16 research outputs found

    Ectopia cordis about a case at Ourossogui regional hospital center

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    We report in this work, an extremely rare and major case of anterior body wall defects included ectopia cordis define by abnormal location of heart outside of the thorax. This case was diagnosed at the maternity of Ourossogui regional hospital center, in Senegal. Any scan was performed during the pregnancy. Newborn died 10 minutes after birth. Ectopia cordis is related to a possible ventral midline developmental abnormality. It’s associated to other midline abnormalities and is a part of pentalogy of Cantrell. An X-linked genetic abnormality


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    The article presents the materials of analytical studies of one of the most important components of resource-saving technologies, adaptive and environmentally friendly when cultivating crops - agrochemical treatment of crops with pesticides, liquid fertilizers, including in tank mixtures, German Amazonen-Werke sprayers producedin Russia - JSC Eurotehnika (Samara), both mounted and trailed, including those working in automatic mode, depending on the weediness of the field, that is, digitalized.В статье изложены материалы аналитических исследований одной из важнейших составляющих ресурсосберегающих технологий, адаптивных и экологически безопасных при возделывании сельхозкультур – агрохимичес-кие обработки посевов пестицидами, жидкими удобрениями, в том числе в баковых смесях, немецкими опрыскивателями компании «Amazonen-Wer-ke», производимыми в России – АО «Евротехника» (г.Самара) как навесны-ми, так и прицепными, в том числе работающими в автоматическом режиме в зависимости от засоренности поля, то есть цифровизированными


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    The article presents the materials of modern technologies for the differential application of mineral fertilizers by spreaders specially developed by the German company AMAZONEN-Werke, supplied by the agricultural machine-building enterprise in Russia Eurotehnika JSC (Samara) and research at the Bioton agricultural enterprise in Samara Oblast.В статье изложены материалы современных технологий дифференцированного внесения минеральных удобрений специально разработанными не-мецкой компании «AMAZONEN-Werke» разбрасывателями, поставляемые сельхозмашиностроительным предприятием в России АО «Евротехника» (г. Самара) и исследования в агропредприятии «Биотон» в Самарской обасти


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    The paper presents a German PRIMERA DMC seeder widely distributed in Russia by the company "AMAZONEN-Werke" manufactured by JSC "eurotechnika" (Samara, Russia) with its equipment (on request of the consumer), digital equipment for differentiated seeding depending on soil fertility, with a change in the seeding rate during the operation.В работе представлены исследования широко распространенной в России немецкой сеялки PRIMERA DMC компании «AMAZONEN-Werke» производства АО «Евротехника» (г. Самара, РФ) при ее оснащении (по заказу потребителя) цифровым аналоговым обо-рудованием для дифференцированного посева в зависимости от плодородия почвы с возможным авторизированным изменением нормы высева в процессе работы агрегата


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    The results of studying the density of addition, porosity and other agrophysical properties of sod-podzolic light loamy soil under the action of running systems of tractors of class 2.0 (MTZ-1221 and JD 6290) are presented. It was found that with one tractor pass, soil deformation spread to a depth of up to 30 cm and 40-60 cm in the horizontal direction, depending on the weight of the tractor. Thus, the density of the arable (0-20 cm) layer of sod-podzolic light loamy soil increases from 1.42 (control) to 1.50 g/cm3 next to the trail of the MTZ-1221 tractor and 1.61 g/cm3 - on the trail of the JD 6290 tractor. In the subsurface (20-30 cm) layer, the addition density increases by 3.3%. With the removal in the horizontal direction, the degree of soil compaction decreased. The purpose of the conducted research was to develop agroecological requirements and to evaluate the complex of machine-tractor units when modeling the repeated long-term systematic impact of tractor propellers on sod-podzolic soil

    Segetal complex – pioneer stages of syntrophic communities in the Meshchovskiy Opole of the non-Chernozem Zone of Russia

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    In the conditions placor soil Meshchovskiy Opole the Central economic region of the Nonchernozem zone of the Russian Federation on agro-gray forest middle loamy soils defined by the main species composition of segetal complex field agrophytocenoses in the structure of five fields grain and grain-grass crop rotation in the limit of syntaxon Stellarietea mediae R. Tx. et al. ex von Rochow 1951. The combinations of weed and field species specific to field crops are established and the influence of minimization of basic tillage is shown, including No-till, and applying calculated norms of mineral fertilizers (NPK) on the dynamics of the species composition and number of the main components of the segetal complex is shown. The original synanthropic plant communities on the fallow lands of Meshchovsky Opole develop from the segetal complex of previous agrophytocenoses. The core of the cenoflora is represented by 104 species of higher herbage plants from 29 families. Synanthropic communities have a low species saturation – 8 species per 100 m2 and a projection coverage of 57.6%. In acesite territories the advantage is given to the types of anemochory edificatory. Phytomass of secondary phytocenoses without comprehensive measures to improve their floristic composition cannot be used for bulk feed productio

    Epidemiology and genetic characterization of measles strains in Senegal, 2004-2013.

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    In Senegal, with the variable routine vaccination coverage, the risk for illness and death from measles still exists as evidenced by the measles epidemic episode in 2009. Since 2002 a laboratory-based surveillance system of measles was established by the Ministry of Health and the Institut Pasteur de Dakar. The present study analysed the data collected over the 10 years inclusive between 2004-2013 in order to define a measles epidemiological profile in Senegal, and we carried out a phylogenetic analysis of measles virus circulating in Senegal over the period 2009-2012.A total number of 4580 samples were collected from suspected cases, with the most cases between 2008 and 2010 (2219/4580; 48.4%). The majority of suspected cases are found in children from 4-6 years old (29%). 981 (21.4%) were measles laboratory-confirmed by IgM ELISA. The measles confirmation rate per year is very high during 2009-2010 periods (48.5% for each year). Regarding age groups, the highest measles IgM-positivity rate occurred among persons aged over 15 years with 39.4% (115/292) followed by 2-3 years old age group with 30.4% (323/1062) and 30% (148/494) in children under one year old group. The majority of suspected cases were collected between February and June and paradoxically confirmed cases rates increased from July (77/270; 28.6%) and reached a peak in November with 60% (93/155). Phylogenetic analysis showed that all the 29 sequences from strains that circulated in Senegal between 2009 and 2012 belong to the B3 genotype and they are clustered in B3.1 (2011-2012) and B3.3 (2009-2011) sub-genotypes according to a temporal parameter.Improvements in the measles surveillance in Senegal are required and the introduction of oral fluid and FTA cards as an alternative to transportation of sera should be investigated to improve surveillance. The introduction of a national vaccine database including number of doses of measles-containing vaccine will greatly improve efforts to interrupt and ultimately eliminate measles virus transmission in Senegal

    First Description of the Extended Spectrum-Beta-Lactamase Gene blaCTX-M-109 in Salmonella Grumpensis Strains Isolated from Neonatal Nosocomial Infections in Dakar, Senegal.

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    Nosocomial infections are very common in African hospitals, particularly in neonatal units. These infections are most often caused by bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp and Staphylococcus spp. Salmonella strains are rarely involved in nosocomial infections. Here, we report the first description of S. Grumpensis in neonatal infections in Senegal. Seventeen Salmonella strains were isolated from hospitalized infants' stool samples. The following resistance phenotype was described in strains: AMXRTICRCFR FOXRCFXRCTXRCAZRIMPSATMRNARNORRCIPRTMRGMRTERSXTR. All isolates were susceptible to imipenem, 15 out of 17 produced an extended spectrum ß-lactamase (ESBL). blaOXA-1, blaSHV-1, blaTEM-1, blaCTX-M1 genes were detected in strains 8, 13, 5 and 8, respectively. blaCTX-M1 sequencing revealed the presence of blaCTX-M-109. Thirteen of the 17 Salmonella Grumpensis strains were analyzed by PFGE. These 13 isolates belonged to a single pulsotype and were genotypically identical. This is the first report of neonatal S. Grumpensis infections in Senegal, and the first report of blaCTX-M-109 in the genus Salmonella