12 research outputs found

    Evaluation des propriétés antimicrobiennes de quatre plantes de la flore togolaise utilisées en médecine traditionnelle dans le traitement des diarrhées infantiles

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    Ce travail a été entrepris afin de justifier l'utilisation traditionnelle de quatre plantes de la flore togolaise dans le traitement des diarrhées infantiles. Les potentiels antibactériens et antifongiques des extraitshydroéthanoliques des feuilles de Byrsocarpus coccineus, Leptadenia hastata, Phyllanthus muellerianus, Pupalia lappacea, et d'écorces de racine de Phyllanthus muellerianus, ont été évalués in vitro par la méthode de dilution en milieu liquide associée à l'étalement sur milieux gélosés. Les germes : Escherichia coli, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella enteritidis et Candida albicans, souvent incriminés dans les maladies diarrhéiques infantiles ont été testés. Les extraits hydroéthanoliques de ces plantes ont inhibé à divers degrés lacroissance in vitro des germes testés, à l'exception de ceux des feuilles de P. lappacea et de B. coccineus qui ont été inactifs respectivement sur C. albicans et S. flexneri. Les concentrations minimales inhibitrices desextraits ont varié de 0,5 à 4 mg/ml. Le test phytochimique a montré que tous ces extraits contiennent des alcaloïdes, des flavonoïdes, des tanins et des saponosides, sauf les extraits des feuilles de P. lappacea et de L.hastata qui ne possèdent respectivement pas d'alcaloïdes et de tanins.Mots clés: Infections diarrhéiques, extraits végétaux, antimicrobiens, phytochimie

    Hygienic quality of ready-to-eat salads sold in the street and a modern restaurant in Lomé, TOGO

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    Poisoning following salads consumption was often reported in Lomé. This study was carried out to evaluate contamination of salads sold in Lomé. Sixty salad samples from modern restaurant (Domino), seventy from street sellers and forty of fresh vegetables from two markets were randomly collected. Microbiological quality of samples was examined on the basis of AFNOR methods and criteria. Salad selling occurs in room temperature. That modern restaurant uses cold to preserve foods. Microbial analyzes revealed that, Total viable count (TVC) load ranged from 2.15x104 – 9.2x1010 and 1.8x103 – 2.7x107 with 10% and 86.66% of satisfactory quality samples respectively for Domino and Street salads. Total and thermo-tolerant coliforms load ranged from 60-3.4x106 and 0-6.2x103 respectively for street salads with 14.28% and 57.15% of satisfactory samples. Domino samples located between 0-7x103 and 0-2.5x103 with 96.66% and 81.33% of conformity respectively. E. coli and S. aureus were isolated (0-2.5x103 and 0-103) respectively with 77.14% and 84.28% of satisfactory samples for street salads. These bacteria did not induce any conform samples. Salmonella spp were not found in salads and raw vegetable. Application of good hygiene practices rules would help to reduce disease risk related to the presence of pathogenic germs like E. coli and S. aureus.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Food poisoning, Vegetable food, microbiological safet

    Distribution, biodisponibilite et bioaccumulation des metaux lourds dans le systeme lagunaire de Lome

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    The sediments and some fishes species of the lagoon system of Lome have benn analyzed for their contents in heavy metals V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Pb, Cd, Fe, Al, Ti, Mn and As. The results show that the lagoon is very polluted by certain heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, zinc, chromium and nickel. This pollution is moderate in the case of copper, iron, aluminum and manganese. The analyzed elements show a south-north increasing distribution gradient that confirms the anthropogenic input of pollutants through the gutters entering directly into the lagoons. Domestic effluents, atmospheric pollution, the wild run off and cities dumps are the principal sources of pollution for the lagoons. The tests of extraction of metals using weak nitric acid (45 %) indicate that the high amounts of analyzed metals are bioavailable and have a man made origin. This high bioavailability is the main factor enhancing the high level of bioaccumulation of cadmium, lead and arsenic in tissues of fish species that are by ignorance fished and eaten by neighboring peopl

    Essais de conservation des viandes sechees « kilichi » commercialisees au tchad : etudes de la stabilite microbiologique

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    This study is a synthesis of the results of conservation at different temperatures samples of beef processed and dried called « Kilichi » Conservation is conducted following four conditions. This is theambient temperature at 26°C, in the incubator at 30°C, alternating between 12°C and 24°C for 12 hours in the refrigerator at 4±1°C. The hygienic and organoleptic qualities are evaluated at each stage ofpreservation and analysis. The results before and during the testing of conservation for about three months revealed that the flora mesophilic which varies depending on the conditions of conservation complies with the criteria of the French Association for Standardization used. The highest count of this  flora gave 8.102 CFU/g Flora mesophilic against 270 CFU/g « Kilichi » "analyzed" before the tests conservation. The total coliform, thermotolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus are absent during all stages of the study. By contrast, the growth of isolated moulds (Aspergillus flavus,Penicillum citrinum and Rhizopus sp.) Arose from a growing and irregular. Also, note there, the disappearance at certain stages of certain fungal strains during storage, including P. Citrinum andRhizopus sp. The organoleptic analysis for the conservation revealed no significant difference compared with samples. However, the wetting properties of the samples in the refrigerator and / or alternatingtemperature (12°C and 24°C) does not achieve conservation « Kilichi » for several weeks under these conditions. But at a temperature of 26 to 30° C it is possible provided that the original flora is low. The potential danger recorded before and during the conservation is linked to the presence and development of toxigenic fungi counted

    Restoration of cd4 cells and lymphocytes count during D4T + 3TC + NVP/ AZT + 3TC + NVP treatment in HIV infected individuals in Togo.

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    Objectives: This study aims to investigate the impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on the CD4+ cells count.Materials and method: This was a cross-sectional study which included 76 people living with HIV in first line ART for 12 months from January to December 2012.Results: Patients age ranged from 18 to 63 years old with a mean age of 39.38±10.21 years. Among them 10 (13.2%) were under AZT+3TC+NVP treatment while 66 (86.8%) were under D4T+3TC+NVP. Before treatment, 60.5% of patients had a leukopenia (white blood cells less than 4,000 μl-1). After six and twelve months’ treatment only 26.3% and 15.8% had leukopenia respectively. Moreover, we observed that before treatment, 65.5% of patients had a lymphopenia (less than 1,500 lymphocytes μl-1) and the number of lymphocytes increased with the treatment. More interestingly, we observed that 76.4% of patients had a CD4+ T cells count under 350 μl-1 before the treatment. After the treatment, 55.3% and 44.7% of patients had a CD4+T cells under 350μl-1.Conclusion: Improving access to antiretroviral drugs against HIV could help to reducethe prevalence and mortality related to this infection.Keywords: ART, CD4+ T lymphocytes, HIV

    Ethnobotanical survey of neem: knowledge of the population of Lome, Togo

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    In our community, the high cost of modern medical health care makes our population turning to our culture as traditional medicine. This survey is to gathered the knowledge of the population of Lome on the use of Azadirachta indica. On a total of 125 persons survey, we have 59.2% of male and 40.8% of female. Leaves (61.6%) are the major plant parts used for treatments. Different mode of preparation is usually used but the most cited is the Decoction (52,8%). The oral route representing 119 case (95.2%) is the most used in the treatment operate with neem. Knowledge of the population of Lome and its surrounded is the same we get in the literature about the use of A. indica. In order to evaluate the quality of A. indica in our study area, phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological studies are needed.Mots clés: Enquête ethnobotanique, plante médicinale, neem, Lomé, Tog

    Glycine max and Moringa oleifera: nutritional values, processing methods and mixed foods

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    For fighting malnutrition in the developing countries, using soybean and Moringa oleifera plant materials can be considered as the cheaper and the most sustainable approach. The objective of our review is to identify and present the nutritional potential of these two agro-resources. We conducted a literature review on the two products in scientific databases and articles over the period 2016-2017.Soymilk, one of the end-products of Glycine max (soy), is a highly nutritious drink containing a high quality protein which can greatly contribute to strengthen some human body functions. Regarding M. oleifera, it’s called “miracle plant” because of the usefulness of all its parts in nutrition, medicine and cosmetic. Therefore, the association of soy and moringa thanks to different processing methods would help to obtain mixed products restoring nutritional balance.Keywords: Glycine max, Moringa oleifera, nutritional value, processing methods, mixed product

    Évaluation de la qualité bactériologique des eaux de puits et de forage à Lomé, Togo

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    Objectif : Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer la qualité microbiologique des eaux de puits et de forage collectées dans la ville de Lomé.Méthodologie : Au total, 207 échantillons d’eau de puits et de 197 échantillons d’eau de forages de la ville de Lomé collectés entre juin 2012 et juillet 2013 ont été analysés en utilisant les méthodes  normalisées de routine de l’Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR).Résultats et conclusion : Les résultats ont montré une non-conformité des eaux de puits par rapport aux germes de contamination fécale dans 65% des cas et dans 70% des cas par rapport à E coli. Les eaux de forages étaient contaminées à 53,54% par la flore aérobie mésophile, à 26,77% par les coliformes  totaux et à 2,03% par les streptocoques fécaux. La présence des germes indicateurs de contamination  fécale dans les eaux analysées expose les consommateurs au risque de gastro-entérites. Des mesures  doivent être prises pour la surveillance et la désinfection de ces eaux avant leur utilisation. Mots clés : Eau, puits, forage ; qualité bactériologique,  Togo. Evaluation of the bacteriological quality of wells and drillings water in Lomé, TogoObjective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of wells and drillings water collected in the city of Lomé.Methodology: A total of 207 well water samples and 197 samples of water from drillings in the city of Lomé collected between June 2012 and July 2013 were analyzed using standard routine methods of the French Association of Standardization (AFNOR).Results and Conclusion : The results showed non-compliance of well water related to fecal  contaminationgerms in 65% of cases and in 70% of cases related to E. coli. The drillings waters were contaminated in  cases 53.54% by mesophilic aerobic flora, in 26.77% cases by total coliforms and in 2.03% cases by fecal streptococci. The presence of indicator organisms of fecal contamination in the analyzed waters exposes consumers to the risk of gastroenteritis. Measures should be taken to  monitoring and disinfection of this water before use.Keywords: Water, wells, drilling, bacteriological quality, Togo

    Evaluation de la salubrite des plats cuisinés vendus aux abords des rues de la ville de Kara au Togo

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    Cette étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer la salubrité des aliments cuisinés vendus aux abords des rues de la ville de Kara au Nord du Togo au moyen d’une enquête de terrain et d’analyses microbiologiques. Ainsi, 127 vendeurs de plats cuisinés ont été enquêtés sur leurs connaissances en bonnes pratiques d’hygiène. Les 15 inspecteurs d’hygiène de la ville ont été consultés sur leurs connaissances en matière de contrôle des aliments. Les méthodes normalisées de routine de l’Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR) ont été utilisées pour l’analyse microbiologique de 30 échantillons de plats cuisinés prélevés aux abords des rues de la ville.L’enquête a montré que 92,10 % des vendeurs d’aliments de rue à Kara sont des femmes avec des niveaux d’étude variable, inférieure ou égale au Baccalauréat. Environ 70,10 % d’entre elles n’ont jamais reçu de formation en matière d’hygiène. Les inspecteurs d’hygiène, bien qu’équipés sur le plan intellectuel, méconnaissent la règlementation de l’alimentation de rue. Ils sont aussi en nombre insuffisant et souvent exposés à des menaces verbales au cours de leur inspection.Les analyses microbiologiques ont montré que 96,67 % des plats cuisinés sont de qualité hygiénique non satisfaisante par rapport aux germes indicateurs de manquement aux règles d’hygiène, à savoir Staphylococcus aureus et à Escherichia coli.Ces résultats montrent la nécessité de former et d’éduquer tous les acteurs impliqués dans le secteur de l’alimentation de rue à Kara.Mots clés: Salubrité, plats cuisinés, rues, Kara, TogoEnglish Title: Evaluation of the food safety of meals sold around the streets of Kara City in TogoEnglish AbstractThe objective of this study was to assess the safety of cooked food sold on the streets sides of Kara city in northern Togo through a field survey and microbiological analyses. Thus, 127 sellers of cooked dishes were surveyed for their knowledge on good hygiene practices. The city's 15 sanitary inspectors were consulted about their knowledge of food control. The Standardized routine methods of the French Association of Standardization (AFNOR) were used for the microbiological analysis of 30 samples of cooked dishes taken around the streets of the city. The investigation showed that 92.10% of street food sellers in Kara were women with varying levels of education, less than or equal to the Baccalaureate. About 70.10% of them have never received hygiene training. Hygiene inspectors, although intellectually equipped, do not know the  regulation of street food. Their number is insufficient and they were often exposed to verbal threats during their inspection. Microbiological analyzes showed that 96.67% of the cooked dishes were of unsatisfactory hygienic quality compared with the germs indicating a lack of hygiene rules, namely Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. These results show the need to train and educate all actors involved in the street food sector in Kara.Keywords: Food safety, cooked dishes, streets, Kara, Tog

    Évaluation des propriétés antimicrobiennes des javels vendues à Lomé sur quelques germes isolés de l’eau de consommation

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    Objectif : Il s’est agi de l’évaluation de l’efficacité de différentes marques d’eau de javel vendues à Lomé sur quelques germes isolés des eaux de consommation.Matériel et méthodes : Cette étude a consisté en une analyse microbiologique de six échantillons d’eau de consommation et en une identification des germes présents en utilisant les normes AFNOR. Quatre germes isolés de ces eaux et un germe de référence (Escherichia coli CIP 105 182) ont été ensuite testés avec des échantillons de javel. Il s’agit des streptocoques fécaux, des coliformes totaux, de Escherichia coli et des Bacilles à Gram positif. La technique de dilution en milieu liquide avec le bouillon Muller Hinton a été utilisée pour ces tests. Les degrés chlorométriques de ces eaux de javel ont été ensuite déterminés par iodométrie.Résultats : L’analyse microbiologique des échantillons d’eau de consommation a montré qu’ils étaient de qualité hygiénique non satisfaisante par rapport à la flore aérobie mésophile totale, aux coliformes totaux et thermotolérents et aux streptococoques fécaux. Toutes les marques d’eau de Javel ont inhibé à des degrés divers la croissance de tous les germes testés. Ainsi, les CMB des eaux de Javel 5, Javel 4, javel 3 testées sur les germes totaux ont été de 1,66% (v/v) alors que celles des eaux de Javel 6 et 7 ont été respectivement de 8,33% et de 6,25% (v/v) pour un temps réactionnel de 3 à 6 heures. En ce qui concerne les degrés chlorométriques, toutes les eaux de javel testées avaient des degrés chlorométriques inférieurs à ceux mentionnés sur les emballages.Conclusion : Cette étude a montré qu’une analyse continue des eaux de javel vendues au Togo est indispensable pour s’assurer de l’efficacité des traitements de désinfection par ces javels.Mots clés : bactéries, eau, javel, désinfection, antimicrobiens, Tog