatially separated optical beams in a Kerr medium. Depending on the initial power, beam separation, and the relative phase, we observe repulsion or attraction, which in the latter case reveals a sharp transition to a single collapsing beam. This transition to fusion of the beams is accompanied by an increase in the collapse distance, indicating the effect of the nonlinear coupling on the individual collapse dynamics. Our results shed light on the basic nonlinear interaction between self-focused beams and provide a mechanism to control the collapse dynamics of such beams.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Ratio of Ortho- to Para-H2 in Photodissociation Regions

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    We discuss the ratio of ortho- to para-H2 in photodissociation regions (PDRs). We draw attention to an apparent confusion in the literature between the ortho-to-para ratio of molecules in FUV-pumped vibrationally excited states, and the H2 ortho-to-para abundance ratio. These ratios are not the same because the process of FUV-pumping of fluorescent H2 emission in PDRs occurs via optically thick absorption lines. Thus, gas with an equilibrium ratio of ortho- to para-H2 equal to 3 will yield FUV-pumped vibrationally excited ortho-to-para ratios smaller than 3, because the ortho-H2 pumping rates are preferentially reduced by optical depth effects. Indeed, if the ortho and para pumping lines are on the ``square root'' part of the curve-of-growth, then the expected ratio of ortho and para vibrational line strengths is the square root of 3, ~ 1.7, close to the typically observed value. Thus, contrary to what has sometimes been stated in the literature, most previous measurements of the ratio of ortho- to para-H2 in vibrationally excited states are entirely consistent with a total ortho-to-para ratio of 3, the equilibrium value for temperatures greater than 200 K. We present an analysis and several detailed models which illustrate the relationship between the total ratios of ortho- to para-H2 and the vibrationally excited ortho-to-para ratios in PDRs. Recent Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) measurements of pure rotational and vibrational H2 emissions from the PDR in the star-forming region S140 provide strong observational support for our conclusions.Comment: 23 pages (including 5 figures), LaTeX, uses aaspp4.sty, accepted for publication in Ap

    Subchondral bone of the human knee joint in aging and osteoarthritis

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    AbstractObjective Although most research investigating the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA) has focused on cartilage, it has been suggested that the subchondral bone (SCB) plays an important role in the development of OA. The relationships between aging, severity of OA change and the SCB thickness and density in the human knee joint specimens from a wide range of ages were examined.Methods One hundred forty knee joints from 72 individuals (25 females, 45 males and 2 unknowns; average age 54.8 years, range 17 to 91 years) were obtained. The surface of the articular cartilage of both the femur and tibia was evaluated for gross morphological changes with a 4-point grading scale. The lateral and medial femoral condyles were cut along a sagittal plane and the tibia along a coronal plane to make bone and cartilage strip specimens. The strips were X-rayed onto mammography film and then scanned into a computer for assessment of SCB thickness and density using image analysis software.Results Medial tibial SCB thickness was significantly lower among the elderly (age>69 years) than among the young (age<40) or the middle-aged (40 to 69) (P< 0.001 via ANOVA). Lateral tibial SCB thickness also showed the same trend of decreasing thickness with increasing age, but differences between age groups were not statistically significant. Tibial SCB thicknesses were significantly lower in arthritic grades compared to normal grades (P=0.008 in lateral and 0.017 in medial via ANOVA); in contrast, no significant differences between normal and arthritic were found in femoral SCB thicknesses. The arthritic group tended to have lower SCB densities than the normal group, but this was statistically significant in only the lateral femoral condyle.Conclusions The results obtained in the present study are not consistent with generally accepted notions of the relationship between subchondral bone thickness or density and OA. Subchondral bone changes are not etiologic for OA but, more likely, are secondary to loss of articular cartilage which precedes the appearance of subchondral sclerosis. Copyright 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of OsteoArthritis Research Society International

    Effect of pancreatic and/or renal transplantation on diabetic autonomic neuropathy

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    Thirty-nine Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients were studied prospectively after simultaneous pancreas and kidney (n=26) and kidney grafting alone (n=13) by measuring heart rate variation during various manoeuvers and answering a standardized questionnaire every 6 to 12 months post-transplant. While age, duration of diabetes, and serum creatinine (168.1±35.4 vs 132.7±17.7 mgrmol/l) were comparable, haemoglobin A1 levels were significantly lower (6.6±0.2 vs 8.5±0.3%; p<0.01) and the mean observation time longer (35±2 vs 25±3 months; p<0.05) in the pancreas recipients when compared with kidney transplanted patients. Heart rate variation during deep breathing, lying/standing and Valsalva manoeuver were very similar in both groups initially and did not improve during follow-up. However, there was a significant reduction in heart rate in the pancreas recipient group. Autonomic symptoms of the gastrointestinal and thermoregulatory system improved more in the pancreas grafted subjects, while hypoglycaemia unawareness deteriorated in the kidney recipients. This study suggests that long-term normoglycaemia by successful pancreatic grafting is able to halt the progression of autonomic dysfunction

    Effects of counterion fluctuations in a polyelectrolyte brush

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    We investigate the effect of counterion fluctuations in a single polyelectrolyte brush in the absence of added salt by systematically expanding the counterion free energy about Poisson-Boltzmann mean field theory. We find that for strongly charged brushes, there is a collapse regime in which the brush height decreases with increasing charge on the polyelectrolyte chains. The transition to this collapsed regime is similar to the liquid-gas transition, which has a first-order line terminating at a critical point. We find that for monovalent counterions the transition is discontinuous in theta solvent, while for multivalent counterions the transition is generally continuous. For collapsed brushes, the brush height is not independent of grafting density as it is for osmotic brushes, but scales linear with it.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    The Super Star Cluster NGC 1569-A Resolved on Sub-Parsec Scales with Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy

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    We present 3000--10000 Ang HST/STIS long-slit spectroscopy of the bright super star cluster A (SSC-A) in the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 1569. The 0.05" HST angular resolution allows, for the first time, to probe for spatial variations in the stellar population of a ~ 10^6 M_sun SSC. Integrated ground-based spectra of SSC-A have previously revealed young Wolf-Rayet (WR) signatures that coexist with features from supposedly older, red supergiant (RSG), populations. We find that the WR emission complexes come solely from the subcluster A2, identified in previous HST imaging, and are absent from the main cluster A1, thus resolving the question of whether the WR and RSG features arise in a single or distinct clusters. The equivalent widths of the WR features in A2 --- including the CIV 5808 complex which we detect in this object for the first time --- are larger than previously observed in other WR galaxies. Models with sub-solar metallicity, as inferred from the nebular emission lines of this galaxy, predict much lower equivalent widths. On the ``clean'' side of A1, opposite to A2, we find no evidence for radial gradients in the observed stellar population at 0.05"<R<0.40" (~0.5 to 5 pc), neither in broad-band, low-resolution, spectra nor in medium-resolution spectra of the infrared CaII triplet.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ Le
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