8 research outputs found

    Community Based Tourism Development

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    Tourism has long been considered as one of the leading sector and the biggest incomes generator for Karangasem Regency. The Regency was rich in cultural diversity and the natural beauty of the lands. Karangasem has a large tourism potential to develop the community-based tourism. Besides the natural and cultural attractions which form the main part of attracting reasons of the regency, Karangasem was also considered to have a good strategic location for business development. However, Karangasem could be a magnet for domestics tourists and foreigners who are not only come from neighbor countries but also countries all around the globe. This article aims at describing the concepts of the community-based tourism development which were taken from some sources and the possibility of the community-based tourism development adapted in tourism development in Karangasem Regency, Bali Province, seen from the tourism potential that Karangasem has. tourism development, community-based tourism development, Karangasem Regency

    Sustainable Tourism Development

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    As a global phenomenon, tourism sector plays a very significant role in the global economic development for the last three decades. This sector has given a very fundamental endorsement of income to many countries all over the world. This article tries to explain the concepts of sustainable development in the tourism sector which were taken from some sources and how tourism as an essential industry can be developed sustainably. It is expected that the development of sustainable tourism should be able to handle the three basic principles of ecological sustainability, social and cultural sustainability, and economic sustainability for both present and future generations. In other words, sustainable tourism development should always beneficial and give a good effect to the local communities, governments, and investors as tourism stakeholders at present days as well as in the future time

    The Marketing Mix Affect on the Consumer Buying Decision (Case Study of Sausage Products at PT. Aroma Denpasar)

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    The more intense competition within the similar business as well as happened in the business of making sausages, especially in Denpasar city. PT. Aroma was one of the companies in Denpasar that produces sausages, corned beef, and nuggets. In an effort to attract consumers to buy sausages, companies pay attention to product quality, price, and promotion. The attitude of each consumer varies before buying and in buying products. Consumer considerations in buying the products that need to be considered by marketers, so that products that are marketed can be accepted and would be bought by the consumers. The linear regression line equation: Y = 0.1920 + 0.2145 X1 + 0.2592 X2 + 0.3828 X3 explains that there was a simultaneous positive influence between product quality, price, and promotion on the buying decision of sausage. The result of t-test of regression coefficient obtained t1-count was 3,3628, t2-count was 3,9879 and t3-count was 6,2641 bigger than t-table equal to 1,980 was in rejection region Ho, hence Ho rejected or Hi accepted. It meant it was true, that there was a positive influence simultaneously between the marketing mix and the consumer buying decision

    Influence of Gender, Work Environment, Compensation and Loyalty of Employees

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of gender, compensation, and working environment simultaneously and partially to the loyalty of employees at CV. Shade Collection Denpasar and to determine which variables are dominant. This survey respondents amounted to 51 people. The data collection method used was the method of observation, interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used was analysis and linear regression analysis. The result of research shows that gender, compensation, and work environment simultaneously significant effect on employee loyalty at CV. Shade Collection Denpasar. In partial, compensation and working environment significantly influence employee loyalty, whereas no significant gender effect on employee loyalty at CV. Shade Collection Denpasar. It is proved that the compensation is a dominant influencing variable on employee loyalty. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that CV. Shade Collection Denpasar should pay more attention to the system of compensation, particularly in terms of salary and overtime pay as well as pay attention to employees workplace environment, particularly in terms of comfort while doing their job

    The Role of Motivation in Mediating the Effect of Placement and Discipline on Employee Performance at Uptd Pprd Bali Province in Gianyar District

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    Human Resources has become an important global issue and affects the government system in Indonesia. This condition is because human resources act as implementers of various activities carried out by the organization. Performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties. Good employee performance will affect organizational performance. Factors that affect performance include compensation, employee placement, work environment, work motivation, organizational culture, leadership, work discipline, job satisfaction. This study is devoted to assessing the effect of placement, discipline and motivation on the performance of civil servants at the UPTD PPRD Bali Province in Gianyar Regency. Through research with a sample of 35 civil servants with survey methods and data collection instruments in the form of a 5 (five) Likert questionnaire containing questions about indicators that affect performance including placement, discipline and motivation. The data used are primary and secondary data, both quantitative and qualitative data. The data analysis method used descriptive analysis and inferential analysis using the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results showed that the placement had a positive and significant effect on performance. Placement has a positive and significant effect on motivation. Discipline has a positive but not significant effect on motivation. Discipline has a negative and insignificant effect on performance. Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Motivation partially mediates the effect of placement on employee performance. Motivation cannot mediate the effect of discipline on employee performance

    Effect of Third Party Funds and BI Rate on Credit Distribution of BNI

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    This study aims to examine the effect of third-party funds and BI Rate to Bank BNI lending in the period of 2010 until the third quarter of 2016 with multiple linear regression analysis methods. The results of this research to produce numbers R square of 98.5% means that independent variables can explain 98.5% of the dependent variable and the rest is explained by other variables not examined by the independent variables used simultaneously significant effect on lending. While partially, third party funds and a significant positive effect on credit distribution mean when the deposits rise, the loan portfolio also increased and vice versa. While the BI Rate has no effect on credit in a positive direction. The suggestions that could be recommended include increasing third party funds by improving the performance of employees or gift for the customer in order to get more fund: Optimization lending to the public in accordance with the function of the bank; and using regression analysis with a distributed lag models for further research so that better results